Orals SSS12.13
Wednesday, 20 April 2016 Room -2.31 Chairperson: Sabine Chabrillat, Bas Van Wesemael |
15:30–15:35 |
15:35–15:50 |
The Scottish way – getting results in soil spectroscopy without spending money (solicited) Matt Aitkenhead, Clare Cameron, Graham Gaskin, Bastien Choisy, Malcolm Coull, and Helaina Black |
15:50–16:05 |
NIR & MIR spectroscopy as an effective tool for detecting urban influences on soils Anna Brook, Daniella Kopel, and Lea Wittenberg |
16:05–16:20 |
Gaussian Process Regression as a machine learning tool for predicting organic carbon from soil spectra - a machine learning comparison study Andreas Schmidt, Angela Lausch, and Hans-Jörg Vogel |
16:20–16:35 |
Analyses of the soil surface dynamic of South African Kalahari salt pans based on hyperspectral and multitemporal data Robert Milewski, Sabine Chabrillat, Robert Behling, Christian Mielke, Anja Maria Schleicher, and Luis Guanter |
16:35–16:50 |
Different approaches for regional initialization of soil organic matter pools for modeling Scott Demyan, Reza Mirzaeitalarposhti, Frank Rasche, Nkwain Funkuin, Rana Shahbaz Ali, Torsten Müller, and Georg Cadisch |
16:50–17:05 |
Potential of EnMAP spaceborne imaging spectroscopy for the prediction of common surface soil properties and expected accuracy Sabine Chabrillat, Saskia Foerster, Andreas Steinberg, Antoine Stevens, and Karl Segl |
17:05–17:10 |
Discussion and Introduction to the poster session