Orals IE4.6/CL3.02/AS1.18/CR1.9/OS1.8
Friday, 22 April 2016 Room G2 Chairperson: Neven S. Fuckar and Torben Koenigk |
08:30–08:45 |
Dynamic preconditioning of the September sea-ice extent minimum James Williams, Bruno Tremblay, Robert Newton, and Richard Allard |
08:45–09:00 |
Skill improvement of seasonal Arctic sea ice forecasts using bias-correction and ensemble calibration Folmer Krikken, Wilco Hazeleger, Willem Vlot, Maurice Schmeits, and Virginie Guemas |
09:00–09:15 |
Decadal predictability of extreme fresh water export events from the Arctic Ocean into the Nordic Seas and subpolar North Atlantic Torben Schmith, Steffen M. Olsen, Ida M. Ringgaard, and Wilhelm May |
09:15–09:30 |
Projections and predictability of Arctic shipping accessibility Media interest Nathanael Melia, Keith Haines, and Ed Hawkins |
09:30–09:45 |
How predictable is a summer-ice free Arctic? Media interest Alexandra Jahn |
09:45–10:00 |
Evaluating Antarctic sea ice predictability at seasonal to interannual timescales in global climate models Sylvain Marchi, Thierry Fichefet, Hugues Goosse, Violette Zunz, Steffen Tietsche, Jonny Day, and Ed Hawkins |