PICO SSS6.1/BG2.22
SSS6.1/BG2.22 Biogeochemical processes in terrestrial ecosystems: New methodological perspectives to trace organic matter cycling and transformation in soils, sediments and the liquid phase (co-organized) |
Convener: Boris Jansen | Co-Conveners: Ingrid Kögel-Knabner , Cornelia Rumpel , Guido Wiesenberg , Luis Parras-Alcántara , Nicasio T Jiménez-Morillo , Marco A. Jiménez-González |
/ Mon, 18 Apr, 15:30–17:00
Monday, 18 April 2016 PICO spot 4 |
15:30–15:40 PICO4.1 |
The C:N:P:S stoichiometry of soil organic matter Edward Tipping, Joerg Luster, and Cayman Somerville |
15:40–15:42 PICO4.2 |
Assessing plant residue decomposition in soil using DRIFT spectroscopy Lance Ouellette, Laura Van Eerd, and Paul Voroney |
15:42–15:44 PICO4.3 |
Spatial and temporal distribution of 13C labelled plant residues in soil aggregates and Lumbricus terrestris surface casts: A combination of Transmission Electron Microscopy and Nanoscale Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Alix Vidal, Laurent Remusat, Françoise Watteau, Sylvie Derenne, and Katell Quenea |
15:44–15:46 PICO4.4 |
Spatially resolved quantification of organic matter in synthetic organo-mineral associations by NanoSIMS Christian Schurig, Thomas Schrank, Carsten W. Müller, Lydia Pohl, Carmen Höschen, Kai-Uwe Totsche, and Ingrid Kögel-Knabner |
15:46–15:48 PICO4.5 |
Characterization of mineral-associated organic matter: a combined approach of AFM and NanoSIMS Lydia Pohl, Christian Schurig, Karin Eusterhues, Carsten W. Mueller, Carmen Höschen, Kai-Uwe Totsche, and Ingrid Kögel-Knabner |
15:48–15:50 PICO4.6 |
The energetic and chemical fingerprints of persistent soil organic carbon Pierre Barré, Alain F Plante, Lauric Cécillon, Suzanne Lutfalla, François Baudin, Sylvain Bernard, Bent T Christensen, Jose M Fernandez, Sabine Houot, Thomas Kätterer, Andy Macdonald, Folkert van Oort, Corentin Le Guillou, and Claire Chenu |
15:50–15:52 PICO4.7 |
The development of a new technical platform to measure soil organic nitrogen cycling processes by microbes Yuntao Hu, Andreas Richter, and Wolfgang Wanek |
15:52–15:54 PICO4.8 |
Carbon Use Efficiency and Turnover of Microbial Communities: Concepts and Emerging Techniques Andreas Richter, Lucia Fuchslueger, Karoline Klaus, Maria Mooshammer, Marie Spohn, Tom Walker, Wolfgang Wanek, and Wild Birgit |
15:54–15:56 PICO4.9 |
Glucose as substrate and signal in priming: Results from experiments with non-metabolizable glucose analogues Kyle Mason-Jones and Yakov Kuzyakov |
15:56–15:58 PICO4.10 |
The soil microbial community composition and soil microbial carbon uptake are more affected by soil type than by different vegetation types (C3 and C4 plants) and seasonal changes Perla Griselle Mellado Vazquez, Markus Lange, and Gerd Gleixner |
15:58–17:00 |
Interactive Presentations at PICO Screens