PICOs HS4.5/NH1.13
HS4.5/NH1.13 Operational forecasting and warning systems for natural hazards: challenges and innovation (co-organized) |
Convener: Femke Davids | Co-Conveners: Jan Szolgay , Michael Cranston , Ilias Pechlivanidis |
/ Wed, 26 Apr, 08:30–12:00
Wednesday, 26 April 2017 PICO spot A Chairperson: Femke Davids |
08:30–08:32 PICOA.1 |
Flood Foresight: A near-real time flood monitoring and forecasting tool for rapid and predictive flood impact assessment Beatriz Revilla-Romero, Kay Shelton, Elizabeth Wood, Robert Berry, John Bevington, Barry Hankin, Gavin Lewis, Andrew Gubbin, Samuel Griffiths, Paul Barnard, Marc Pinnell, and Charles Huyck |
Chairperson: Femke Davids |
08:32–08:34 PICOA.2 |
Ocean modelling and Early-Warning System for the Gulf of Thailand Joao de Lima Rego, Kun Yan, Piyamarn Sisomphon, Watin Thanathanphon, Daniel Twigt, and Maialen Irazoqui Apecechea |
Chairperson: Femke Davids |
08:34–08:36 PICOA.3 |
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Flood Early Warning in Bridge Management System: from idea to implementation Igor Kerin, Damir Bekić, Panagiotis Michalis, Hrvoje Šolman, Paul Cahill, Gordon Gilja, Vikram Pakrashi, John Lapthorne, and Eamon McKeogh |
Chairperson: Femke Davids |
08:36–08:38 PICOA.4 |
| presentation
New developments at the Flood Forecasting Centre: operational flood risk assessment and guidance Charlie Pilling |
Chairperson: Femke Davids |
08:38–08:40 PICOA.5 |
Predictability and possible earlier awareness of extreme precipitation across Europe David Lavers, Florian Pappenberger, David Richardson, and Ervin Zsoter |
Chairperson: Femke Davids |
08:40–08:42 PICOA.6 |
Developments of the European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) Vera Thiemig, Jon Olav Skøien, Peter Salamon, Florian Pappenberger, Fredrik Wetterhall, Bo Holst, Sara-Sophia Asp, Mercedes Garcia Padilla, Rafael J. Garcia, Christoph Schweim, and Markus Ziese |
Chairperson: Femke Davids |
08:42–08:44 PICOA.7 |
Slovak Flood Forecasting Service at the National and International Level Danica Leskova and Michaela Mikuličková |
Chairperson: Femke Davids |
08:44–08:46 PICOA.8 |
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Enhancing Community Based Early Warning Systems in Nepal with Flood Forecasting Using Local and Global Models Sumit Dugar, Paul Smith, Binod Parajuli, Sonu Khanal, Sarah Brown, Dilip Gautam, Dinanath Bhandari, Gehendra Gurung, Puja Shakya, RamGopal Kharbuja, and Madhab Uprety |
Chairperson: Femke Davids |
08:46–08:48 PICOA.9 |
Statistical prediction of seasonal discharge in Central Asia for water resources management: development of a generic (pre-)operational modeling tool Heiko Apel, Azamat Baimaganbetov, Olga Kalashnikova, Nadejda Gavrilenko, Zharkinay Abdykerimova, Marina Agalhanova, Lars Gerlitz, Katy Unger-Shayesteh, Sergiy Vorogushyn, and Abror Gafurov |
Chairperson: Femke Davids |
08:48–08:50 PICOA.10 |
Hydrodynamics and Water Quality forecasting over a Cloud Computing environment: INDIGO-DataCloud Fernando Aguilar Gómez, Jesús Marco de Lucas, Daniel García, and Agustín Monteoliva |
Chairperson: Femke Davids |
08:50–08:52 PICOA.11 |
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Supporting inland waterway transport on German waterways by operational forecasting services – water-levels, discharges, river ice Dennis Meißner, Bastian Klein, Monica Ionita, Stephan Hemri, and Silke Rademacher |
Chairperson: Femke Davids |
08:52–08:54 PICOA.12 |
Verification of warnings at the Meteorological and Hydrological Service of Croatia Lovro Kalin |
Chairperson: Femke Davids |
08:54–08:56 PICOA.13 |
Rapid assessment tool for tropical cyclone waves and storm surge hazards in Mexico Christian M. Appendini, Michel Rosengaus, Rafael Meza-Padilla, and Victor Camacho-Magaña |
Chairperson: Femke Davids |
08:56–08:58 PICOA.14 |
Flood simulation and verification with IoT sensors Che-Hao Chang, Chih-Tsung Hsu, Shiang-Jen Wu, and Sue-Wei Huang |
08:58–10:00 |
Interactive presentations at PICO screens
Chairperson: Ilias Pechlivanidis |
10:30–10:32 PICOA.1 |
Integrating a Storage Factor into R-NARX Neural Networks for Flood Forecasts Po-Kai Chou, Li-Chiu Chang, Fi-John Chang, and Ban-Jwu Shih |
Chairperson: Ilias Pechlivanidis |
10:32–10:34 PICOA.2 |
Pathways to designing and running an operational flood forecasting system: an adventure game! Highlight Louise Arnal, Florian Pappenberger, Maria-Helena Ramos, Hannah Cloke, Louise Crochemore, Matteo Giuliani, and Emma Aalbers |
Chairperson: Ilias Pechlivanidis |
10:34–10:36 PICOA.3 |
Public responses to flood warning messages: the Floodline service in Scotland Michael Cranston, Alistair Geddes, Andrew Black, Alice Ambler, and Cordelia Menmuir |
Chairperson: Ilias Pechlivanidis |
10:36–10:38 PICOA.4 |
Building Adjustable Pre-storm Reservoir Flood-control Release Rules Shun-Nien Yang, Li-Chiu Chang, Fi-John Chang, and Cheng-Daw Hsieh |
Chairperson: Ilias Pechlivanidis |
10:38–10:40 PICOA.5 |
Monitoring and forecasting heat and cold waves in Europe Christophe Lavaysse, Jürgen Vogt, and Gerard van der Schrier |
Chairperson: Ilias Pechlivanidis |
10:40–10:42 PICOA.6 |
Piloting a real-time surface water flood nowcasting system for enhancing operational resilience of emergency responders Dapeng Yu, Mingfu Guan, Robert Wilby, Wright Bruce, and Mark Szegner |
Chairperson: Ilias Pechlivanidis |
10:42–10:44 PICOA.7 |
Case studies of extended model-based flood forecasting: prediction of dike strength and flood impacts Highlight Dana Stuparu, Daniel Bachmann, Tom Bogaard, Daniel Twigt, Jan Verkade, Karin de Bruijn, and Annemargreet de Leeuw |
Chairperson: Ilias Pechlivanidis |
10:44–10:46 PICOA.8 |
Rossitsa River Basin: Flood Hazard and Risk Identification Maria Mavrova-Guirguinova and Denislava Pencheva |
Chairperson: Ilias Pechlivanidis |
10:46–10:48 PICOA.9 |
Operational forecasting with the subgrid technique on the Elbe Estuary Aissa Sehili |
Chairperson: Ilias Pechlivanidis |
10:48–10:50 PICOA.10 |
Forecasting snowmelt flooding over Britain using the Grid-to-Grid model: a review and assessment of methods Seonaid R A Dey, Robert J Moore, Steven J Cole, and Steven C Wells |
Chairperson: Ilias Pechlivanidis |
10:50–10:52 PICOA.11 |
GIS model-based real-time hydrological forecasting and operation management system for the Lake Balaton and its watershed János Adolf Szabó, Gábor Zoltán Réti, and Tünde Tóth |
Chairperson: Ilias Pechlivanidis |
10:52–10:54 PICOA.12 |
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The Lake Victoria Intense Storm Early Warning System (VIEWS) Wim Thiery, Lukas Gudmundsson, Kristopher Bedka, Fredrick Semazzi, Stef Lhermitte, Patrick Willems, Nicole van Lipzig, and Sonia I. Seneviratne |
Chairperson: Ilias Pechlivanidis |
10:54–10:56 PICOA.13 |
Daily hydro- and morphodynamic simulations at Duck, NC, USA using Delft3D Allison Penko, Jay Veeramony, Margaret Palmsten, Spicer Bak, Katherine Brodie, and Tyler Hesser |
Chairperson: Ilias Pechlivanidis |
10:56–10:58 PICOA.14 |
Real time reservoir control on the River Lee using a forecasting system (withdrawn) Paul Wass |
10:58–12:00 |
Interactive presentations at PICO screens