BG7.1 Fate and transport of indicator organisms used to infer microbial water quality in catchments |
Convener: Kyung Hwa Cho | Co-Conveners: Yakov Pachepsky , David Oliver , Laurie Boithias , Olivier Ribolzi |
/ Fri, 28 Apr, 08:30–10:00
Friday, 28 April 2017 PICO spot 1 |
08:30–08:32 PICO1.1 |
Development and evaluation of the microbial fate and transport module for the Agricultural Policy/Environmental eXtender (APEX) model Eun-Mi Hong, Yongeun Park, Richard Muirhead, and Yakov Pachepsky |
08:32–08:42 PICO1.2 |
Hydrology and human behavior: two key factors of diarrhea incidence in montane tropical humid areas Laurie Boithias, Marc Choisy, Noy Souliyaseng, Marine Jourdren, Fabrice Quet, Yves Buisson, Chanthamousone Thammahacksa, Norbert Silvera, Keooudone Latsachack, Oloth Sengtaheuanghoung, Alain Pierret, Emma Rochelle-Newall, Sylvia Becerra, and Olivier Ribolzi |
08:42–08:44 PICO1.3 |
Temporal stability of E. coli concentration patterns in two irrigation ponds in Maryland Yakov Pachepsky, Rachel Kierzewsky, Matthew Stocker, Walter Mulbry, Patricia Millner, and Daniel Shelton |
08:44–08:46 PICO1.4 |
Ship-borne measurements of microbial enzymatic activity: A rapid biochemical indicator for microbial water quality monitoring Philipp Stadler, Luke Loken, John Crawford, Paul Schramm, Kirsti Sorsa, Catherine Kuhn, Domenico Savio, Rob Striegl, David Butman, Emily Stanley, Andreas H. Farnleitner, and Matthias Zessner |
08:46–08:48 PICO1.5 |
Investigation of the efficiency of a microbiological source tracking toolbox: application at the catchment’s level. (withdrawn) Emilie Jardé, Jeanneau Laurent, Harrault Loïc, Quenot Emmanuelle, Solecki Olivia, Petitjean Patrice, Lozach Solen, Chevé Julien, and Gourmelon Michèle |
08:48–08:50 PICO1.6 |
Development of stream-subsurface flow module in sub-daily simulation of Escherichia coli using SWAT Minjeong Kim, Laurie Boithias, Kyung Hwa Cho, Norbert Silvera, Chanthamousone Thammahacksa, Keooudone Latsachack, Emma Rochelle-Newall, Oloth Sengtaheuanghoung, Alain Pierret, Yakov A.Pachepsky, and Olivier Ribolzi |
08:50–08:52 PICO1.7 |
Simulation of E. coli release from streambed to water column during base flow periods Yongeun Park, Yakov Pachepsky, Eun-Mi Hong, Cary Coppock, and Daniel Shelton |
08:52–08:54 PICO1.8 |
Partitioning washoff of manure-borne fecal indicators (Escherichia coli and stanols) into splash and hydraulic components: field rainfall simulations in a tropical agro-ecosystem. Olivier Ribolzi, Emma J. Rochelle-Newall, Jean-Louis Janeau, Marion Viguier, Emilie Jardé, Keooudone Latsachack, Thierry Henri-Des-Tureaux, Chanthamousone Thammahacksac, Claude Mugler, Christian Valentin, and Oloth Sengtaheuanghoung |
08:54–08:56 PICO1.9 |
Probabilistic assessment of compliance with the numerical criteria for fecal coliforms in rivers YoonKyung Cha |
08:56–10:00 |
Interactive presentations at PICO screens