IE – Interdisciplinary Events
Programme Group Chairs: Peter van der Beek, P. Martin Mai, Elena Toth, Jürg Schweizer, Shaun Lovejoy, Annica Ekman, Giorgio Boni, Susanne Buiter, Irina M. Artemieva, Christopher Juhlin, Joan Masó
IE3 – Big Data in the Geosciences
IE3.4/ESSI2.12 Media Monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals with the huge Remote Sensing archives (co-organized) |
Convener: Gary Watmough | Co-Convener: Steffen Fritz |
/ Tue, 25 Apr, 10:30–12:00
IE3.6/GM1.8/AS4.50/BG9.65/CL5.26/HS11.23/SSS11.11 R’s deliberate role in Earth sciences (co-organized) |
Convener: Michael Dietze | Co-Conveners: Sebastian Kreutzer , Oliver Korup |
/ Tue, 25 Apr, 08:30–10:00