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Fold-and-thrust belts and accretionary wedges: short to long-term deformation, from nature to models
Convener: Nadaya Cubas  | Co-Conveners: Christoph von Hagke , Olivier Lacombe , Matthias Rosenau 
 / Tue, 25 Apr, 13:30–17:00
 / Attendance Tue, 25 Apr, 17:30–19:00

Fold-and-thrust belts and accretionary wedges are important structural features in all mountain ranges, are major targets for oil and gas exploration, and are a rich locus of diverse research, including those focused on active deformational and surface processes. On a short-time scale, the pattern of deformation illuminates crustal mechanics and its relation to large earthquakes. On longer-time scales, the structure and dynamics of fold-thrust belts offers unique insights into the influence of structural and rheological inheritance on deformation, and allows for studying relationships between erosion and tectonics.

This session aims at bridging the gap between spatial - from shallow depth to full lithospheric scale- and temporal -short-term vs. long-term- scales for a better understanding of building of orogenic wedges. We aim to provide a forum for all disciplines concerned with compressive wedges to meet and discuss their views. We warmly welcome contributions studying these fascinating geological objects including regional case studies of fold-thrust belts and accretionary wedges and their links to the adjacent mountain belts, as well as more topical works on seismology, fault mechanics, structural geology, geomorphology, mineralogy or hydrogeology, and encourage analogue or numerical modeling approaches.