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Orals AS4.1/BG1.14/OS3.3


Air-sea exchanges: Impacts on Biogeochemistry and Climate (co-organized)
Convener: Maria Kanakidou  | Co-Conveners: Peter S. Liss , Parvadha Suntharalingam , Frank Dentener , Manmohan Sarin , Robert Duce 
 / Fri, 13 Apr, 08:30–10:00
 / Attendance Fri, 13 Apr, 17:30–19:00

Friday, 13 April 2018
Room 0.11
Chairperson: Robert Duce, Maria Kanakidou, Parvadha Suntharalingam
ProcEss studies at the Air-sEa Interface after dust deposition in the MEditerranean sea : results from the PEAcEtIME project (solicited) Highlight
Cecile Guieu and Karine Desboeufs and the PEACETIME team
Ice nucleating properties of primary marine aerosols observed from an Artic and a Mediterranean field campaign
Alessia Nicosia, David Picard, Paolo Villani, Régis Dupuy, Barbara D'Anna, Marc D. Mallet, Sébastien Mas, Maija Peltola, Matthew Bloss, Evelyn Freney, Pierre Amato, Franco Belosi, Gianni Santachiara, Matteo Rinaldi, Dominique Lefevre, Karine Desboeufs, Cécile Guieu, and Karine Sellegri
Aliphatic amines in the tropical marine environment: abundance, possible origins and air-sea fluxes
Manuela van Pinxteren, Kanneh Wadinga Fomba, Erik Hoffmann, Charlotte Cree, Mark Fitzsimons, and Hartmut Herrmann
The GESAMP global model intercomparison: Evaluation of labile iron in aerosols (solicited)
Akinori Ito, Stelios Myriokefalitakis, Maria Kanakidou, Natalie Mahowald, Rachel Scanza, Alex Baker, Tim Jickells, Manmohan Sarin, Srinivas Bikkina, Yuan Gao, Rachel Shelley, Clifton Buck, William Landing, Andrew Bowie, Morgane Perron, Nicholas Meskhidze, Matthew Johnson, Yan Feng, and Robert Duce
09:30–09:45 EGU2018-19750
The resilience of the marine nitrogen cycle to ocean acidification: how changes in seawater pCO2 and pH induce global compensatory effects between N2-fixation and nitrification. (withdrawn)
Jorge Martinez Rey, Alessandro Tagliabue, David Allen Hutchins, Michael Beman, Nicolas Gruber, Laurent Bopp, and Marion Gehlen
The importance of marine selenium emissions for continental selenium deposition
Aryeh Feinberg, Andrea Stenke, Thomas Peter, and Lenny Winkel