Orals ERE6.3/EMRP4.1/TS2.6
ERE6.3/EMRP4.1/TS2.6 Fracture, mechanics and flow in tight reservoirs (co-organized) |
Convener: Nicolaas Hardebol | Co-Conveners: Jonathan Imber , Auke Barnhoorn , Maartje Houben , Jerome Fortin |
Wednesday, 11 April 2018 Room 0.49 Chairperson: Auke Barnhoorn, Maartje Houben |
15:30–15:45 |
Basement fault reactivation and its influence on fracture orientation at different scales Anindita Samsu, Alexander Cruden, and Steven Micklethwaite |
15:45–16:00 |
The influence of mechanical properties on fracture propagation across layered sequences Nathaniel Forbes Inskip, Philip Meredith, and Agust Gudmundsson |
16:00–16:15 |
The impact of mechanical layering on fracture propagation in faulted heterolithic siliciclastic succession Hannah Riegel, Danica Jablonská, Emanuele Tondi, Alan Pitts, Claudio Di Celma, Miller Zambrano, Fabrizio Agosta, and Luca Mattioni |
16:15–16:30 |
Sequence stratigraphic controls on reservoir-scale mechanical stratigraphy of shallow-water carbonates (Sorrento Peninsula, Italy): insights on distribution and arrest of vertical trough-going joints and implications for fluid flow Francesco Vinci, Alessandro Iannace, Mariano Parente, Amerigo Corradetti, Luigi Massaro, Stefano Tavani, Carlos Pirmez, Stefano Torrieri, Maurizio Giorgioni, Michele Claps, Antonino Cilona, and Stefano Mazzoli |
16:30–16:45 |
Shear and Tensile failure in fragile rocks: a numerical and an analytical method. Berta María Gómez Castro, Silvia De Simone, and Jesus Carrera |
16:45–17:00 |
Time-dependent deformation of a low porosity sandstone subjected to pore pressure oscillations Corentin Noël, Lucas Pimienta, and Marie Violay |