CL5.13 Climate Services - Underpinning Science |
Convener: Alessandro Dell'Aquila | Co-Conveners: Carlo Buontempo , Mathew Stiller-Reeve , Daniela Domeisen , Marta Bruno Soares , Nube Gonzalez-Reviriego |
/ Fri, 13 Apr, 08:30–12:00
Friday, 13 April 2018 PICO spot 5a |
Climate Services initiatives
COPERNICUS activites
08:30–08:32 PICO5a.1 |
Developing operational climate services within C3S Jean-Noël Thepaut, carlo Buontempo, Dick Dee, Freja Vamborg, Anca Brookshaw, and Cedric Bergeron |
08:32–08:34 PICO5a.2 |
Copernicus Climate Change Service Greenhouse Gases: Analysis of recent satellite derived CO2 growth rates variation Maximilian Reuter, Michael Buchwitz, Oliver Schneising, Stefan Noel, Bettina Gier, Heinrich Bovensmann, and John P. Burrows |
08:34–08:36 PICO5a.3 |
Towards the C3S Roadmap for European Climate Projections Bernd Eggen, Jane Strachan, Chris Hewitt, Carley Iles, Robert Vautard, and Sylvie Joussaume |
08:36–08:38 PICO5a.4 |
Towards integrated and interactive climate services: Examples and experiences from European research projects Johannes Lückenkötter, Wim som de Cerff, and Peter Thijsse |
H2020 initiatives
08:38–08:40 PICO5a.5 |
User engagement in H2020 project PRIMAVERA: progress and challenges Erika Palin, Helen Hanlon, Galina Guentchev, Dragana Bojovic, Eveline van der Linden3, Janette Bessembinder, Isadora Christel, Daniel San Martin, and Markel Garcia-Diez |
08:40–08:42 PICO5a.6 |
| presentation
Turning climate-related information into added value for traditional MEDiterranean Grape, OLive and Durum wheat food systems: the MED-GOLD project Alessandro Dell'Aquila, Luigi Ponti, Sandro Calmanti, and Matteo De Felice |
08:42–08:44 PICO5a.7 |
Tools and recommendations aimed to improve the matching of supply and demand of climate services Adriaan Perrels, Andrea Damm, Raffaele Giordano, Peter Stegmaier, Ines Vaittinen, Patrizia Pawelek, Atte Harjanne, Klaasjan Visccher, Judith Koeberl, Raffaele Mattarrese, Karoliina Pilli-Sihvola, Ivan Portoghese, and Riina Haavisto |
08:44–08:46 PICO5a.8 |
Integrated approach for the development across Europe of user oriented climate indicators for GFCS high-priority sectors: agriculture, disaster risk reduction, energy, health, water and tourism (INDECIS). Project Presentation. Joan Ramon Coll and Enric Aguilar and the INDECIS |
08:46–08:48 PICO5a.9 |
Climate services for renewable electricity planning in West Africa Sebastian Sterl, Nicole van Lipzig, and Wim Thiery |
08:48–08:50 PICO5a.10 |
ISIpedia, the open climate-impacts encyclopedia: First activities and future milestones Quentin Lejeune, Inga Menke, Gina Maskell, Samuel Pleeck, Lila Warszawski, Ted Veldkamp, Carl-Friedrich Schleussner, Yusuke Satoh, Yoshihide Wada, and Katja Frieler |
08:50–08:52 PICO5a.11 |
Institutional perspectives on climate services Atte Harjanne |
08:52–08:54 PICO5a.12 |
| presentation
Training on Seasonal Climate Forecast: enabling a more informed climate related risk management and services. Elena Rapisardi, Massimiliano Pasqui, Vieri Tarchiani, Edmondo Di Giuseppe, and Marina Baldi |
08:54–08:56 PICO5a.13 |
User-tailored seasonal forecasts for agriculture – creating socio-economic benefit through climate services in the Andes Sara De Ventura, Grinia Avalos, Andrea Rossa, Marlene Dapozzo, Moritz Flubacher, Teresa Garcia, Stefanie Gubler, Mark A. Liniger, Karim Quevedo, Gabriela Rosas, Cornelia Schwierz, Katrin Sedlmeier, and Christoph Spirig |
08:56–10:00 |
Interactive presentations at PICO screens
Climate services application: good (and bad) practices
10:30–10:40 PICO5a.1 |
Describing “bad” practices: improving climate services by learning from what can go wrong when using climate data Highlight Janette Bessembinder |
10:40–10:42 PICO5a.2 |
On the predictability of snow conditions in the European Alps, from meteorological to seasonal time scales Samuel Morin, Carlo Carmagnola, Matthieu Lafaysse, Matthieu Vernay, Christian Viel, Lauriane Batté, and Jean-Michel Soubeyroux |
10:42–10:44 PICO5a.3 |
Downscaling temperature and precipitation seasonal forecasts for vineyard applications Raül Marcos, Nube González-Reviriego, Verónica Torralba, Sara Hernández, Andrea Manrique, Nicola Cortesi, Albert Soret, and Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes |
10:44–10:46 PICO5a.4 |
Time for tea: lessons from co-producing future climate information for tea production in Kenya and Malawi Neha Mittal, Andrew Dougill, Bernd Becker, Dave Rowell, David Mkwambisi, Joseph Sang, John Bore, John Marsham, Paul Maisey, Anne Tallontire, and Rachel Cracknell |
10:46–10:48 PICO5a.5 |
Developing tailor-made climate services for agriculture production – Approach and experience from the Waterapps research (withdrawn) Long Hoang, Erik van Slobbe, Art Dewulf, Saskia Werners, Uthpal Kumar, Talardia Gbangou, Rebecca Sarku, and Fulco Ludwig |
10:48–10:50 PICO5a.6 |
Interactive visualization of climate change diagnostics in a modern web application Richard Wartenburger, Martin Hirschi, Markus G. Donat, Peter Greve, Andy J. Pitman, and Sonia I. Seneviratne |
10:50–10:52 PICO5a.7 |
Comparing diversity: Communicating CMIP3 and CMIP5 results Heike Huebener, Katharina Bülow, Klaus Keuler, Kirsten Warrach-Sagi, Arne Spekat, Christoph Menz, and Christian Steger |
10:52–10:54 PICO5a.8 |
A hackathon-like workshop to inspire dialogue and find solutions to improve climate services in Norway Mathew Stiller-Reeve, Hanna Kvamsås, Erik Kolstad, Simon Neby, Stefan Sobolowski, Snorre Waage, and Tarje Wanvik |
10:54–10:56 PICO5a.9 |
The Climate Service Market in the Critical Energy Infrastructure Sector Katja Lamich, Joerg Cortekar, and Markus Groth |
10:56–10:58 PICO5a.10 |
1.5°C, 2°C, and 3°C global warming: detection of European regions affected by multiple changes Susanne Pfeifer, Diana Rechid, Maximilian Reuter, Elisabeth Viktor, and Daniela Jacob |
10:58–11:00 PICO5a.11 |
What drives foodborne diseases outbreak in Chandigarh? Joseph Boyard-Micheau and Xavier Rodó |
11:00–12:00 |
Interactive presentations at PICO screens