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Posters CL4.12


Climate change and its impacts in the Latin America and Caribbean region
Convener: Raymond Arritt  | Co-Conveners: Maria Laura Bettolli , Ruth Cerezo-Mota , Tannecia Stephenson 
 / Attendance Wed, 11 Apr, 17:30–19:00

Attendance Time: Wednesday, 11 April 2018, 17:30–19:00
Hall X5
Chairperson: Ruth Cerezo-Mota
EGU2018-16713 | presentation
Investigating wildfire risk for a small island and the potential use of remotely sensed data: A Jamaica case study
Candice Charlton, Tannecia Stephenson, and Michael Taylor

Modelling the Impact of Climate Change on a Caribbean Dry Forest Fauna
Kimberly Stephenson, Michael Taylor, and Byron Wilson

Linking climate and hydrological impact modelling at regional scale: what's going on in Brazil?
Pablo Borges de Amorim and Pedro Luiz Borges Chaffe

Downscaling projections of climate change over South America and Central America under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 emission scenarios
Sin Chan Chou, André Lyra, Diego Chagas, Claudine Dereczynski, Jorge Gomes, and Priscila Tavares

Simulation of an extreme heat wave in NE Argentina in the SMHI-RCA4 RCM
Soledad Collazo, Ondrej Lhotka, Matilde Rusticucci, and Jan Kyselý

X5.358 EGU2018-9309
Daily extreme precipitation events in different datasets in Southeastern South America (withdrawn)
Matias Olmo and Maria Laura Bettolli

Extremes events under climate change scenarios for the Mexican zone
Jose Antonio Salinas, María Eugenia Maya, and Constantina Hernández

X5.360 EGU2018-10982
Projected mean and extreme changes in the hydrology of large southern South American river basins under 1.5ºC, 2ºC and 3ºC global warming above the preindustrial level (solicited) (withdrawn) Highlight
Natalia Montroull, Ramiro Saurral, and Inés Camilloni

Caribbean Food Security-The Future of Livestock in a Warmer Climate Highlight
Dale Rankine, Jane Cohen, Cicero Lallo, Michael Taylor, Jayaka Campbell, and Tannecia Stephenson

Evaluation of climate variability and temperature extremes in Colombia: Opportunities for the outlining of climate change and human health adaptive strategies.
Doris Jimena Roncancio Benitez, Adelaide Cassia Nardocci, and Luis Lecha

Winter synoptic-scale circulation in the output of atmospheric reanalyses and state-of-the-art global climate models for two South American regions
Jan Stryhal and Radan Huth

Statistical downscaling in Chile: Selection of large-scale predictors and climate change projections
Daniela A. Osses, Ana Casanueva, Juan M. Uribe, and Manuel Paneque

X5.365 EGU2018-14980
Tropospheric teleconnections and changes in low-frequency precipitation variability over the western “Pampas” region (withdrawn after no-show)
Reinaldo Agustín Maenza, Eduardo Andrés Agosta, and María Laura Bettolli

Regional downscaling of global multiyear predictions for Mexico
Benjamin Martinez-Lopez, William Cabos, and Dmitry Sein

X5.367 EGU2018-15692
Can easterly winds in Southern Hemisphere mid-latitudes cause extreme daily precipitation over Patagonia? (withdrawn after no-show)
Eduardo Andrés Agosta, Paula Beatriz Martin, and Leonardo Ariel Serio

X5.368 EGU2018-16162
Web-based data-driven visualization of the MGClimDeX project climate datasets: an integrated perspective of climate change impact on natural resources in highly vulnerable regions. (withdrawn)
Jorge Martinez Rey, Patrick Brockmann, and Patricia Cadule

X5.369 EGU2018-936
Climate variability and flood risk in selected watersheds of Jamaica (withdrawn after no-show)
Arpita Mandal, David Smith, Michael Taylor, Tannecia Stephenson, Jayaka Campbell, Matthew Wilson, Leonardo Clarke, Shavel Watson, Alrick Brown, and Junior Darsan