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Interdisciplinary Events

Disciplinary Sessions
  • Programme Groups: SSS3

SSS – Soil System Sciences

Programme Group Chairs: Horst Herbert Gerke, Nunzio Romano, Jerzy Weber, Jaume Bech, Ana Maria Tarquis, Axel Don, Paolo Tarolli, Claudio Zaccone, Daniela Sauer, Elena Korobova, Agata Novara, Heike Knicker, Saskia Keesstra, Giuseppe Provenzano, César Plaza, Lily Pereg (deceased), Anna Smetanova, David C. Finger, Bradley Miller

SSS3 – Soils as Records in Time and Space

Programme Group Scientific Officer: Daniela Sauer


Chemical weathering, soil formation, and organic carbon mobilization across spatial and temporal scales (co-organized)
Convener: Aaron Bufe  | Co-Conveners: Olga Vindušková , Jean-Thomas Cornelis , Katerina Jandova , Maarten Lupker , Christian Mikutta 
 / Tue, 10 Apr, 10:30–12:00
 / Attendance Tue, 10 Apr, 17:30–19:00


Assessing the Critical Zone functioning and reconstructing its evolution, based on soils and sediments, interpreting the geochemical composition of soils and sediments with respect to provenance, palaeoenvironments and pollution (co-organized)
Convener: Philippe Negrel  | Co-Conveners: Jasper Griffioen , Emmanuelle Petelet-Giraud , Daniela Sauer , Tomas Matys Grygar , Jérôme Gaillardet , Joseph Oyesiku-Blakemore 
 / Wed, 11 Apr, 08:30–12:00  / 13:30–15:00
 / Attendance Wed, 11 Apr, 17:30–19:00