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The structure and evolution of the oceanic lithosphere: interplay between magmatic, tectonic and hydrothermal processes at spreading ridges (co-organized)
Convener: Nuno Mendes Simao  | Co-Conveners: Catherine A. Rychert , Schlindwein Vera , L. Ruepke , Timothy Reston , Javier Escartín 
 / Wed, 11 Apr, 08:30–12:00
 / Attendance Wed, 11 Apr, 17:30–19:00

Recent geochemical, petrological, geophysical and hydrothermal data demonstrate that, at slower spreading rates, the lithosphere is extremely complex and variable. This variability, arising from differences and interactions between magmatism, tectonics and hydrothermal activity, requires the multidisciplinary and comparative study of a range of sites encompassing different styles of accretion(fast- and slow-spreading).
We encourage submissions that focus on the links and interdependencies between these processes, particularly at slow- and ultra-slow spreading ridges that include, but are not exclusive to rock-fluid interactions, deformation (oceanic detachment faulting), hydrothermal systems and associated deposits, high-resolution seafloor mapping, sub-seafloor imaging, analysis of borehole samples and studies of ophiolite complexes. We seek contributions encompassing field work, laboratory experiments, and numerical simulations, to further our understanding of the formation, nature and evolution of oceanic lithosphere along these slow-spreading systems.