Side Events
Disciplinary Sessions
Inter- and Transdisciplinary Sessions

Session programme


SEV – Side events

Programme group chair: Susanne Buiter

SAL – Stand-Alone Lectures


Public information:
During the sixties, the new Plate Tectonics paradigm was established. At a recent international meeting (Collège de France, Paris, 2018), discussions arose on whether for the first time it would be possible to relate without ambiguity plate tectonics and mantle dynamics.
In this presentation, the author shares this point of view and explains why he does so.

Co-organized as BG/GD/SM/TS
Convener: Carlo Laj | Co-convener: Chris King (deceased)(deceased)
Tue, 09 Apr, 19:00–20:00
Room E1

On the linkage between humans, precipitation patterns, and floods

The growing frequency of extreme hydrologic events over multi-decadal timescales is becoming increasingly apparent at the global scale. In addition, the synchronous increase of population in flood prone areas intensifies further the impacts associated with these extreme flood events with significant societal, environmental and ecological consequences. A correct management of the impacts of extreme flood and storm events requires a greater understanding of the processes that drive them. A great challenge in such understanding is to discern whether shifts in processes, such as shifts in streamflows, also bears the signature of human activity, and if such signature is coincident (or not) with major shifts in rainfall patterns. This talk will provide an overview about this complex set of interactions, and will showcase some study cases where human drivers, rainfall patterns and floods have been analysed.

Co-organized as GM/HS
Conveners: Peter van der Beek, Daniel Parsons
| Wed, 10 Apr, 12:45–13:45
Room G2