SC3.17 ECS
Career development across borders: how to thrive as a migrating scientist
Co-sponsored by AGU
Convener: Hazel Gibson | Co-conveners: Alena Ebinghaus, Erik Hankin
Thu, 11 Apr, 16:15–18:00
Room -2.16

Many scientists around the world travel to different countries and across oceans to pursue exciting graduate programmes and research positions. Relocating for work can offer many opportunities to advance your research and develop your career; however working across borders can present many challenges to scientists, from securing visas to navigating new cultural environments to losing their professional network of peers.

In this short course, a panel of geoscientists who have migrated to advance their careers will share their experiences, discuss obstacles they have faced, and provide advice for how to make the most of a career opportunity abroad. Following short presentations by each panelist there will be a Q&A session where participants will be able to ask questions.