End-member modelling analysis of grain-size data in R
Co-organized as CL6.07/GM12.5/HS12.10/SSP5.1/SSS13.36
Convener: Elisabeth Dietze | Co-convener: Michael Dietze
Mon, 08 Apr, 08:30–10:15
Room -2.31

The analysis of grain-size distributions has a long tradition in sedimentology and related disciplines studying Earth surface processes. The decomposition of multimodal grain-size distributions into inherent subpopulations by grain-size end-member modelling analysis (EMMA) allows inferring the underlying sediment sources, transport, depositional and post-depositional processes.

This course aims to introduce the concept of EMMA and it fields of application. It will show and practice the major steps needed to decompose large data sets into robust grain size end-members using the EMMAgeo package in R.

Public information:
The course will be a mix of hands-on time and partly interactive information transfer. We prepared this course for enthusiasts that already have some experience with R (Do you know the difference between a matrix and a data frame? Have you installed and worked with packages?Have you already written and shared your own R scripts?).

Please make sure you have installed the latest version of R (3.5.3, March 2019) and RStudio (1.1.463).

In addition, please have installed the following packages (or simply install EMMAgeo and devtools) using install.packages("PAKCKAGENAME"):
- devtools
- EMMAgeo
- GPArotation
- limSolve
- caTools
- shiny
- matrixStats

You can find the short course materials and short course slides on

Hope are fresh and prepared for a rush of information right at the beginning of the EGU 2019!

Lisa and Micha