Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.

R’s deliberate role in Earth sciences
Co-organized as CL5.03/GD8.10/GI2.9/HS3.9/NH11.13/TS11.11
Convener: Michael Dietze | Co-conveners: Oliver Korup, Sebastian Kreutzer

Many geoscientific fields experienced a remarkable expansion of data-driven research. This boost of possibilities and data can no longer be handled by specialised software. The software and language R provides an easy and free solution, bypassing many of the shortcomings inherent to classic software. It is no surprise that the number of users increases exponentially.

The goal of this session is to provide a discussion platform across geoscientific fields. We are delighted to offer a stage to present contributions about how R helped bridging different scientific fields: remote sensing data handling, spatial models, time series analysis and numeric modelling of ecologic, atmospheric/climatic, hydrologic, pedologic, topographic, geodynamic and further data.

We welcome geoscientific contributions utilising or developing R functionalities. Presentations of packages and scripts, benchmarks and improvements, conceptual ideas, innovative approaches to data handling, analysis tools and visualisation will make essential contributions.