Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.

Ice sheet mass balance and sea level
Co-organized as CL4.05/OS1.19
Convener: Guðfinna Aðalgeirsdóttir | Co-conveners: Frank Pattyn, Catherine Ritz, Helene Seroussi

This session explores improvements in our understanding and quantification of past, present and future ice sheet and sea-level changes. We invite contributions about the following topics:
How to improve the reliability of the projections using observations (paleo and present), models and model intercomparison exercises (ISMIP6, and others); assessment of uncertainties and probability distributions of the ice sheets' contribution to sea level change; emerging processes; feedbacks coming from interactions between components (ice sheets, ocean, atmosphere, solid earth). We focus on the present and future (multi-centennial) Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, but paleo studies are accepted if they fit in the mentioned topics. This session is related to both ISMASS ( and ISMIP6 ( ismip6).