Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.

Disaster movie time: scientific fact check
Co-organized as AS4.65/CL2.32/CR7.6/GD1.6/GM12.9/GMPV6.7/HS11.41/OS4.37
Convener: Sarah Elise Sapper | Co-conveners: Andreas Plach, Lukas Brunner, Martin Mergili

Natural disaster movies are entertaining and can help to raise the public awareness of potential and real hazards. In many cases, these movies use highly exaggerated scenarios while still containing a core of truth. But how realistic are these scenarios from a scientific point of view? Join us for a session of edutainment, reviewing disaster and apocalypse movies through a scientific lense. Help to unmask false information and to find the spark of truth.

This session will provide a setting to discuss what Hollywood can learn from science and if there is something science can learn from motion pictures. We aim to bring together researchers from various disciplines and encourage contributions from all divisions using excerpts of popular natural disaster movies to examine natural and social science related aspects. Contributions may focus, but are not limited, on the following topics:
+ the science behind the movies,
+ the scientific soundness of hazardous processes presented,
+ the feasibility of mitigation measures shown,
+ societal consequences of natural disaster movies,
+ the influence of disaster movies on the perception of people about nature-related threats to life on earth and
+ the potential addressing scientific mistakes in popular movies provides as communication tool reaching a broad audience.