Get creative! Sketching and drawing (your) science
Convener: Morgane Merlin
Wed, 10 Apr, 19:00–20:00
Room -2.16

"Are you an artist or a scientist?" is a question often asked during your school years, by your peers and family, as if the two are mutually exclusive. Visual arts, illustrations and sketches have always been a fundamental part of the research process in science, from drawing ideas on napkins during a meeting with colleagues to designing the best figure for your last manuscript. Cultivating your creative side when your day is filled with deadlines, manuscripts to finish, grants to apply to can be difficult, but extremely rewarding. It is a great stress relief activity promoting relaxation, improves your communication skills and ultimately boosts mental health without needing to be the next Picasso to enjoy those benefits.
In this session, we will first discuss some basics about sketching, drawing and using colors before putting our hands and minds to the task. Participants will have the opportunity to either sketch their own science topic or create a one-of-a-kind drawing using a reference and will be provided with feedback and advice on how to develop your creative side. No experience is necessary, only willingness to put the pen to the paper!