ECS Networking and Careers Reception (by invitation only)
Convener: Stephanie Zihms | Co-conveners: Raffaele Albano, Hazel Gibson
Tue, 09 Apr, 19:00–20:30
Room F2

Working in academia is a far cry from your average 9 to 5, and early career scientists (ECS) are often faced with questions that cannot be answered from a textbook. How do I balance research with other activities like science outreach or demonstrating? How do I strike a good work-life balance? Where should I focus my research? Alternatively, the academic route may not be for you and you may want to explore other geoscience careers, but aren't quite sure where to start.

This EGU-hosted reception, with drinks and light snacks, aims to bring together ECS, award-winning researchers, EGU Council members, and selected industry partners. The aim is all for participants to interact and establish connections in an informal setting. This reception offers an opportunity for ECS to find answers to the questions above and for established scientists, in and out of academia, to share their experience with young researchers in the early stages of their career.