Joint OC3 and IPODS meeting
Convener: Janne Repschlaeger
Tue, 09 Apr, 19:00–20:00
Room 2.17

The Pages OC3 working group synthesizes published and unpublished downcore stable carbon and oxygen isotopes (d13C, d18O) measured on benthic foraminifera with focus on the last deglaciation. The aim of this data compilation is to get a better insight into the changes in ocean circulation and carbon cycling and can be used for comparison with other paleo data (e.g. from ice cores or speleothems) and transient model simulations.

In this meeting we will discuss the current status and new achievements of the of the OC3 group, as well as further steps for the finalization of the database and collaboration with the IPODS group. Members of the OC 3 and IPODs community as well as interested researchers are welcome to join.