EGU2020-12133, updated on 19 Jul 2024
EGU General Assembly 2020
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Single station GNSS tomography as a replacement of mapping function for high precision troposphere radio wave delay correction

Feng Peng1,2, Li Fei2, Jean-Pierre Barriot1,2, Yan Jianguo2, Zhang Fangzhao1, and Ye Mao2
Feng Peng et al.
  • 1Geodesy Observatory of Tahiti, University of French Polynesia
  • 2LIESMARS, Wuhan University, China

With its relatively low cost, high availability and continuous observation ability, zenith delays from GPS combined with mapping function have been used in satellite tracking media calibration since early 2000. The mapping functions are used to model elevation dependency of radio wave delays in the troposphere. It assumes that the ratio of signal slant delay over zenith delay is less variable w.r.t time and location than the signal delay itself. Thus the parameters of signal delay elevation dependency can be modeled and unknowns of the tropospheric delay were reduced. However, the parameterization comes with a loss of accuracy. For example, the state-of-art VMF series mapping functions have a time resolution of 6 hours, which means variations that took place in less than 6 hours are smoothed. Nowadays GPS has evolved to multi-constellation GNSS with many more satellites in visibility. Here we propose a single station GNSS tomography algorithm for radio wave delay correction by directly using slant delays. This algorithm can extract the information of the troposphere variations in all the signal directions of GNSS observations with high time resolution. Thus it will be beneficial to the radio wave delay correction of precise satellite tracking. We assess the performance of this algorithm with a collocated water vapor radiometer.

How to cite: Peng, F., Fei, L., Barriot, J.-P., Jianguo, Y., Fangzhao, Z., and Mao, Y.: Single station GNSS tomography as a replacement of mapping function for high precision troposphere radio wave delay correction, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-12133,, 2020.