EGU General Assembly 2020
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Monitoring rain rate with proximal gamma-ray spectroscopy

Virginia Strati1,2, Matteo Albéri1,3, Carlo Bottardi1,2, Enrico Chiarelli1,2, Michele Montuschi1,2, Kassandra Giulia Cristina Raptis1,2, Andrea Serafini1,2, and Fabio Mantovani1,2
Virginia Strati et al.
  • 1University of Ferrara, Physics and Earth Sciences Department, Ferrara, Italy
  • 2INFN, Ferrara Section, Ferrara, Italy
  • 3INFN, Legnaro National Laboratories, Legnaro, Padua, Italy

We present an exhaustive study of the gamma activity increase measured at ground level for the atmospheric radon daughter 214Pb. We demonstrate the effectiveness of proximal gamma-ray spectroscopy in continuously gathering reliable measurements of rain-induced 214Pb gamma signal related to the rain intensity and amount. Since every impulse of rain produces a sudden increase of gamma signal, we study such transient activity to obtain information on precipitations and rain formation.

A novel spectroscopic instrument specifically tailored for gathering reliable and unbiased estimates of atmospheric and terrestrial gamma emitters has been developed. After seven months of continuous acquisition, we analyze the temporal evolution of the 214Pb net count rate with an innovative and reproducible mathematical model for extracting information on this radon daughter’s content in the rain water. The effectiveness of the model is proved by an excellent coefficient of determination (r2 = 0.91) between measured and reconstructed 214Pb count rates. We observe that the impulsive increase of 214Pb count rates ΔC is clearly related to the rain rate R by the power law dependence ΔC = A·R0.50 ± 0.03, where the parameter A is equipment dependent. This means that the expected increase of atmospheric 214Pb activity measured at ground level during a rain event is proportional to the square root of the rain rate √R.

We observe that the 214Pb abundance (G) of the rain water is inversely related to the rain rate G ∝ 1/R0.48 ± 0.03 and to the rain median volume diameter λm with G ∝ 1/ λm2.2.  We proved that, for a fixed rainfall amount, the longer is the rain duration (i.e. the lower is the rainfall intensity and the smaller is the mean raindrop volume), the higher is the 214Pb content of the rain water.

Since the developed algorithm is detector independent, it can be used for analysing the data collected by the networks of thousands of gamma sensors distributed around the Earth, typically utilised for monitoring the air radioactivity in case of a nuclear fallout. From this spectroscopic technique we shall learn a lot more about the rain formation and scavenging mechanisms which are responsible for the attachment of 214Pb to rain droplets in-cloud. Finally, our research provides a comprehensive characterization of the background radiation assessments relevant for radioprotection, earthquake predictions, cosmic rays research and anthropic radiation monitoring.

How to cite: Strati, V., Albéri, M., Bottardi, C., Chiarelli, E., Montuschi, M., Raptis, K. G. C., Serafini, A., and Mantovani, F.: Monitoring rain rate with proximal gamma-ray spectroscopy, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-15888,, 2020


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