EGU2020-21581, updated on 19 May 2024
EGU General Assembly 2020
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Groundwater dynamics retrievals in Africa using SMOS soil moisture measurements

Thierry Pellarin1, Laurent Oxarango1, Jean-Martial Cohard1, Alban Depeyre1, Basile Hector1, Yann Kerr2, and Jean-Pierre Vandervaere1
Thierry Pellarin et al.
  • 1IGE, CNRS, Grenoble, France (
  • 2CESBIO, CNES, Toulouse, France (

ESA’s SMOS mission is celebrating 10 years of measurements in 2020 and is still producing soil moisture data of interest for many applications. One of the successes of this mission is its unexpected applications of soil moisture, such as thin ice sheets over the ocean, above ground biomass and carbon stocks, crop yields or rainfall estimation. We believe that knowledge of soil moisture time series contains information that are closely related to the functioning of the hydrosphere (infiltration, evaporation, groundwater recharge) and the biosphere (vegetation development, crop yield, carbon storage). These two compartments are traditionally studied using models forced by precipitation rates and atmospheric variables. However, beyond the difficulty of measuring the precipitation rate accurately from space, a non-negligible portion of rain does not infiltrate the soil either because it is intercepted by vegetation or because of the surface runoff.

In this study, we assume that SMOS retrieved soil moisture dynamics (0-5 cm) can inform us on much deeper soil horizons. Given that the water that reaches the root zone (0-200cm) and groundwater necessarily transits at some point through the surface, we can hypothesize that surface soil moisture dynamics intrinsically contains information on water dynamics in deeper layers.

To test this idea, we used Richards' 1D model and forced the first layer of the model with 5-cm in-situ soil moisture measurements from the AMMA-CATCH observatory sites in West-Africa. A variation of soil moisture at the surface generates moisture variations in the deeper layers according to the hydrodynamic parameters of the model: soil conductivity at saturation (Ks), shape parameters of the retention curve (α and m), soil porosity (θsat). For highly permeable soils, water rapidly infiltrates the soil column and creates a groundwater table with its seasonal dynamics. For more impermeable soils, water remains close to the surface and there is no groundwater recharge. This approach satisfyingly compares with in-situ measurements concerning both root zone soil moisture profiles and water table dynamics.

In a second step, the proposed methodology was applied to measurements derived from the SMOS satellite over the whole of Africa. To substitute in situ measurements, the GRACE satellite gravity data is used to compare with simulated soil water variations. This comparison allows to reject a lot of hydrodynamic parameters, and to select the best combination of the 4 parameters. Finally, the method makes it possible to produce maps of water table depths and their temporal dynamics at the scale of the African continent from information on surface soil moisture from SMOS (0-5cm) and soil water content from GRACE satellite.

How to cite: Pellarin, T., Oxarango, L., Cohard, J.-M., Depeyre, A., Hector, B., Kerr, Y., and Vandervaere, J.-P.: Groundwater dynamics retrievals in Africa using SMOS soil moisture measurements, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-21581,, 2020.


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