Your collective timeline of climate science history
- MINES ParisTech, PSL University, O.I.E. - Centre Observation, Impacts, Energy, 06904 Sophia Antipolis, France (
EGU General Assembly is one of the world’s biggest conferences dedicated to geosciences. It gathers experts from all science fields connected to the study of past, present and future climates. Many of them have an historic perspective on their area of expertise: such knowledge is useful to develop an integrated view of the history of climate sciences.
We propose EGU2020 attendees to help building a collective timeline of the history of climate science. Everyone is invited to come to our poster to add to the printed timeline a scientific breakthrough in her/his field of expertise. This will be an opportunity to come to chat on climate science history and to construct together a wider picture of climate sciences.
The final cut of the timeline produced during EGU2020 will be available on our web page EarthBreath (, and our Twitter english (@eb_climate_data) and french (@eb_climat_fr) accounts.
EarthBreath is a non-profit initiative that we develop for promoting climate and Earth sciences to diverse publics.
How to cite: Tournadre, B. and Trolliet, M.: Your collective timeline of climate science history, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-3526,, 2020