EGU General Assembly 2020
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Using seismic networks and satellite radars to detect landslide events

Andrea Manconi1, Alessandro Mondini2, and the AlpArray Working Group*
Andrea Manconi and Alessandro Mondini and the AlpArray Working Group
  • 1ETH Zürich, Chair of Engineering Geology, Earth Science, Zürich, Switzerland (
  • 2CNR IRPI, Perugia, Italy
  • *A full list of authors appears at the end of the abstract

Catalogues are the base to study the causes leading to slope failures and to define landslide hazard and early warning strategies at regional scales. Despite recent efforts, the knowledge on spatial and temporal landslide distribution is often very poor. Information on timing, location, magnitude and landslide dynamics, is generally available only when the events threat life or damage infrastructures, as well as when they are associated with catastrophic earthquakes or exceptional meteorological occurrences. Moreover, many landslide events are unreported because they occur in remote regions and thus do not have immediate impacts on human activities. This may strongly hinder the completeness of landslide catalogues, and thus the subsequent interpretation in terms of hazard assessment. Complete catalogues are crucial to study the relationships between local and regional landslide preconditioning factors, to recognize potential triggers, as well as to clearly identify the effect of climate forcing. In recent years two procedures are dominating the panorama of landslide event detection, i.e. remote sensing approaches and seismic data analyses. This is mainly due to the increased availability of such data at global scale, as well as to the applied open access data policies. Here we present a procedure to detect landslide events by jointly analyzing data acquired from regional broadband seismic networks and spaceborne radar imagery. As an exemplary case, we consider a series of events associated to the recent Piz Cengalo rock slope failure occurred on August, 2017 in the Swiss Alps, a region where we can now benefit from the high spatial density of the AlpArray seismic network and from the spatial and temporal resolution of Sentinel-1 radar imagery. The operational implementation of the herein proposed approach, in combination with the expected increase in availability of seismic and satellite data, can provide a new and efficient solution to build and/or expand landslide catalogues based on quantitative and homogeneous measurements, as well as to integrate landslide early warning systems at regional scales.

AlpArray Working Group:

György HETÉNYI, Rafael ABREU, Ivo ALLEGRETTI, Maria-Theresia APOLONER, Coralie AUBERT, Simon BESANÇON, Maxime BÈS DE BERC, Götz BOKELMANN, Didier BRUNEL, Marco CAPELLO, Martina ČARMAN, Adriano CAVALIERE, Jérôme CHÈZE, Claudio CHIARABBA, John CLINTON, Glenn COUGOULAT, Wayne C. CRAWFORD, Luigia CRISTIANO, Tibor CZIFRA, Ezio D'ALEMA, Stefania DANESI, Romuald DANIEL, Anke DANNOWSKI, Iva DASOVIĆ, Anne DESCHAMPS, Jean-Xavier DESSA, Cécile DOUBRE, Sven EGDORF, ETHZ-SED Electronics Lab, Tomislav FIKET, Kasper FISCHER, Wolfgang FRIEDERICH, Florian FUCHS, Sigward FUNKE, Domenico GIARDINI, Aladino GOVONI, Zoltán GRÁCZER, Gidera GRÖSCHL, Stefan HEIMERS, Ben HEIT, Davorka HERAK, Marijan HERAK, Johann HUBER, Dejan JARIĆ, Petr JEDLIČKA, Yan JIA, Hélène JUND, Edi KISSLING, Stefan KLINGEN, Bernhard KLOTZ, Petr KOLÍNSKÝ, Heidrun KOPP, Michael KORN, Josef KOTEK, Lothar KÜHNE, Krešo KUK, Dietrich LANGE, Jürgen LOOS, Sara LOVATI, Deny MALENGROS, Lucia MARGHERITI, Christophe MARON, Xavier MARTIN, Marco MASSA, Francesco MAZZARINI, Thomas MEIER, Laurent MÉTRAL, Irene MOLINARI, Milena MORETTI, Anna NARDI, Jurij PAHOR, Anne PAUL, Catherine PÉQUEGNAT, Daniel PETERSEN, Damiano PESARESI, Davide PICCININI, Claudia PIROMALLO, Thomas PLENEFISCH, Jaroslava PLOMEROVÁ, Silvia PONDRELLI, Snježan PREVOLNIK, Roman RACINE, Marc RÉGNIER, Miriam REISS, Joachim RITTER, Georg RÜMPKER, Simone SALIMBENI, Marco SANTULIN, Werner SCHERER, Sven SCHIPPKUS, Detlef SCHULTE-KORTNACK, Vesna ŠIPKA, Stefano SOLARINO, Daniele SPALLAROSSA, Kathrin SPIEKER, Josip STIPČEVIĆ, Angelo STROLLO, Bálint SÜLE, Gyöngyvér SZANYI, Eszter SZŰCS, Christine THOMAS, Martin THORWART, Frederik TILMANN, Stefan UEDING, Massimiliano VALLOCCHIA, Luděk VECSEY, René VOIGT, Joachim WASSERMANN, Zoltán WÉBER, Christian WEIDLE, Viktor WESZTERGOM, Gauthier WEYLAND, Stefan WIEMER, Felix WOLF, David WOLYNIEC, Thomas ZIEKE, Mladen ŽIVČIĆ and Helena ŽLEBČÍKOVÁ

How to cite: Manconi, A. and Mondini, A. and the AlpArray Working Group: Using seismic networks and satellite radars to detect landslide events , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6693,, 2020

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