EGU2020-7785, updated on 15 Jan 2025
EGU General Assembly 2020
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Geometrical and chronological constraints for magnetic signatures in the Central High Atlas
Tania Mochales1, Ahmed Manar, Antonio María Casas-Sainz, Pablo Calvin, Pablo Santolaria, Juan José Villalaín, Vicente Carlos Ruiz, Andrés Gil-Imaz, Sara Torres, Andrés Pocoví, Bennacer Moussaid, Teresa Román-Berdiel, Hmidou El Ouardi, Esther Izquierdo-Llavall, Belén Oliva-Urcía, Marcos Marcén, María Felicidad Bógalo, Elisa Sánchez-Moreno, Ángela Herrejón, Ángela Jiménez, and the CHA Team*
Tania Mochales et al.
  • 1Planageo-IGME, Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Unidad de Zaragoza, 50006 Zaragoza, Spain (
  • *A full list of authors appears at the end of the abstract

New residual magnetic map is presented to help decipher the magnetic imprints in the Central High Atlas (CHA) fold-and-thrust belt. The total intensity map shows a main direction mimicking the N070 trend which features the Atlas range. Detailed structural and paleomagnetic studies performed in the selected area demonstrate that similar shortening figures are observed in western and eastern portions. Differences in structural style are the consequence of (i) the inherited structure from the Triassic-Jurassic rifting stage, to Cenozoic inversion, (ii) the differential displacement through the Upper Triassic detachment level and (iii) superposition of cover thrust sheets.


Remarkable magnetic anomalies are recorded, from negative values (<-400 nT) in the southern foreland, to positive (>500 nT) in the core of the range. The western sector of the chain is defined by intermediate to high anomalies, probably related to NE-SW basement structures, which favored the emplacement of Triassic CAMP basalts and/or Jurassic gabbro bodies, within the syn-rift sequence. The central part of the range is characterized by high and very high positive anomalies with an irregular distribution, probably linked to Middle-Late Jurassic diapirism produced during extension and intrusion of gabbroid bodies at the core of diapirs, whose structure nucleated NE-SW anticlinal ridges. The eastern sector is characterized by intermediate to low intensity anomalies, likely associated to thick series of basinal Jurassic limestones, whose sequences were stacked (during the Cenozoic compressional stage) by means of kilometer-scale thrusts. Very high positive, linear anomalies seem to be related to Jurassic gabbro intruding directly into the carbonate facies in the eastern sector. Widespread negative anomalies are detected in the foreland southern basin. In this case, the remanent signature could be related to the Paleozoic magmatic provinces.

CHA Team:

Tania Mochales (1), Ahmed Manar (2), Antonio Casas-Sainz (3), Pablo Calvín (4), Pablo Santolaria (5), Juan José Villalaín (4), Vicente Carlos Ruiz (6), Andrés Gil-Imaz (3) Sara Torres (4), Andrés Pocoví (3), Bennacer Moussaid (7), Teresa Román-Berdiel (3), Hmidou El Ouardi (8), Esther Izquierdo (9), Belén Oliva-Urcia (10), Marcos Marcén (3), , María Felicidad Bógalo (4) Elisa Sánchez-Moreno (4), Ángela Herrejón (4), Ángela Jiménez (4)

How to cite: Mochales, T., Manar, A., Casas-Sainz, A. M., Calvin, P., Santolaria, P., Villalaín, J. J., Ruiz, V. C., Gil-Imaz, A., Torres, S., Pocoví, A., Moussaid, B., Román-Berdiel, T., El Ouardi, H., Izquierdo-Llavall, E., Oliva-Urcía, B., Marcén, M., Bógalo, M. F., Sánchez-Moreno, E., Herrejón, Á., and Jiménez, Á. and the CHA Team: Geometrical and chronological constraints for magnetic signatures in the Central High Atlas, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-7785,, 2020.