Environmental factors during COVID – 19 pandemic in Campinas, Brazil
- University of Campinas, Center for Meteorological and Climatic Research Applied to Agriculture, Meteorology, Brazil (bkbainy@cpa.unicamp.br)
During COVID – 19 pandemic, the main strategy to prevent virus dissemination adopted worldwide was the social distancing, in different degrees (ranging from simple recommendations to the population, to complete lockdown). In this context, many studies were performed around the world to assess the impacts of such measures on the environment, specially on air quality. The reported results almost unanimously pointed to a reduction in air contaminants, mainly as a response to vehicular traffic depletion and, at some level, to reduced human and industrial activities. On March 24th, 2020, a partial lockdown was decreed in São Paulo state, Brazil, and since then it has undergone, back and forth, several stages of strictness according to contamination and hospitalization rates, being stricter whenever intensive care units (ICU) occupation increased. Our study aims to evaluate environmental aspects (air quality and meteorology) in Campinas city (São Paulo, Brazil), during the pandemic, from March 24th to December 31st, and compare it with the weeks prior to the social distancing and with the previous year. In addition to the environmental variables, the “social distancing index” (obtained by using mobile phone data to assess displacements) and medical data (hospital admissions and deaths) were employed to a preliminary analysis of the influence of environmental factors on COVID – 19 evolution in the city.
How to cite: Kabke Bainy, B. and Heuminski de Ávila, A. M.: Environmental factors during COVID – 19 pandemic in Campinas, Brazil, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13561, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13561, 2021.