EGU21-14739, updated on 14 Jan 2025
EGU General Assembly 2021
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The ILRS Contribution to ITRF2020

Vincenza Luceri1, Erricos C. Pavlis2, Antonio Basoni1, David Sarrocco1, Magdalena Kuzmicz-Cieslak2, Keith Evans2, and Giuseppe Bianco3
Vincenza Luceri et al.
  • 1e-GEOS S.p.A., ASI/CGS Matera, Italy (
  • 2Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology, University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA
  • 3Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI), CGS-Matera, Italy

The International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS) contribution to ITRF2020 has been prepared after the re-analysis of the data from 1993 to 2020, based on an improved modeling of the data and a novel approach that ensures the results are free of systematic errors in the underlying data. This reanalysis incorporates an improved “target signature” model (CoM) that allows better separation of true systematic error of each tracking system from the errors in the model describing the target’s signature. The new approach was developed after the completion of ITRF2014, the ILRS Analysis Standing Committee (ASC) devoting almost entirely its efforts on this task. The robust estimation of persistent systematic errors at the millimeter level permitted the adoption of a consistent set of long-term mean corrections for data collected in past years, which are now applied a priori (information provided by the stations from their own engineering investigations are still taken into consideration). The reanalysis used these corrections, leading to improved results for the TRF attributes, reflected in the resulting new time series of the TRF origin and especially in the scale. Seven official ILRS Analysis Centers computed time series of weekly solutions, according to the guidelines defined by the ILRS ASC. These series were combined by the ILRS Combination Center to obtain the official ILRS product contribution to ITRF2020.

The presentation will provide an overview of the analysis procedures and models, and it will demonstrate the level of improvement with respect to the previous ILRS product series; the stability and consistency of the solution are discussed for the individual AC contributions and the combined SLR time series.

How to cite: Luceri, V., Pavlis, E. C., Basoni, A., Sarrocco, D., Kuzmicz-Cieslak, M., Evans, K., and Bianco, G.: The ILRS Contribution to ITRF2020, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14739,, 2021.


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