EGU General Assembly 2021
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First gravity data aquired by the transportable absolute Quantum Gravimeter QG-1 employing collimated Bose-Einstein condensates

Waldemar Herr1,3, Nina Heine1, Marat Musakaev1, Sven Abend1, Ludger Timmen2, Jürgen Müller2, and Ernst. M. Rasel1
Waldemar Herr et al.
  • 1Institut für Quantenoptik, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover, Deutschland (
  • 2Institut für Erdmessung, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover, Deutschland
  • 3Institut für Satellitengeodäsie und Inertialsensorik (SI), Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V. (DLR), Hannover, Deutschland (

The transportable Quantum Gravimeter QG-1 is designed to determine the local gravity to the nm/s² level of uncertainty. It relies on the interferometric interrogation of magnetically collimated Bose-Einstein condensates in a transportable setup consisting of a sensor head and an electronics supply unit.
In this contibution we introduce the measurement concept and discuss it's impact on the measurement uncertainty. We are reporting on the first gravity data taken with the device over the course of three days thereby validating the operability and the measurement concept applied in QG-1.
We acknowledge financial support from "Niedersachsisches Vorab" through "Förderung von Wissenschaft und Technik in Forschung und Lehre" for the initial funding of research in the new DLR-SI Institute. Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany's Excellence Strategy - EXC-2123 QuantumFrontiers - 390837967 and under Project-ID 434617780 - SFB 1464.

How to cite: Herr, W., Heine, N., Musakaev, M., Abend, S., Timmen, L., Müller, J., and Rasel, E. M.: First gravity data aquired by the transportable absolute Quantum Gravimeter QG-1 employing collimated Bose-Einstein condensates, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15458,, 2021.

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