Evolution of the electron velocity distribution under the presence of whistler waves in the solar wind (high-cadence Solar Orbiter observations)
- 1Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London, Dorking, RH5 6NT, UK
- *A full list of authors appears at the end of the abstract
The solar coronal plasma which escapes the Sun’s gravity and expands through our solar system is called the solar wind. It consists mainly of electrons and protons, carries the Sun’s magnetic field and, at most heliocentric distances, remains weakly-collisional. Due to their small mass, the solar wind electrons have much higher thermal velocity than their positively charged counterpart, and play an important role in the solar wind energetics by carrying the heat flux away from the Sun. Their velocity distribution functions (VDFs) are complex, usually modeled by three components. While the majority of electrons belong to the low-energetic thermal Maxwellian core population, some reach higher velocities, forming either the magnetic field aligned strahl population, or an isotropic high-energy halo population. This shape of the electron VDF is a product of the interplay between
Coulomb collisions, adiabatic expansion, global and local electro-magnetic fields and turbulence.
In this work we focus on the effects of local electro-magnetic wave activity on electron VDF, taking advantage of the early measurements made by the novel heliospheric Solar Orbiter mission. The high- cadence sampling of 2-dimensional electron VDFs by the electrostatic analyser SWA-EAS, together with the EM wave data collected by the seach-coil magnetometers and electric-field antennas, part of
the RPW instrument suit, allow a direct investigation of the wave-particle energy and momentum exchange. We present the evolution of the electron VDF in the presence of quasi-parallel and oblique whistler waves, believed to be responsible for scattering the strahl and creating the halo population (Verscharen et al. 2019; Micera et al. 2020).
Christopher J. Owen (c.owen@ucl.ac.uk)1, Lucas Colomban (lucas.colomban@cnrs-orleans.fr)2 Chandrasekhar Anekallu (c.anekallu@ucl.ac.uk)1, Matthieu Berthomier (matthieu.berthomier@lpp.polytechnique.fr)3, Roberto Bruno (roberto.bruno@inaf.it)4, Thomas Chust (thomas.chust@lpp.polytechnique.fr)3, Vito Fortunato (fortunato@planetek.it)6, Dhiren Kataria (d.kataria@ucl.ac.uk)1, Christopher Kelly (christopher.kelly@ucl.ac.uk)1, Yuri Khotyaintsev, (yuri@irfu.se)6, Matthieu Kretzschmar (matthieu.kretzschmar@cnrs-orleans.fr)2, Gethyn Lewis (g.lewis@ucl.ac.uk)1, Stefano Livi (stefano.livi@swri.org)7, Philippe Louarn (philippe.louarn@irap.omp.eu)8, Milan Maksimovic (milan.maksimovic@obspm.fr)9, Gennaro Mele (gennaromele@virgilio.it)10, Georgios Nicolaou (g.nicolaou@ucl.ac.uk)7, Daniel Verscharen (d.verscharen@ucl.ac.uk)1, Gillian Watson (g.watson@ucl.ac.uk)1, Robert T. Wicks (robert.wicks@northumbria.ac.uk)11
How to cite: Bercic, L. and the et al.: Evolution of the electron velocity distribution under the presence of whistler waves in the solar wind (high-cadence Solar Orbiter observations), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16455, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16455, 2021.