Evolution of the Black Sea Physical Analysis and Forecasting System within CMEMS
- 1Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change Foundation, Lecce, Italy (stefania.ciliberti@cmcc.it)
- 2University of Bologna, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Bologna, Italy
- 3Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria
- 4National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management, Bucharest, Romania
The Black Sea physical analysis and Forecasting System (BSFS) is part of the Black Sea Monitoring and Forecasting Centre (BS-MFC) for the Copernicus Marine Service (CMEMS). It provides analysis every day analysis and 10 days forecast fields for the blue ocean variables (including temperature, salinity, sea surface height, mixed layer depth and currents) in the Black Sea region since. In this work, we present the new version of the operational system that will be part of the next CMEMS release. The hydrodynamical core model is based on NEMO v4.0, solved on 1/40º horizontal resolution spatial grid (including the overall Black Sea, the Bosporus Strait and part of the Marmara Sea) and 121 vertical levels with z-star. The core model uses ECMWF analysis and forecast atmospheric forcing and GPCP monthly climatological precipitation for computing heat, water and momentum fluxes. A total number of 72 rivers is accounted, as monthly climatology provided by SESAME project. The model implements a new representation of the Danube River with interannual river discharge datasets provided by the National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management. One of the main innovations of this system is the opening of the Bosporus Strait by using a box-approach in a portion of the Marmara Sea: it is achieved thanks to high resolution temperature, salinity, sea surface height, zonal and meridional velocity solutions provided by a novel implementation of the Marmara Sea model including straits based on Shyfem: it represents the optimal interface between the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. The hydrodynamical model is online coupled to an upgraded version of the OceanVar, the CMCC data assimilation scheme, able to assimilate SLA L3 satellite data, T/S in-situ profiles and SST from CMEMS TACs. The contribution focuses on model setup description, processing system and validation. To evaluate BSFS pre-operational run and monitor the operational production, we provide metrics as proposed within GODAE/Oceanpredict and MERSEA/MyOcean (which includes CLASS 1, 2 and 4 metrics).
How to cite: Ciliberti, S. A., Jansen, E., Azevedo, D., Gunduz, M., Ilicak, M., Pinardi, N., Coppini, G., Masina, S., Lecci, R., Causio, S., Stefanizzi, L., Creti', S., Lima, L., Aydogdu, A., Peneva, E., and Matreata, M.: Evolution of the Black Sea Physical Analysis and Forecasting System within CMEMS, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6598, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6598, 2021.