EGU21-7363, updated on 15 Jan 2025
EGU General Assembly 2021
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Volcanic ash detection and retrievals using SLSTR. Test case: 2019 Raikoke  eruption
Ilaria Petracca1, Davide De Santis1, Stefano Corradini2, Lorenzo Guerrieri2, Matteo Picchiani3, Luca Merucci2, Dario Stelitano2, Fabio Del Frate1, Alfred Prata4, and Giovanni Schiavon1
Ilaria Petracca et al.
  • 1"Tor Vergata" University of Rome, DICII, 00133 Rome, Italy
  • 2Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, ONT, 00143 Rome, Italy
  • 3GEO-K s.r.l., Via del Politecnico 1, 00133 Rome, Italy
  • 4AIRES Pty Ltd., Australia

When an eruption event occurs it is necessary to accurately and rapidly determine the position and evolution during time of the volcanic cloud and its parameters (such as Aerosol Optical Depth-AOD, effective radius-Re and mass-Ma of the ash particles), in order to ensure the aviation security and the prompt management of the emergencies.

Here we present different procedures for volcanic ash cloud detection and retrieval using S3 SLSTR (Sentinel-3 Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer) data collected the 22 June at 00:07 UTC by the Sentinel-3A platform during the Raikoke (Kuril Islands) 2019 eruption.

The volcanic ash detection is realized by applying an innovative machine learning based algorithm, which uses a MultiLayer Perceptron Neural Network (NN) to classify a SLSTR image in eight different surfaces/objects, distinguishing volcanic and weather clouds, and the underlying surfaces. The results obtained with the NN procedure have been compared with two consolidated approaches based on an RGB channels combination in the visible (VIS) spectral range and the Brightness Temperature Difference (BTD) procedure that exploits the thermal infrared (TIR) channels centred at 11 and 12 microns (S8 and S9 SLSTR channels respectively). The ash volcanic cloud is correctly identified by all the models and the results indicate a good agreement between the NN classification approach, the VIS-RGB and BTD procedures.

The ash retrieval parameters (AOD, Re and Ma) are obtained by applying three different algorithms, all exploiting the volcanic cloud “mask” obtained from the NN detection approach. The first method is the Look Up Table (LUTp) procedure, which uses a Radiative Transfer Model (RTM) to simulate the Top Of Atmosphere (TOA) radiances in the SLSTR thermal infrared channels (S8, S9), by varying the aerosol optical depth and the effective radius. The second algorithm is the Volcanic Plume Retrieval (VPR), based on a linearization of the radiative transfer equation capable to retrieve, from multispectral satellite images, the abovementioned parameters. The third approach is a NN model, which is built on a training set composed by the inputs-outputs pairs TOA radiances vs. ash parameters. The results of the three retrieval methods have been compared, considering as reference the LUTp procedure, since that it is the most consolidated approach. The comparison shown promising agreement between the different methods, leading to the development of an integrated approach for the monitoring of volcanic ash clouds using SLSTR.

The results presented in this work have been obtained in the sphere of the VISTA (Volcanic monItoring using SenTinel sensors by an integrated Approach) project, funded by ESA and developed within the EO Science for Society framework [].

How to cite: Petracca, I., De Santis, D., Corradini, S., Guerrieri, L., Picchiani, M., Merucci, L., Stelitano, D., Del Frate, F., Prata, A., and Schiavon, G.: Volcanic ash detection and retrievals using SLSTR. Test case: 2019 Raikoke  eruption, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7363,, 2021.

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