EGU21-7664, updated on 15 Mar 2023
EGU General Assembly 2021
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ALARM  Project -multi-hAzard monitoring andearLy wARning systeM-

Manuel Soler1, Hugues Brenot2, Riccardo Biondi3, Daniel Bannister4, Volker Grewe5, Tanjia Bolic6, and Javier García-Heras1
Manuel Soler et al.
  • 1Department of Aerospace Engineering, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Leganés, Spain (
  • 2Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy, Brussels, Belgium (
  • 3Università degli Studi di Padova, Padova, Italy (
  • 4SATAVIA Ltd., United Kingdom (
  • 5Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. -DLR-, Germany (
  • 6SymOpt s.r.l., Italy (

We present the SESAR funded project ALARM. The overall objective of ALARM is to develop a prototype global multi-hazard monitoring and Early Warning System for different hazards affecting aviation. Continuous global Earth observations from satellite, ground-based systems, and atmospheric forecasts will be used to feed models capable of observing and predicting (nowcasting/forecasting) the displacement of particles in suspension and gas derived from natural hazards (volcanic ash and SO2, dust clouds from sandstorms, and smoke from a forest fire); severe weather situations such as deep convection and extreme weather; exposure to increased levels of solar radiation during flight; and environmental hotspots potentially contributing to global warming in a large extent. Specifically, the aim is to enhance situational awareness of all stakeholders in case of multiple hazard crisis by facilitating the transfer of required relevant information to end-users, presenting such information in a user-friendly manner to ATM stakeholders. In summary, anticipating severe hazards and fostering better decision-making.

  • ALARM will enhance an existing alert system –– with additional observations coming from geostationary satellites, improving the capabilities of observing natural hazards such as volcanic ash, SO2 plumes, sandstorms, and forest fire.
  • ALARM will tailor alert products (based on observations from satellites) of volcanic ash, SO2 plumes, sandstorms, and forest fire to aviation stakeholders, including its severity, geographical location, and altitude.
  • ALARM will develop nowcasting [up to 2 hours] and short-term forecasting [up to 6 hours] of SO2 plumes at a regional scale.
  • ALARM will develop nowcasting [up to 2 hours] and short-term forecasting [up to 6 hours] of severe thunderstorms at a local scale (airport).
  • ALARM will develop short-term forecasting [up to 6 hours] and medium-term forecasting [up to 48 hours] of climatic hotspots at a European scale.
  • ALARM will draft the requirements of all these alert products to be included in the SWIM Yellow profile.


How to cite: Soler, M., Brenot, H., Biondi, R., Bannister, D., Grewe, V., Bolic, T., and García-Heras, J.: ALARM  Project -multi-hAzard monitoring andearLy wARning systeM-, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7664,, 2021.

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