EGU21-7813, updated on 20 May 2024
EGU General Assembly 2021
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CFOSAT wave spectra joining the family of L2P-L3 CMEMS Wave products!

Annabelle Ollivier1, Gerald Dibarboure2, Romain Husson1, Gael Goimard1, Daniele Hauser3, Cedric Tourain2, and Lotfi Aouf4
Annabelle Ollivier et al.
  • 1CLS, Observation Environnement, France (
  • 2CNES
  • 4MétéoFrance

SWIM CFOSAT innovative instrument has already shown its reliability and data quality interest through several publications since its launch in end 2018. Its nadir data are delivered to CMEMS since July 2019 in a L2P/L3. Similarly to other nadir missions AltiKa, Jason3, HY2B, S3…,  these easy to use products are based on a selection of valid data from quality criteria, and bias alignment to buoys networks. They are provided in near real time (3h) and with a 1Hz sampling.

In 2021, the CFOSAT project team is happy to provide to CMEMS, in addition to the mission full products, a  user friendly product, with preselected valid datasets of directional wave spectra and related parameters, and additional information directly derived from the calval expertises upstream. Thanks to it, non expert users should be able to have a simple access to this new product and easy compare it to SAR Wavemode L3 products already in the CMEMS catalogue.

This presentation is a user friendly approach to describe the added value, the future improvements planned and the potential of such product for non experts applications.

How to cite: Ollivier, A., Dibarboure, G., Husson, R., Goimard, G., Hauser, D., Tourain, C., and Aouf, L.: CFOSAT wave spectra joining the family of L2P-L3 CMEMS Wave products!, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7813,, 2021.


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