EGU General Assembly 2021
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Scavenging of radionuclides in multicomponent medium with first-order reaction kinetics: Lagrangian and Eulerian modeling

Igor Brovchenko1, Vladimir Maderich2, Sergiy Kivva3, Kyeong Ok Kim4, Hanna Kim5, and Kateryna Kovalets6
Igor Brovchenko et al.
  • 1Institute of Mathematical Machine and System Problems, Kyiv, Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine (
  • 2Institute of Mathematical Machine and System Problems, Kyiv, Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine (
  • 3Institute of Mathematical Machine and System Problems, Kyiv, Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine (
  • 4Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, Metropolitan city Busan, Republic of Korea (
  • 5Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, Metropolitan city Busan, Republic of Korea (
  • 6Institute of Mathematical Machine and System Problems, Kyiv, Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine (

A process of the removal of dissolved elements in the ocean by adsorption onto sinking particulate matters (scavenging) is studied analytically and using Lagrangian and Eulerian numerical methods. The generalized model of scavenging in a multicomponent reactive medium with first-order kinetics consisting of water and multi-fraction suspended particular matter has developed. Two novel numerical schemes were used to solve advection-diffusion-reaction equations for advection-dominated flows. The particle tracking algorithm based on the method of moments was developed. It is free on time step limitation necessary for an application of a standard method to the equations with reaction kinetics. The modified flux-corrected transport method for the Eulerian equations is a flux-limiter method based on a convex combination of low-order and high-order schemes. The similarity solutions of the model equations for an idealized case of instantaneous release of reactive radionuclide on the ocean surface were obtained. It was found that the dispersion of reactive contamination caused by reversible phase transition can be much greater than caused by diffusion. The solutions using both numerical methods are consistent with the analytical similarity solution even at zero diffusivity. The scavenging of the 239,240Pu that was introduced to the ocean surface due to the fallout from past nuclear weapon testing was simulated. The results of the simulation agreed with observation data in the north-western Pacific Ocean. The importance of the scavenging by both the large fast-sinking particles and small particles slowly sinking and dissolving with depth due to the biochemical processes was shown.

How to cite: Brovchenko, I., Maderich, V., Kivva, S., Kim, K. O., Kim, H., and Kovalets, K.: Scavenging of radionuclides in multicomponent medium with first-order reaction kinetics: Lagrangian and Eulerian modeling, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8664,, 2021.


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