Radiocarbon as an environmental tracer – novel techniques and applications


Radiocarbon as an environmental tracer – novel techniques and applications
Convener: Caroline Welte | Co-conveners: Heather Graven, Negar Haghipour, Gesine Mollenhauer
vPICO presentations
| Wed, 28 Apr, 11:45–12:30 (CEST)

vPICO presentations: Wed, 28 Apr

Chairperson: Caroline Welte
Jordon Hemingway, Daniel Rothman, Katherine Grant, Sarah Rosengard, Timothy Eglinton, Louis Derry, and Valier Galy

The vast majority of organic carbon (OC) produced by life is respired back to carbon dioxide (CO2), but roughly 0.1% escapes and is preserved over geologic timescales. By sequestering reduced carbon from Earth’s surface, this “slow OC leak” contributes to CO2 removal and promotes the accumulation of atmospheric oxygen and oxidized minerals. Countering this, OC contained within sedimentary rocks is oxidized during exhumation and erosion of mountain ranges. By respiring previously sequestered reduced carbon, erosion consumes atmospheric oxygen and produces CO2. The balance between these two processes—preservation and respiration—regulates atmospheric composition, Earth-surface redox state, and global climate. Despite this importance, the governing mechanisms remain poorly constrained. To provide new insight, we developed a method that investigates OC composition using bond-strength distributions coupled with radiocarbon ages. Here I highlight a suite of recent results using this approach, and I show that biospheric OC interacts with particles and becomes physiochemically protected during aging, thus promoting preservation. I will discuss how this mechanistic framework can help elucidate why OC preservation—and thus atmospheric composition, Earth-surface redox state, and climate—has varied throughout Earth history.

How to cite: Hemingway, J., Rothman, D., Grant, K., Rosengard, S., Eglinton, T., Derry, L., and Galy, V.: Mineral protection regulates the long-term global preservation of natural organic carbon, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-627,, 2021.

Gesine Mollenhauer, Hendrik Grotheer, Elizabeth Bonk, and Torben Gentz

Foraminifera isolated from deep-sea sediments are among the most common materials in AMS radiocarbon analysis. These results are used to determine accurate age models for sediment sequences as well as to detect changes in deep-sea ventilation. Often, only small numbers of (monospecific) foraminifera shells can be isolated, in particular when studying benthic species in sediments from the polar regions. Therefore, these samples are often analyzed as CO2 gas using MICADAS instruments, and the method can typically be used for samples of up to around 40 ka in age. For reliable results, an accurate determination and minimization of processing blanks is required.

Processing blanks for foraminifera samples may in part derive from acid hydrolysis of the carbonates. It has, however, been shown that contamination of the carbonate fossils, mainly from atmospheric CO2 adsorbed on the porous surfaces of foraminifera, is the largest source of blank found in foraminifera samples. The removal of such contamination has been attempted by various leaching methods, which come at the risk of introducing additional contaminations. Alternatively, blank correction of AMS results may be achieved using fossil foraminifera from ancient deposits much beyond the range of the radiocarbon method.

Here we report results of a systematic test comparing the F14C levels obtained for fossil (>130 ka) and sub-modern monospecific planktic and benthic foraminifera samples using different blank correction approaches. Specifically, we compare leaching with dilute hydrochloric acid, blank correction relative to a leached and an un-leached fossil foraminifera standard, and blank correction relative to the IAEA-C1 certified carbonate standard. 

How to cite: Mollenhauer, G., Grotheer, H., Bonk, E., and Gentz, T.: Determining and improving the analytical blank for radiocarbon analyses of small foraminifera samples using MICADAS and the gas interface system, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-915,, 2021.

Martin Butzin, Dmitry Sidorenko, and Peter Köhler

We have implemented 14C and further abiotic tracers (39Ar, CFC-12, and SF6) into the state-of-the-art ocean circulation model FESOM2. Different to other global ocean circulation models, FESOM2 employs unstructured meshes with variable horizontal resolution. This approach allows for improvements in areas which are commonly poorly resolved in global ocean modelling studies such as upwelling regions, while keeping the overall computational costs still sufficiently moderate. Here, we present results of a transient simulation running from 1850-2015 CE tracing the evolution of the bomb radiocarbon pulse with a focus on the evolution of marine radiocarbon ages. In addition we explore the potential of 39Argon to complement 14C dating of marine waters.

How to cite: Butzin, M., Sidorenko, D., and Köhler, P.: A multi-resolution ocean simulation of the anthropogenic radiocarbon transient, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3118,, 2021.

Jun Shao, Lowell Stott, Andy Ridgwell, Ning Zhao, Florian Adolphi, and Jimin Yu

Previous studies attempting to explain Pleistocene atmospheric CO2 variations have focused on mechanisms that transfer carbon (C) between the oceanic, atmospheric and terrestrial reservoirs, with the underlying assumption that the total C inventory in these three Earth’s surface reservoirs remained constant during glacial-interglacial cycles. Under this framework, ocean C inventory would have been marginally increased by 500-1000 GtC (1-2%) during the glacial period. Here, we show that past ocean C inventory can be revealed by reconstructed bulk ocean 14C/12C (denoted as ∆14C) and atmospheric 14C production rates with an Earth system model - cGENIE. First, we develop a bulk ocean ∆14C record that spans the last 40 ka from thousands of benthic foraminifera and deep sea coral ∆14C data with a fairly good coverage of the global seafloor. We then run cGENIE under constant pre-industrial boundary conditions, with the only forcing being atmospheric 14C production rates reconstructed by geomagnetic field intensity records and ice core record of 10Be fluxes. Under most of the 14C production scenarios, the simulated bulk ocean ∆14C are significantly lower than our composite during the Last Glacial Maximum as well as the early deglaciation. Bulk ocean ∆14C is a metric controlled by 14C production rates and ocean C inventory, with the state of ocean circulation playing a minor role.  Our finding suggests either glacial 14C production was much higher and/or glacial C inventory was much lower than previously thought. Implications of both possibilities are discussed. In particular, the second possibility highlight the exchange of C and ALK between Earth’s surface and geological reservoirs as a critical missing piece in searching for a complete theory of glacial-interglacial atmospheric CO2 variability.

How to cite: Shao, J., Stott, L., Ridgwell, A., Zhao, N., Adolphi, F., and Yu, J.: A smaller glacial ocean carbon inventory?, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6700,, 2021.

Harsh Raj and Ravi Bhushan

Due to nuclear bomb tests during mid 1950s and 1960s, enormous amount of bomb radiocarbon was introduced into the atmosphere and subsequently to the ocean. Corals growing in shallow oceanic region record the radiocarbon variations in ocean surface waters. The bomb radiocarbon signature embedded in coral can be useful in providing information about natural processes affecting the surface waters of the region. In this regard, coral based radiocarbon records from the Lakshadweep Islands and the Andaman Islands from the northern Indian Ocean has been analysed. The analysed coral ∆14C values of recent period show comparable or even higher than the atmospheric ∆14C values, suggesting that major fraction of bomb radiocarbon have transferred in to the ocean. The northern Andaman region show ∆14C decline rate of about 3.1 ‰ yr-1 between 1978 to 2014. Whereas, the southern Bay of Bengal and the Lakshadweep records show relatively lower decline rate of 2.5 ‰ yr-1 for the same period. Based on the coral and atmospheric radiocarbon values, air-sea CO2 exchange rate over the Lakshadweep and Andaman region has been estimated. The bomb radiocarbon based estimate of air-sea CO2 exchange rate over Lakshadweep is 13.4 ± 2.1 mol m-2 yr-1 and over northern Andaman is 8.8 ± 1.3 mol m-2 yr-1. The Lakshadweep region show net regional CO2 flux of 2.5 ± 0.4 Tg C yr-1, while the northern Andaman region shows value of -0.3 ± 0.04 Tg C yr-1. This study discusses the spatial and temporal radiocarbon changes in the northern Indian Ocean and has implications to constraining the carbon flux over the region.

How to cite: Raj, H. and Bhushan, R.: Surface radiocarbon record from the northern Indian Ocean: understanding surface ocean processes, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15892,, 2021.

Byju Pookkandy and Heather Graven

This study investigates the impact of circulation changes on the distribution of radiocarbon in the ocean interior using simulations of the NEMO model forced by JRA-55 atmospheric reanalysis data. We performed four simulations from 1850 to 2017 with transient or fixed boundary conditions for atmospheric ∆14C and CO2, forced with inter-annually varying or fixed neutral year JRA-55 reanalysis data. The difference between variable and steady-state ocean dynamics revealed the areas in the world ocean where the radiocarbon distribution is most affected by variable ocean circulation: the midlatitude North Pacific and North Atlantic, the midlatitude South Pacific and South Indian, and the Weddell Sea. The difference between fixed and transient atmospheric boundary conditions over the past few decades shows the impact on natural vs bomb 14C. We investigate the potential drivers of variability from gas exchange, mixing in the thermocline, and interior transport. In general, the impact of circulation changes on bomb and natural 14C shows similar patterns but the effect is larger for bomb 14C. Compared to observed decadal changes in ∆14C between the 1990s and 2010s, the model underestimates the changes in ∆14C and potential density suggesting that the model response to circulation change is rapid.

How to cite: Pookkandy, B. and Graven, H.: Ocean radiocarbon response to circulation changes, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9643,, 2021.

Evelyn Keaveney, Gerard Barrett, Paula Reimer, and Maarten Blaauw

Sequestration of organic carbon in aquatic sediments can depend on its source and potential lability. Studies have shown that bulk lake and marine sediment comprises carbon of different origin but its source has been difficult to attribute. A new Ramped Pyroxidation/Combustion (RPO) system in the 14CHRONO Centre has been established. RPO is a technique that incrementally heats a sample, and allows for collection of the CO2 produced for radiocarbon analyses. The results show its utility in partitioning carbon sources in lake sediment (Rostherne Mere, UK, Santa María del Orolake, Mexico), and arctic marine sediment (Chukchi Sea and Beaufort Shelf). RPO and 2-stepped combustion1. 14C indicated multiple carbon sources in Rostherne Mere sediment, some of which could be attributed to the construction of a sewage treatment works (STW) on the lake shore, and subsequently inputs from this STW. RPO identified 3 carbon fractions in Mexican Lake sediment, which provided a more accurate chronology, partitioning the contemporaneous sediment date from offsets induced from volcanic activity in the area. Results from Arctic marine sediment demonstrated inputs of carbon from ancient permafrost, providing a means to refine the chronologies and a basis for future research linked with carbon loss from thawing permafrost.

1Keaveney et al. 2020. Journal of Palaeolimnology 64 347-363

How to cite: Keaveney, E., Barrett, G., Reimer, P., and Blaauw, M.: Carbon sources and sequestration: 14C Ramped Pyroxidation in aquatic sediments., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12319,, 2021.

Giorgia Camperio, Caroline Welte, S. Nemiah Ladd, Matthew Prebble, and Nathalie Dubois

Espiritu Santo is one of the 82 islands of the archipelago of Vanuatu and is the largest, highest, and most biodiverse of the insular country. Climatic changes linked to El Niño and extreme events such as cyclones and volcanic eruptions are a daily challenge in this remote area. These events can be recorded in sedimentary archives. Here we present a multi-proxy investigation of sediment cores retrieved from two small lakes located on the West coast of Espiritu Santo. Although the records span the last millennium, high-resolution radiocarbon dating of macrofossils reveals a rapid accumulation of sediment in the past 100 years. The high accumulation rate coupled with the high-resolution dating of freshwater sediments allows us to compare the 14C bomb curve with the biogeochemical proxies of the sedimentary records. The results can then be validated against written and oral historical records linked with the societal perception of recent environmental changes in this vulnerable ecosystem.

How to cite: Camperio, G., Welte, C., Ladd, S. N., Prebble, M., and Dubois, N.: High-resolution radiocarbon dating to reconstruct last century environmental changes in the pacific island of Espiritu Santo, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15449,, 2021.

Laurynas Butkus, Rūta Barisevičiūtė, Justina Šapolaitė, Žilvinas Ežerinskis, Evaldas Maceika, Algirdas Pabedinskas, Andrius Garbaras, and Vidmantas Remeikis

The reservoir effect (RE) is defined as the difference between the radiocarbon isotope ratio (14C/12C) in the terrestrial and aquatic samples. Both natural processes and anthropogenic activities affecting carbon cycle in the water ecosystem can lead to changes in the RE. Therefore, reservoir effect studies can help to assess the impact of external factors on a hydrological system [1].

The aim of this research was to evaluate the impact of anthropogenic 14C contamination from Ignalina nuclear power plant (Ignalina NPP, INPP) on the Lake Drūkšiai system. The lake water was used to cool the reactors of the INPP. The lake sediment and fish (both benthic and pelagic) scale samples were collected from the Drūkšiai lake. ABA (acid-base-acid) chemical pretreatment procedure was used to extract humin (HM) and humic acid (HA) fractions from the sediments. Radiocarbon measurements in these samples were performed using the accelerator mass spectrometer (AMS).

In 1963, increased concentrations of radiocarbon due to the testing of nuclear weapons showed that atmosphere-lake CO2 exchange accounted for about 22% carbon in bottom sediments. During the first 15 years of operation of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant, 14C-enriched dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) was continuously released into Lake Druksiai. During that period, an average of about 0.24 GBq of radiocarbon was released per year. Measurements of radiocarbon concentrations in fish confirm that the 14C contamination was in dissolved inorganic form.

Around 2000, 14C-enriched DIC (2.3 GBq radiocarbon) was released into Lake Druksiai from Ignalina NPP. In addition, organic compounds were additionally released in the same year. These compounds were not 14C-enriched but affected the interaction between humic and humic acids. Almost a decade after the end of operation of the Ignalina NPP, there is still some 14C pollution (from INPP) remaining in Lake Druksiai. The concentration of radiocarbon in the bottom sediments is still higher than in the atmosphere. 


[1] R. Barisevičiūtė et al., Tracing Carbon Isotope Variations in Lake Sediments Caused by Environmental Factors During the Past Century: A Case Study of Lake Tapeliai, Lithuania, Radiocarbon 61(4), 885–903, (2019).

How to cite: Butkus, L., Barisevičiūtė, R., Šapolaitė, J., Ežerinskis, Ž., Maceika, E., Pabedinskas, A., Garbaras, A., and Remeikis, V.: Investigation of reservoir age variations in Lake Druksiai caused by anthropogenic factors, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9257,, 2021.

Steffen Therre, Jens Fohlmeister, Dominik Fleitmann, Ronny Friedrich, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, Marleen Lausecker, and Norbert Frank

The climatic controls of stalagmite radiocarbon remain one focus of modern paleoclimatology due to recent efforts and achievements in radiocarbon calibration. The Hulu cave radiocarbon record (Cheng et al., 2018) has proven the potential of stalagmites from temperate climate zones for atmospheric radiocarbon reconstruction. However, a constant dead carbon fraction (DCF) in stalagmites over long periods of time is rather exceptional. In our study, a high-resolution radiocarbon record (N>100) of a U-Series dated stalagmite from Sofular Cave, Northern Turkey, with elemental Mg/Ca ratio data is presented. From 14 to 10 kyr BP, the radiocarbon signal reveals changing climatic conditions throughout Termination I with warm periods affiliated with increased soil activity and lower DCF. We observe unstable soil conditions for the period before 14 kyr BP where DCF is strongly variable between a lower threshold of ca. 5% and an upper limit of 25%. The combination of stable isotopes, element ratios, radiocarbon and U-series data allows a multi-proxy analysis of the impact of fast climate changes like D/O events on the incorporation of radiocarbon into stalagmites. Between 15 and 27 kyr BP, hydrological changes and soil carbon cycling have a large impact on limestone dissolution systematics which is reflected in fast changing DCF on sub-centennial time scales. Although the reconstruction of atmospheric radiocarbon variability is not possible for the entire growth period, the stalagmite closely reproduces the increased atmospheric radiocarbon concentration at ca. 40 kyr BP during the Laschamp geomagnetic reversal, which has been implemented into radiocarbon calibration curves with the publication of IntCal20 (Reimer et al. 2020). Our record provides new insights in the climatic influence on stalagmite radiocarbon and as to how precision and accuracy of calibration can benefit from comprehensive multi-proxy stalagmite records.


Cheng, H., Lawrence Edwards, R., Southon, J., et al.: Atmospheric 14C/12C changes during the last glacial period from Hulu cave, Science, 362(6420), 1293–1297, doi:10.1126/science.aau0747, 2018.

Reimer, P. J., Austin, W. E. N., Bard, E., Bayliss, A., et al.: The IntCal20 Northern Hemisphere Radiocarbon Age Calibration Curve (0–55 cal kBP), Radiocarbon, 62(4), 725-757. doi:10.1017/RDC.2020.41

How to cite: Therre, S., Fohlmeister, J., Fleitmann, D., Friedrich, R., Schröder-Ritzrau, A., Lausecker, M., and Frank, N.: Soil Carbon Dynamics and Atmospheric Signals in Stalagmite Radiocarbon at Sofular Cave, Turkey, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14942,, 2021.

Giulia Zazzeri, Xiaomei Xu, and Heather Graven

Radiocarbon in atmospheric methane (Δ14CH4) is a powerful tracer of fossil methane emissions and can be used to attribute methane emissions to fossil or biogenic sources. However, few Δ14CH4 measurements are reported since 20001,2, due to challenges in sampling enough carbon for 14C measurements and in assessing the influence of 14C emissions from nuclear power plants on the 14C observations.

At Imperial College London we addressed the sampling limitation by developing a unique sampling system that separates carbon at the point of sampling and uses small traps of molecular sieves. Collection of a sample is made by three main steps: 1) removal of CO2 and CO from air, 2) combustion of CH4 into CO2 and 3) adsorption of the combustion-derived CO2 onto the molecular sieve trap. 14C analysis of our samples was carried out at the accelerator mass spectrometry facility at UCI. This novel system has been used for collection of samples in central London and has been made portable for collection of samples in different settings. 

Here we describe the system and report the evaluation of the measurement uncertainty and the processing blank. We achieved a measurement precision of 6 ‰, which is similar to or better than the reported precision of the most recent observations1,3.

1 Townsend‐Small et al JGR 117(D7) 2012

2 Sparrow et al Sci. Adv 4(1) 2018

3 Espic et al Radiocarbon 61( 5) 2019

How to cite: Zazzeri, G., Xu, X., and Graven, H.: A novel sampling system for radiocarbon measurements of atmospheric methane, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15015,, 2021.

Bernhard Aichner, Janet Rethemeyer, Merle Gierga, Alexander Stolz, Monika Mętrak, Mateusz Wilk, Małgorzata Suska-Malawska, Dirk Sachse, Ilhomjon Rajabov, Nasimjon Rajabov, and Steffen Mischke

Compound-specific radiocarbon analysis (CSRA) of leaf waxes has revealed significant lag times before compounds are deposited in marine and lacustrine sediments. No such data so far exist for a cold and arid high altitude lake system, where carbon turnover and biomarker fluxes to sediments are expected to be relatively low. To elucidate transport dynamics of terrestrial leaf waxes in such an environment (MAT: -4°C, MAP <100mm), we determined CSRA-ages of selected long-chain n-alkanes in surface soil samples (0-10 cm), collected from alpine meadows in the catchment of Lake Karakul (Pamirs, Tajikistan), and in two sections  of a well dated sediment core from the same lake. We aimed to answer the question if there is a potential bias in the interpretation of biomarker records, in case the leaf wax compounds are significantly older than the sediment age-model suggests.

nC29- and nC31-alkanes in the soil samples exhibited variable ages, ranging from 105±79 to 2260±155 cal. yrs BP. In the two sediment core samples, three of the four obtained ages for nC29 and nC31 felt on the very lower ends of the 1ϭ-uncertainty ranges of modelled ages (based on AMS 14CTOC and OSL dating results).

The large span of CSRA-ages of soils gives evidence for heterogeneous decomposition and transport conditions in the lake catchment. We hypothesize that compounds with longest pre-aging contributed in lower proportions to the accumulated lake sediments and further suggest that sedimentary leaf waxes represent compounds with intermediate turnover time in soils, for example originating from alluvial plains close to the shores. Overall, the obtained results give evidence that sedimentary leaf wax compounds in this cold and arid high altitude setting are potentially older than the conventional age-model indicates. On the other hand, these findings need to be interpreted in context of the generally large uncertainty ranges of such age-models, which are further influenced by unknown factors for example changes of reservoir effects. 

How to cite: Aichner, B., Rethemeyer, J., Gierga, M., Stolz, A., Mętrak, M., Wilk, M., Suska-Malawska, M., Sachse, D., Rajabov, I., Rajabov, N., and Mischke, S.: Compound-specific radiocarbon ages of soil and sedimentary leaf wax biomarkers in an arid high-altitude environment, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3392,, 2021.
