Using UAS-based LiDAR data to quantify oyster reef structural characteristics for temporal monitoring
- School of Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, United States of America (
Given the global decline in oyster reef coverage, conservation and restoration efforts are increasingly needed to maintain the ecosystem services these biogenic features offer. However, monitoring and restoration are constrained by a lack of continuous quantitative metrics to effectively assess reef health. Traditional sampling methods typically provide a limited perspective of reef status, as sampling areas are just a fraction of the total reef area. In this study, an unoccupied aircraft system collected LiDAR data over oyster reefs in Cedar Key, FL, USA to develop digital surface models (DSMs) of their 3D structure. Ground sampling was also conducted in randomly placed quadrats to enumerate the live and dead oysters within each plot. Over 20 topographic complexity metrics were derived from the DSM, allowing relationships between various geomorphometric measures and reef health to be quantified. These data informed generalized additive models that explained up to 80% of the deviation of live to dead oyster ratios in the quadrats. While topographic complexity has been associated with reef health in the past, this process quantifies the relationships and indicates what metrics can be relied on to efficiently monitor intertidal oyster reefs using DSMs. The models can also inform restoration efforts on which surface characteristics are best to replicate when building restored reefs.
How to cite: Espriella, M. C., Lecours, V., Lassiter, H. A., and Wilkinson, B.: Using UAS-based LiDAR data to quantify oyster reef structural characteristics for temporal monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-10513,, 2022.