- DTU Space, Technical University of Denmark ,Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark (herteit@space.dtu.dk)
A gravimetric quasi-geoid model, based on the latest FAMOS database release, has been computed for the Baltic Sea region, aiming for a best-possible model on the sea, while not focusing on the surrounding land.
The geoid computation is based on the FFT remove-compute-restore method. XGM2019 is used as global reference field, with a Wong-Gore linear tapering from 180 to 200. No terrain corrections are included in the computation, since these are not expected to contribute to the accuracy of the model on the sea.
The gravimetric quasi-geoid model is compared to a GNSS-levelled ITRF2008 zero-tide dataset, the altimetry based DTU21 Mean Sea Surface dataset, and to a few tide gauge stations distributed throughout the region. Some preliminary comparisons to the GNSS-levelling dataset indicates that the gravimetric geoid has an accuracy of ±25 mm in the region surrounding the Baltic Sea.
How to cite: Teitsson, H. and Forsberg, R.: Gravimetric quasi-geoid of the Baltic Sea and comparison to GNSS levelling, DTU21 and tide gauges, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-11302, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-11302, 2022.