EGU22-1471, updated on 07 Jan 2025
EGU General Assembly 2022
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In-situ observation, modeling and analysis for water and energy parameters over the Tibetan Plateau

Weiqiang Ma1,2,3, Yaoming Ma1,2,3, Yizhe Han1,4, Wei Hu1,4, Lei Zhong5, Zhipeng Xie1,3,4, Zeyong Hu6, Rongmingzhu Su1,4, Jianan He1,4, Weiyao Ma1,4, Ling Bai1,4, and Fanglin Sun6
Weiqiang Ma et al.
  • 1Land-Atmosphere Interaction and its Climatic Effects Group, State Key Laboratory of Tibetan Plateau Earth System, Resources and Environment (TPESRE), Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China.
  • 2College of Atmospheric Science, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China.
  • 3National Observation and Research Station for Qomolongma Special Atmospheric Processes and Environmental Changes, Dingri 858200, China.
  • 4College of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China.
  • 5The University of Science and Technology of China
  • 6The Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources , Chinese Academy of Sciences

Tibetan Plateau Observation Platform (TORP), Third Pole Environment (TPE) observation and research Platform (TPEORP) and new stations were set up in recently years.
Firstly, based on the difference of model and in-situ observations, a serious of sensitive experiments were done by using numerical model, Such as Noah-MP and WRF. Better schemes in ground temperature and soil water content at shallow layer simulation were selected by comparing with Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) land surface temperature and Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) soil moisture data. In order to use remote sensing products, a land-atmosphere model was initialized by ingesting land surface parameters, such as AMSR-E RS products, and the results were compared with the default model configuration and with in-situ long-term CAMP/Tibet observations. 
Secondly, we analyzed the spatiotemporal variation characteristics of the heating field in the Tibetan Plateau through the observation data and reanalysis data and then revealed the influencing factors and potential effects of the changes of atmospheric heat sources on the Tibetan Plateau in summer and winter. Finally, the relationship between the change of spring AHS in the Tibetan Plateau and the change of summer precipitation in Northeast China was also analyzed from the level of mathematical statistics.
Thirdly, based on historical observations daily data for 1981-2016 from 130 meteorological stations over and around the Tibetan Plateau , the trends of sensible heat flux (SH) and their elevation-dependence were investigated. Results indicate that the SH over and around the Tibetan Plateau experienced apparent trends’ shift in approximate 2000, demonstrating noticeable reductions during 1981-2000 and pronounced recovery during 2001-2016 for the four seasons.
All of the different methods will clarify the water and energy parameters in complex plateau, it also can affect atmospheric cycle over the Tibetan Plateau even all of the global atmospheric cycle pattern.

How to cite: Ma, W., Ma, Y., Han, Y., Hu, W., Zhong, L., Xie, Z., Hu, Z., Su, R., He, J., Ma, W., Bai, L., and Sun, F.: In-situ observation, modeling and analysis for water and energy parameters over the Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-1471,, 2022.