EGU General Assembly 2022
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The zeta potential of quartz. Surface complexation modelling to elucidate high salinity measurements

Philippe Leroy1, Shuai Li2, Alexis Maineult3, and Jan Vinogradov4
Philippe Leroy et al.
  • 1BRGM, French Geological Survey, Orléans, France (
  • 2Hubei Subsurface Multi-scale Imaging Key Laboratory, Institute of Geophysics and Geomatics, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China (
  • 3Sorbonne Université, CNRS, EPHE, UMR 7619 METIS, Paris, France (
  • 4School of Engineering, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, United Kingdom (

The zeta potential is a measureable electrical potential of paramount importance to understand the electrochemical properties of colloids and grains in contact with brines. However, the zeta potential remains poorly understood because it takes place at the nanoscale of the electrical double layer on the mineral surface. Streaming potential measurements on quartz-rich Fontainebleau and Lochaline sandstones carried out at high salinity (above 0.1 M NaCl) yield surprisingly high zeta potential values. We found that placing the shear plane, where the zeta potential is defined, slightly closer to the mineral surface than the outer Helmholtz plane significantly improves the predictions of the zeta potential and surface charge density of quartz at high salinity as well as the values of the equilibrium constant describing sodium adsorption in the Stern layer. Our results have strong implications for the modelling of the electrochemical properties of minerals in contact with highly saline solutions.

How to cite: Leroy, P., Li, S., Maineult, A., and Vinogradov, J.: The zeta potential of quartz. Surface complexation modelling to elucidate high salinity measurements, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-2636,, 2022.