EGU22-5998, updated on 28 Mar 2022
EGU General Assembly 2022
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Aeolian processes on planetary icy solid substrates submitted to phase transition: relation between bedforms scales and environmental conditions.

Sabrina Carpy, Maï Bordiec, Aurore Collet, Marion Massé, and Olivier Bourgeois
Sabrina Carpy et al.
  • Nantes Université, Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géosciences, Physique, Nantes Cédex, France (

Aeolian processes are at the origin of a large number of bedforms, which are topographic patterns that are spatially organised in a periodic manner and that can be observed both on Earth and on other planetary bodies. Two main categories of bedforms can be distinguished: (i) "loose" bedforms, generated on a bed of mobilisable grains by erosion, transport and deposition and (ii)  "solid" bedforms, not induced by grain transport but by mass transfers such as ice sublimation or condensation under turbulent winds. Although the mechanisms involved in the growth of some solid bedforms have been studied (penitents, sublimation ripples, …), the subject remains largely less treated to date than loose bedforms, partly because of the lack of terrestrial environments favourable to sublimation. Comparison with other planetary environments has opened up new horizons for understanding these objects and the aeolian environments in which they develop.

Among these bedforms, sublimation waves are transverse linear waveforms: regular and parallel ridges oriented perpendicular to the main direction of the turbulent flow interacting with the ice surface. The height of the flow is greater than their wavelength. The emergence of the bedforms is due to a hydrodynamic instability mechanism of the band-pass type which allows their growth. Our theoretical linear stability study shows that this instability appears in the laminar-turbulent transition regime, based on the near-wall Reynolds number, only if the modulation of the viscous sublayer by an effective longitudinal pressure gradient is taken into account in the turbulence model enabling to reproduce the feedback of the topography on the flow.

These sublimation waves have been observed in different environments [Bordiec et al, 2020], by sublimation and diffusion of (a) water ice in air, in Antarctica or Ice caves, (b) water ice in CO2 atmosphere, on some areas of the northern polar cap of Mars, (c) and experimentally with CO2 ice in air. They are also observed on a Martian H2O glacier near the northern polar cap of Mars [Collet et al, in prep.], however, in the latter case, these sublimation waves are observed on larger icy waves. How can this difference in scale between two wavelengths be explained? What is their size selection process? To answer these questions, we investigate in our theoretical study the dependence on environmental conditions through (i) the fluid properties (wind speed, fluid viscosity) (ii) the direction of the transfer (sublimation or condensation) and (iii) the height of the flow in front of the wavelength (infinite or finite).

How to cite: Carpy, S., Bordiec, M., Collet, A., Massé, M., and Bourgeois, O.: Aeolian processes on planetary icy solid substrates submitted to phase transition: relation between bedforms scales and environmental conditions., EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-5998,, 2022.