EGU General Assembly 2022
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First results and Lessons Learned of CHILL-ICE 2021 Field Campaign

Marc Heemskerk1,2,3, Charlotte Pouwels2,3,4, Thor Atli Fanndal5, Sabrina Kerber2,3, Árni B. Stefánsson2,6, Esther Konijnenberg2, Jaap Elstgeest2,7, and Benedetta Cattani2,8
Marc Heemskerk et al.
  • 1Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (
  • 2CHILL-ICE Core Mission Team (
  • 3EuroMoonMars / ILEWG
  • 4International Space University, Strasbourg, France
  • 5Space Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland
  • 6Fjörgyn ses., Reykjavík, Iceland
  • 7Blinkinglights, Hoogmade, the Netherlands
  • 8Lunar Zebro Team, Delft, the Netherlands

During the summer of 2021, the first CHILL-ICE analogue campaign was held in and around the Stefánshellir Lava tube in the Hallmundarhraun lava field, in the West of Iceland. Here we present some of the campaign results of the two analogue missions that made up this research campaign.

After initial EuroMoonMars campagns in 2018 and 2020, the project group, named CHILL-ICE (Construction of a Habitat Inside a Lunar-analogue Lavatube - Iceland) was founded. More than 30 young researchers, students, and collaborators from 16 countries, worked closely together and two short analogue astronaut missions were held. These missions were the main goal of this campaign, where in the future also a stronger focus on the robot-human interfaces and exploration of subsurface cave systems is planned.