EGU General Assembly 2022
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Investigating the influence of mesoscale dynamics and chemistry on urban air pollution 

David Jean du Preez1 and Christoph Knote2
David Jean du Preez and Christoph Knote
  • 1University of Augsburg, Chair of Model-Based Environmental Exposure Science, Augsburg, Germany (
  • 2University of Augsburg, Chair of Model-Based Environmental Exposure Science, Augsburg, Germany (

Urban air quality is the result of local emissions which are superimposed on variable regional and continental atmospheric conditions which are represented in mesoscale models. The complex urban microscale consists of interactions between wind and radiation patterns (street canyon wind systems, building shading and reflections), non-linear chemistry in the presence of strong local emitters, various reactive species and particles (biogenic VOC emissions, regional dust transport) as well the associated mesoscale meteorological dynamics.  

The components of both the mesoscale and microscale need to be accurately represented in any model system to understand their interactions and resulting air pollution effects. Here we investigate the interplay between the urban microscale and mesoscale phenomena using a dynamic coupling of the PALM and WRF-Chem models. We highlight the importance of the regional atmospheric conditions for air pollution events such as heatwaves and the associated ozone peaks, Saharan dust events and inversion situations which have detrimental effects on human health. 

How to cite: du Preez, D. J. and Knote, C.: Investigating the influence of mesoscale dynamics and chemistry on urban air pollution , EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-7168,, 2022.