Crustal and upper mantle 3D Vs structure of the Pannonian Region from joint earthquake and ambient noise Rayleigh wave tomography
- 1EPSS Kövesligethy Radó Seismological Observatory, Sopron, Hungary (
- 2Christian-Albrechts University, Kiel, Germany
- 3National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG), 11421, Helwan, Cairo, Egypt
- 4Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences, Department of Geology, 1117 Budapest, Pázmány P. sétány 1/C, Hungary
- 5ELKH-ELTE Geological, Geophysical and Space Science Research Group at Eötvös University, Hungary
- 6Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
- *A full list of authors appears at the end of the abstract
The Pannonian basin is a continental back-arc basin in Central Europe, surrounded by the Alpine, Carpathian, and Dinaric mountain ranges. To better understand this area's tectonic affinity and evolution, a high-resolution model of the crust, the mantle lithosphere, and the asthenosphere is essential. The region's crustal structures are well documented, e.g., classical active seismic, receiver functions, and ambient noise surface wave studies, but consistent imaging of the entire lithosphere remains a challenge. Here we present a new high-resolution 3D shear wave velocity model of the crust and upper mantle of the broader Pannonian region using joint tomographic inversion of ambient noise and earthquake data.
For this purpose, we collected continuous waveform data from more than 1280 seismic stations for ambient noise cross-correlation measurements from a region centered to the Pannonian Basin and encompassing the rimming orogenic chains. This dataset embraces all the permanent and temporary stations operated in the time period from 2005 to 2018. We calculated Rayleigh wave ambient noise phase velocity dispersion curves using the phase of the noise cross-correlation functions of the vertical components in the period range from 5 to 80 s. Then we combined this dataset with existing measurements from earthquake data in the period range of 8-300 s.
At lower periods (< 50 s) and shorter interstation distances, there is a well-documented systematic discrepancy between the dispersion measurements collected by the two methods. The phase-velocity curves measured by the noise-based method are slower on average than the dispersion curves extracted by the earthquake-based method. A correction term is defined by comparing phase velocity curves from both data sets for the same station pairs. Phase velocity maps are then calculated from 5 s to 250 s periods using ambient noise and earthquake measurements.
Local dispersion curves extracted along each grid node of the 2D phase velocity maps are inverted for depth velocity models using a newly implemented Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm to obtain the 3D distribution of the shear-wave velocities. The shear wave velocity structure reveals pronounced variations of the lithospheric thickness and physical properties related to deep tectonic mechanisms operated in the region.
György HETÉNYI, Rafael ABREU, Ivo ALLEGRETTI, Maria-Theresia APOLONER, Coralie AUBERT, Simon BESANÇON, Maxime BÈS DE BERC, Götz BOKELMANN, Didier BRUNEL, Marco CAPELLO, Martina ČARMAN, Adriano CAVALIERE, Jérôme CHÈZE, Claudio CHIARABBA, John CLINTON, Glenn COUGOULAT, Wayne C. CRAWFORD, Luigia CRISTIANO, Tibor CZIFRA, Ezio D’ALEMA, Stefania DANESI, Romuald DANIEL, Anke DANNOWSKI, Iva DASOVIĆ, Anne DESCHAMPS, Jean-Xavier DESSA, Cécile DOUBRE, Sven EGDORF, ETHZ-SED Electronics Lab, Tomislav FIKET, Kasper FISCHER, Wolfgang FRIEDERICH, Florian FUCHS, Sigward FUNKE, Domenico GIARDINI, Aladino GOVONI, Zoltán GRÁCZER, Gidera GRÖSCHL, Stefan HEIMERS, Ben HEIT, Davorka HERAK, Marijan HERAK, Johann HUBER, Dejan JARIĆ, Petr JEDLIČKA, Yan JIA, Hélène JUND, Edi KISSLING, Stefan KLINGEN, Bernhard KLOTZ, Petr KOLÍNSKÝ, Heidrun KOPP, Michael KORN, Josef KOTEK, Lothar KÜHNE, Krešo KUK, Dietrich LANGE, Jürgen LOOS, Sara LOVATI, Deny MALENGROS, Lucia MARGHERITI, Christophe MARON, Xavier MARTIN, Marco MASSA, Francesco MAZZARINI, Thomas MEIER, Laurent MÉTRAL, Irene MOLINARI, Milena MORETTI, Helena MUNZAROVÁ, Anna NARDI, Jurij PAHOR, Anne PAUL, Catherine PÉQUEGNAT, Daniel PETERSEN, Damiano PESARESI, Davide PICCININI, Claudia PIROMALLO, Thomas PLENEFISCH, Jaroslava PLOMEROVÁ, Silvia PONDRELLI, Snježan PREVOLNIK, Roman RACINE, Marc RÉGNIER, Miriam REISS, Joachim RITTER, Georg RÜMPKER, Simone SALIMBENI, Marco SANTULIN, Werner SCHERER, Sven SCHIPPKUS, Detlef SCHULTE-KORTNACK, Vesna ŠIPKA, Stefano SOLARINO, Daniele SPALLAROSSA, Kathrin SPIEKER, Josip STIPČEVIĆ, Angelo STROLLO, Bálint SÜLE, Gyöngyvér SZANYI, Eszter SZŰCS, Christine THOMAS, Martin THORWART, Frederik TILMANN, Stefan UEDING, Massimiliano VALLOCCHIA, Luděk VECSEY, René VOIGT, Joachim WASSERMANN, Zoltán WÉBER, Christian WEIDLE, Viktor WESZTERGOM, Gauthier WEYLAND, Stefan WIEMER, Felix WOLF, David WOLYNIEC, Thomas ZIEKE, Mladen ŽIVČIĆ
How to cite: Timkó, M., El-Sharkawy, A., Wiesenberg, L., Fodor, L., Wéber, Z., Lebedev, S., and Meier, T. and the AlpArray Working Group: Crustal and upper mantle 3D Vs structure of the Pannonian Region from joint earthquake and ambient noise Rayleigh wave tomography, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-7892,, 2022.