Energy and dynamics in the climate system


Energy and dynamics in the climate system
Co-organized by NP2/OS1
Convener: Roberta D'Agostino | Co-conveners: Valerio Lembo, David Ferreira, Rune Grand Graversen, Joakim Kjellsson
| Wed, 25 May, 08:30–11:00 (CEST)
Room 0.14

Presentations: Wed, 25 May | Room 0.14

Chairpersons: Valerio Lembo, David Ferreira, Rune Grand Graversen
Virtual presentation
Yoania Povea Pérez, Eric Guilyardi, Brady Ferster, and Alexey Fedorov

Planetary heat transport can be separated into the oceanic and atmospheric components and plays a major role in shaping the climate. In a climate in equilibrium, the net heat flux at the top of the atmosphere is constant and the rate of change in ocean heat content is negligible. In such conditions, anomalies in the ocean heat transport are accompanied by changes in the atmosphere of the same magnitude but opposite sign [Bjerknes, 1964], known as Bjerknes compensation (BJC). BJC remains a hypothesis since it has not been found in observations due to the length of time series and large errors compared to the observed heat transports. Nevertheless, BJC has a great number of applications in climate sciences, especially in climate predictability. Here we study the BJC in the IPSL-CM6A-LR model and contrast its properties in piControl and abrupt-4xCO2 experiments. In order to address this goal, we characterize the different time scales dependence and explore BJC dynamics linked to the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) changes and Intertropical Convergence Zone (ICTZ) shifts. We improve the BJC diagnostics by introducing the Turner Angle between ocean and atmospheric anomalies:  this allows both to quantify the BJC strength and to distinguish the contributions of ocean and atmosphere. In the IPSL-CM6A-LR model, we found two regions of stronger BJC corresponding to the mid-latitudes storm track region and the Marginal Ice Zone. The strong forcing in abrupt-4xCO2 leads to an AMOC reduction of 60% compared to the control experiment and dampening of the centennial signal of heat transport, however, the role of BJC in AMOC recovery in this experiment remains unclear. The ocean dominates BJC at decadal and centennial timescales both in natural and forced experiments. BJC is associated with the co-variability between AMOC strength and ITCZ location. Other forms of heat compensation are found in this model, such as a Bjerknes-like compensation between Atlantic and Indo-Pacific centennial ocean heat transport in the South Hemisphere.  

How to cite: Povea Pérez, Y., Guilyardi, E., Ferster, B., and Fedorov, A.: Diagnosing differences in Bjerknes compensation in the IPSL-CM6A-LR model, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-9501,, 2022.

On-site presentation
Jacob Steinberg, Sylvia Cole, Kyla Drushka, and Ryan Abernathey

Oceanic mesoscale motions including eddies, meanders, fronts, and filaments comprise a dominant fraction of oceanic kinetic energy and contribute to the redistribution of tracers in the ocean such as heat, salt, and nutrients. This reservoir of mesoscale energy is regulated by the conversion of potential energy and transfers of kinetic energy across spatial scales. Whether and under what circumstances mesoscale turbulence precipitates forward or inverse cascades, and the rates of these cascades, remain difficult to directly observe and quantify despite their impacts on physical and biological processes. Here we use global observations to investigate the seasonality of surface kinetic energy and upper ocean potential energy. We apply spatial filters to along-track satellite measurements of sea surface height to diagnose surface eddy kinetic energy across 60-300 km scales. A geographic and scale dependent seasonal cycle appears throughout much of the mid-latitudes, with eddy kinetic energy at scales less than 60 km peaking 1-4 months before that at 60-300 km scales. Spatial patterns in this lag align with geographic regions where the conversion of potential to kinetic energy are seasonally varying. In mid-latitudes, the conversion rate peaks 0-2 months prior to kinetic energy at scales less than 60 km. The consistent geographic patterns between the seasonality of potential energy conversion and kinetic energy across spatial scale provide observational evidence for the inverse cascade, and demonstrate that some component of it is seasonally modulated. Implications for mesoscale parameterizations and numerical modeling are discussed.

How to cite: Steinberg, J., Cole, S., Drushka, K., and Abernathey, R.: Seasonality of the Mesoscale Inverse Cascade as Inferred from Global Scale-Dependent Eddy Energy Observations, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-13178,, 2022.

On-site presentation
Nathan Beech, Thomas Jung, Tido Semmler, Thomas Rackow, Qiang Wang, and Sergey Danilov

Mesoscale ocean eddies impact atmosphere-ocean gas exchange, carbon sequestration, and nutrient transport. Studies have attempted to identify trends in eddy activity using satellite altimetry; however, it is difficult to distinguish between robust trends and natural variability within the short observational record. Using a novel climate model that exploits the variable-resolution capabilities of unstructured meshes in the ocean component to concentrate computational resources in eddy-rich regions, we assess global mesoscale eddies and their long-term response to climate change at an unprecedented scale. The modeled results challenge the significance of some trends identified by observational studies, as well as the effectiveness of linear trends in assessing eddy kinetic energy (EKE) change. Some anticipated changes to ocean circulation, such as a poleward shift of major ocean currents and eddy saturation in the Southern Ocean, are reinforced by the modeled EKE changes. Several novel insights regarding the evolution of EKE in a warming world are also proposed, such as a decrease of EKE along the Gulf Stream in unison with weakening Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC); increasing Agulhas leakage; and accelerating, non-linear increases of EKE in the basins of the Kuroshio Current, Brazil and Malvinas Currents, and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC).

How to cite: Beech, N., Jung, T., Semmler, T., Rackow, T., Wang, Q., and Danilov, S.: Long-term evolution of eddying oceans in a warming world, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-741,, 2022.

On-site presentation
Patrick Stoll, Rune Grand Graversen, Tuomas Ilkka Henrikki Heiskanen, and Richard Bintanja

The global atmospheric circulation determines the local weather and climate. To better understand this circulation and how it may change in a warming world, we separate the atmospheric energy transport by the spatial scale, the quasi-stationary and transient nature, and the latent and dry-static component in the ERA-5 reanalysis and climate-model simulations with EC-Earth. Different to previous studies that distinguish the scale by wave-numbers, here the meso, synoptic and planetary scales are separated at wavelengths below 2000km, between 2-8000km, and above the latter, respectively. The scale (wavelength) of most transient energy transport is around 5000km for all latitudes and is associated with baroclinic, synoptic-scale cyclones. Transient, synoptic-scale waves are the largest contributor to the energy transport at all latitudes outside the tropics, where the meridional overturning circulation is dominant. Planetary-scale waves are both of quasi-stationary and transient character, strongest at latitudes with much orography, and responsible for most of the inter-annual variability of the energy transport. The energy transport associated with mesoscale waves is negligible.

In a warming world, the moisture transport increases everywhere and in all components, however strongest for planetary waves, making dry areas dryer and moist areas moister, and supporting large and long-lasting events that favour floods and droughts. The total energy transport increases at latitudes smaller than 60 degrees, with the main contribution from quasi-stationary, planetary-scale waves, indicating that weather patterns become more persistent. The changing energy transport can be associated both with changing zonal gradients in temperature and with an atmospheric circulation that becomes more effective in transporting energy.

How to cite: Stoll, P., Graversen, R. G., Heiskanen, T. I. H., and Bintanja, R.: Changes in the global atmospheric energy transport separated by spatial scales in a warming world, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-5121,, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Tuomas Ilkka Henrikki Heiskanen and Rune Graversen

Energy transport in the atmosphere is accomplished by systems of several length scales, from cyclones to Rossby waves. From recently developed Fourier and wavelet based methods it has been found that the planetary component of the latent heat transport affects the Arctic surface temperatures more than its dry-static counterpart and the synoptic scale component of the latent heat transport.  

However, both the Fourier and wavelet based methods require enormous amounts of data and are time consuming to process. The Fourier and wavelet decompositions are computed  from 6 hourly data, throughout the whole vertical column of the atmosphere. The data required are usually only available from reanalysis archives, or possibly from climate model experiments where a goal is to examine the decomposed energy transport. However, the vast CMIP5 and CMIP6 archives are out of reach for the exact computations of the Fourier and wavelet decompositions. Even if all the data were available in the CMIP archives, it would be a computationally, and storage-wise, intensive task to compute the Fourier and wavelet decompositions for a large selection of the CMIP experiments.

Here we suggest a deep-learning approach to approximate the decomposed energy transport from significantly less data than the original methods. The idea is to train a convolutional neural network (CNN) on ERA5 data, where we have already computed the Fourier decomposition of the energy transport. The CNN is trained on data at 850hPa in the atmosphere on a daily temporal resolution. The required data are only a small fraction of the data required to compute the exact Fourier decompositon of the energy transport. Once the CNN is trained, the model is tested on data from the EC-Earth climate model. For EC-Earth we have an ensemble of model runs where the energy transport is decomposed using the Fourier method, hence the CNN may be evaluated on the EC-Earth dataset.

The CNN based energy transport decomposition matches well with the classically computed energy transport from EC-Earth.The CNN captures the mean meridional transport well, and the projected changes from the 1950s to the 2090s in EC-Earth. Additionally the CNN model captures the day to day variability well, as regressions of temperature on the transport from the CNNcomputations and the classical Fourier decomposition are similar. Further we may investigate how the decomposed energy transport changes in a range of CMIP models and experiments

How to cite: Heiskanen, T. I. H. and Graversen, R.: Wave decomposition of energy transport using deep-learning, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-7235,, 2022.

Virtual presentation
michal shaham and Roy Barkan

Oceanic mesoscale eddies contain most of the kinetic energy (KE) in the ocean and therefore play an important role in determining the ocean’s response to future climate scenarios. Oceanic wind-forced internal waves (IWs) are energetic fast motions that contribute substantially to the vertical mixing of water, thereby affecting biogeochemical and climate processes. We study the effects of wind-forced IWs on the KE pathways in high-resolution numerical simulations of an idealized wind-driven channel flow. Using spectral fluxes, we demonstrate that solutions with wind-forced IWs are characterized by a forward KE cascade, whereas solutions without exhibit an inverse KE cascade. We further decompose the flow field into ‘eddy’ and ‘internal wave’ motions using a Helmholtz decomposition and temporal filtering. This allows us to identify three key processes responsible for the reversal in the KE cascade: IW scattering, direct extraction, and stimulated cascade. Each process is quantified and discussed in detail.

How to cite: shaham, M. and Barkan, R.: Eddy-Internal wave decomposition and kinetic energy transfers in high-resolution turbulent channel flow with near-inertial waves, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-8284,, 2022.

On-site presentation
Axel Kleidon

I use thermodynamics and an Earth system approach to determine how much kinetic energy the atmosphere is physically capable of generating at large scales from the solar radiative forcing.  The work done to generate and maintain large-scale atmospheric motion can be seen as the consequence of an atmospheric heat engine, which is driven by the difference in solar radiative heating between the tropics and the poles.  The resulting motion transports heat, which depletes this differential solar heating and the associated, large-scale temperature difference, which drives this energy conversion in the first place.  This interaction between the thermodynamic driver (temperature difference) and the resulting dynamics (heat transport) is critical for determining the maximum power that can be generated.  It leads to a maximum in the global mean generation rate of kinetic energy of about 1.7 W m-2, which matches rates inferred from observations of about 2.1 - 2.5 W m-2 very well.  This represents less than 1% of the total absorbed solar radiation that is converted into kinetic energy. Although it would seem that the atmosphere is extremely inefficient in generating motion, thermodynamics shows that the atmosphere works as hard as it can to generate the energy contained in the winds.  I then show that this view of atmospheric dynamics is essentially the same as a maximised generation rate of Available Potential Energy (APE) for the Lorenz energy cycle, and that it is also consistent with the outcome of the proposed principle of Maximum Entropy Production (MEP) while representing a more physically interpretable approach.  This supports the notion that Earth system processes evolve to and operate near their thermodynamic limit, which permits the use of this constraint to do climate science analytically with less empirical input.

How to cite: Kleidon, A.: How much kinetic energy can the large-scale atmospheric circulation at best generate?, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-5417,, 2022.

On-site presentation
Yuan-Bing Zhao, Frank Lunkeit, and Nedjeljka Žagar

Atmospheric spatial and temporal variability are closely related with the former being relatively well assessed compared to the latter. New opportunities for understanding the spatio-temporal variability spectrum are offered by coupled high-resolution climate models. However, the models still suffer from significant systematic errors (biases) calling for an approach that assesses circulation variability in relation to biases. Furthermore, biases in simulated variability are often of remote origin; for example, biases in the Atlantic sea-surface temperature in boreal winter may be responsible for changes in simulated variability over Asia.

We present a novel framework for the multivariate, multi-scale variability evaluation in relation to remote biases. Centennial simulations are carried out using a general circulation model PLASIM and a perfect-model framework. Biases in simulated circulation originate from regional errors in the surface forcing by prescribed sea surface temperature (SST). A reference simulation is forced with the monthly SST from ERA-20C reanalyses from January 1900 to December 2010. Sensitivity simulations are forced with the same SST with addition of regional perturbations that mimic the errors in the surface forcing of the atmosphere and lead to systematic errors in the simulated mean state and temporal variance. The erroneous SST is respectively located in tropical basins of Indian ocean, Western Pacific, Central Pacific, Eastern Pacific, and Atlantic, and in extra-tropical areas of North Pacific and North Atlantic.

The bias is the time-averaged difference between the reference and sensitivity simulations. Using the normal-mode function decomposition, the amplitude and phase of the bias can be related to deficiencies in spatial and temporal variance of the two main dynamical regimes: quasi-geostrophic regime and unbalanced circulation. The results show that biases are mainly established in the zonal-mean state and at planetary scales of balanced flow. In boreal winter, the biases at scales with zonal wavenumber k>0 are typically manifested in the barotropic Rossby wave train across the Northern Hemisphere. The structure of tropical biases is that of unbalanced flow, projecting predominantly on the Kelvin wave and the vertical baroclinic structure. The effects of biases on spatio-temporal variability are further investigated in spectral space.

How to cite: Zhao, Y.-B., Lunkeit, F., and Žagar, N.: Bias teleconnections: atmospheric variability associated with biases in remote regions, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-7317,, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Laura Trentini, Sara Dal Gesso, Alessandro Dell'Aquila, and Marcello Petitta

Baroclinic instability in the mid-latitudes is a significant component of the climate system, as it is associated with the meridional transport of a large amount of energy and momentum. Hence, the ability of climate models to correctly predict the properties of atmospheric circulation in that latitudinal band is a very important requirement. This study aims to estimate the power content of the atmospheric phenomena typical of mid-latitudes, such as baroclinic perturbations, and to understand how seasonal forecasts can be practically used to assess energy transfer in the atmosphere. We compare the Southern Hemisphere mid-latitude winter variability of the long-range forecasting system SEAS5 with the ERA5 reanalysis. Both datasets are produced by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). The analysis is carried out by computing the Hayashi spectra of the 500-hPa geopotential height field. Both the reanalysis and the seasonal forecast show a series of peaks in the spectral region of eastward-traveling waves, which corresponds to the high frequency-high wavenumber domain. We quantify the amount of energy released from the atmosphere by calculating the Baroclinic Amplitude Index. Results suggest that the seasonal forecasts correctly reflect the variability of the geopotential height power spectra in the Southern Hemisphere, with some minor discrepancies related to the sub-daily variability, which is not correctly discriminated. However, the energy associated with the baroclinic activity is well represented by the seasonal forecast in the Southern Hemisphere, where the orographic effect is negligible compared to the Northern Hemisphere. This work is carried out as part of the European FOCUS-Africa project, which develops innovative and sustainable climate services in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region.

How to cite: Trentini, L., Dal Gesso, S., Dell'Aquila, A., and Petitta, M.: Spectral analysis of the Southern Hemisphere atmospheric variability to assess the role of baroclinic instability in seasonal forecasts, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-11288,, 2022.

On-site presentation
Houraa Daher and Ben Kirtman

Anthropogenic climate change in the Southern Hemisphere is driven by two forces, the greenhouse gas emissions and the stratospheric ozone levels. In the past, the combination of increasing greenhouse gas emissions and ozone depletion over Antarctica worked together leading to an increase in sea surface temperatures and a poleward shift of the storm tracks. With the ozone expected to recover by mid-century, however, the greenhouse gas and ozone forces will oppose each other and the changes observed previously will begin to weaken or reverse. The role the greenhouse gases and the ozone recovery play in the Southern Hemisphere climate system are examined using Community Climate System Model, version 4 (CCSM4) coupled ocean eddy-parameterized and eddy-resolving simulations. The greenhouse gas emissions and ozone levels are specified independently to represent the two extremes, peak greenhouse gas emissions and a recovered ozone. In the eddy-parameterized simulations, the ozone recovery signal is found to be stronger on average. In the case of the eddy-resolving simulations, however, the increase in greenhouse gases is stronger especially in eddy-rich regions like western boundary current regions and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. The volume transport is also calculated for the Southern Hemisphere western boundary currents (Agulhas, Brazil, and East Australian Currents) and the two external forces are found to not play an important role in the mean transports, but the model resolution does. The eddy-parameterizing simulations yield a more accurate transport than the eddy-resolving simulations. The eddy-resolving simulations however, are able to resolve a more accurate eddy field in these highly active regions. The relationship between the sea surface temperatures in the western boundary currents and regional precipitation over nearby South Africa, South America, and Australia is then analyzed in greater detail.

How to cite: Daher, H. and Kirtman, B.: The impact of greenhouse gas and ozone forcing on the Southern Hemisphere climate system, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-10915,, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Rhidian Thomas, Tim Woollings, and Nick Dunstone

In studying recent climate, changes to atmospheric circulation are often understood as a response to temperature changes. This work instead quantifies the contribution to temperature trends from the atmospheric dynamics, by analysing trends in the ERA5 zonal-mean temperature budget over the satellite era. The results are consistent with several previously highlighted trends in the circulation. In the winter hemisphere, the region of subtropical descent and heating associated with the Hadley cell strengthens on its poleward side, and the deep diabatic heating in the ITCZ intensifies and shifts northward in the northern hemisphere (NH) winter. In keeping with other studies, we find a weakening of the transient eddy heating associated with the NH summer storm tracks. At high northern latitudes, the climatological eddy heating is weakened at low levels; this signal is strongest in NH winter, consistent with the reduced baroclinicity associated with arctic warming. Our work also points towards emerging trends in the transition seasons, SON and MAM, and underlines the importance of circulation changes in understanding trends in atmospheric temperature.

How to cite: Thomas, R., Woollings, T., and Dunstone, N.: Diagnosing the effect of circulation trends on atmospheric temperature, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-9166,, 2022.

On-site presentation
Gabriele Hegerl, Andrew Ballinger, and Andrew Schurer

Precipitation changes are notoriously highly variable, and climate models misplace circulation features, making it difficult to evaluate if mechanisms of precipitation change are well reproduced in climate models. Several methods have been developed to detect externally forced precipitation change tracking circulation features rather than specific locations. For example, analysis of monthly ascending and descending regions in reanalysis show the increase of rainfall in ascending regions. Analysis of wet and dry regions in GPCP blended data shows that if the locations of wet and dry regions are tracked from month to month then trends over the past 3-4 decades can be attributed to a combination of human influences and the recovery from drying associated with the Mount Pinatubo eruption in wet regions. In response to volcanic eruptions, wet regions tend to dry and dry regions may get wetter, indicating a reduced moisture transport to the wettest regions of the tropics under strong volcanic forcing. However, this is also impacted by the hemispheric characteristics of the eruptions. 

How to cite: Hegerl, G., Ballinger, A., and Schurer, A.: Towards attributing change in tropical and subtropical precipitation, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-13547,, 2022.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Roberta D'Agostino, David Ferreira, Joakim Kjellsson
Virtual presentation
Žiga Zaplotnik, Matic Pikovnik, and Lina Boljka

This study explores the possible drivers of the recent Hadley circulation strengthening in the modern reanalyses. Predominantly, two recent generations of reanalyses provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts are used: the fifth-generation atmospheric reanalysis (ERA5) and the interim reanalysis (ERA-Interim). Some results are also evaluated against other long-term reanalyses. To assess the origins of the Hadley cell (HC) strength variability we employ the Kuo-Eliassen (KE) equation. ERA5 shows that both HCs were strengthening prior to 2000s, but they have been weakening or remained steady afterwards. Most of the long-term variability in the strength of the HCs is explained by the meridional gradient of diabatic (latent) heating, which is related to precipitation gradients. However, the strengthening of both HCs in ERA5 is larger than the strengthening expected from the observed zonal-mean precipitation gradient (via Global Precipitation Climatology Project, GPCP). This suggests that the HC strength trends in the recent decades in ERA5 can be explained partly as an artifact of the misrepresentation of latent heating and partly through (physical) long-term variability. To show that the latter is true, we analyze ERA5 preliminary data for the 1950-1978 period, other long-term (e.g. 20th century) reanalyses, and sea surface temperature observational data. This reveals that the changes in the HC strength can be a consequence of the Atlantic multidecadal variability (AMV) and related diabatic and frictional processes, which in turn drive the global HC variability. This work has implications for further understanding of the long-term variability of the Hadley circulation.

How to cite: Zaplotnik, Ž., Pikovnik, M., and Boljka, L.: Recent Hadley circulation strengthening: a trend or multidecadal variability?, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-3866,, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Yeong-Ju Choi, Seo-Yeon Kim, Seok-Woo Son, Soon-il An, Sang-Wook Yeh, Jong-Seong Kug, Seung-Ki Min, and Jongsoo Shin

The poleward shift of the Hadley cell (HC) edge by global warming is widely documented. However, its reversibility to CO2 removal remains unknown. By conducting a climate model experiment where CO2 concentration is systematically increased and then decreased in time, this study shows that a poleward-shifted HC edge in warm climate returns equatorward as CO2 concentration decreases. It is also shown that the rate significantly differs between the two hemispheres. While the southern HC edge monotonically changes with CO2 concentration, the northern HC edge exhibits a super recovery, locating on the equatorward side of the present-climate HC edge when CO2 concentration returns to the present level. Such a super recovery is associated with the hysteresis of the North Atlantic sea surface temperature. Our findings suggest that the HC edge change may result in the super recovery of subtropical dryness in the northern hemisphere except California.

How to cite: Choi, Y.-J., Kim, S.-Y., Son, S.-W., An, S., Yeh, S.-W., Kug, J.-S., Min, S.-K., and Shin, J.: Super recovery of the Hadley Cell edge to the CO2 removal, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-10935,, 2022.

Virtual presentation
MD Rabiul Awal, Andrew Turner, and David Ferreira

During the boreal summer monsoon, the temperature gradient between land and ocean in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) facilitates large transports of moist air masses towards the land regions, where their convergence causes precipitation. This is associated with an export of net energy (internal, potential, and latent energy) away from the land. On a global scale, there is a tight relationship between the location of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) and the cross-equatorial atmospheric heat transport (AHT) on seasonal, interannual and climate time scales: a more northward cross-equatorial AHT is associated with a displacement of the ITCZ (as defined by precipitation) toward the equator. We further analyse the relationships between cross-equatorial AHT and common streamfunction-based measures of the ITCZ position and width found in the literature. However, it remains unclear whether links between energy transport and the monsoonal precipitation exist at the scale of monsoon regions.

To address this question, we combine data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) reanalysis ERA5 and Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP-version 2.3) rainfall data. In the annual cycle, the cross-equatorial northward AHT transport peaks in July and the annual net northward cross-equatorial AHT is -0.34 PW (negative sign denotes southward). A regression analysis confirms that the global ITCZ shifts southward when the cross-equatorial AHT is anomalously large, although we demonstrate this mainly happens over the Pacific Ocean. Outside of the Pacific sector, the relationship between cross-equatorial AHT and JJA precipitation is complex. For the West African monsoon region, greater northward cross-equatorial AHT is related to weaker rainfall along the Gulf of Guinea coast, while there is stronger rainfall in the Atlantic Ocean ITCZ. In the Indian sector, anomalous northward AHT is associated with a weak monsoon, marked by strong decreases in precipitation on the Western coast of India and the southern flank of the Himalayas.

In future work, the CMIP6 multi-model dataset will be analysed to examine future projection of AHT and its impact on monsoonal precipitation. The characteristics of the ITCZ will be explored using the same datasets.

How to cite: Awal, M. R., Turner, A., and Ferreira, D.: The relationship between atmospheric heat transport and monsoonal precipitation variability, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-7957,, 2022.

On-site presentation
Simona Bordoni and Katrina Hui

GCMs robustly project a delay in the timing of the global monsoon onset and tropical precipitation intensification with warming. However, a closer look at the response of different monsoon regions shows less consistency. To better understand how monsoons will respond to a warming climate, with a particular focus on the timing of monsoon onset, we use a hierarchy of climate models, starting from idealized aquaplanet simulations all the way to CMIP6 projections, to identify the robust and uncertain changes and investigate the underlying mechanisms. Our idealized work covers two sets of simulations: 1) aquaplanet runs with a uniform mixed layer depth (MLD) in a wide range of climates, from colder to warmer than the current climate, and 2) simulations with an idealized saturated zonally symmetric continent extending from 10oN to the North Pole in a similar range of colder to warmer climates. Monsoon onset is determined using a change point detection method on the cumulative moisture flux convergence (MFC) (or net precipitation), which robustly links monsoon onset to changes in the large-scale monsoonal circulation. The idealized uniform MLD aquaplanet simulations show a robust progressive delay of monsoon onset, consistent with results reported in the literature. Analyses of the atmospheric energy budget suggest this delay is due to the increased atmospheric latent heat capacity with warming. Interestingly, this delay is not evident in the simulations with the idealized saturated continent. Mechanisms are explored by analyzing changes in the energetics and dynamics of the tropical circulation and related monsoonal precipitation. CMIP6 projections in different monsoon regions are investigated to determine if mechanisms exposed in the idealized simulations can shed some light on the differing monsoon onset responses in more complex climate models.

How to cite: Bordoni, S. and Hui, K.: Monsoon Onset Response to Warming in Idealized GCM and CMIP6 Simulations, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-10666,, 2022.

On-site presentation
Yinglin Tian, Deyu Zhong, and Axel Kleidon

The Tibetan Plateau (TP), known as the “World Roof”, has significant influences on hydrological and atmospheric circulation at both regional and global scales. As a result, an adequate understanding of TP climate change is of great importance. In this study, the temporospatial variations of temperature extremes over the TP are investigated based on the station and gridded data provided by China Meteorological Administration (CMA) and the Mann-Kendall test. In addition, the typical large-scale circulations along with the temperature extremes are analyzed using the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) interim reanalysis data. It is found that while the frequency of the temperature extremes is observed to have gone through significant variations from 1979 to 2018, the intensity of the temperature extremes has no significant change. On the one hand, the frequency of the warm days and nights is getting higher over the southeastern part and northwestern TP; on the other hand, most area of the eastern TP has witnessed a significant decreasing trend in the frequency of cold days and nights, together suggesting a warming TP. Moreover, the distribution of the long-term changes in the warm days and the cold nights resemble those of the multi-year tendencies of the maximum and minimum temperature. Furthermore, both warm days and nights occur with a significant anti-cyclone over the TP for continuous days, which might allow for more solar radiation arriving at the surface and also favors more adiabatic heating along with the sinking movement of the air parcels. Our results imply a possible linkage between the long-term climate change in the TP, the temperature extremes over the TP, and the large-scale circulations.

How to cite: Tian, Y., Zhong, D., and Kleidon, A.: The variations of temperature extremes over the wintertime Tibetan Plateau from 1979 to 2018, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-5897,, 2022.

On-site presentation
Theodor Mayer, Ran Feng, and Tripti Bhattacharya

Ocean-atmosphere coupled models predict pronounced weakening of the Pacific Walker Circulation (PWC) with increasing CO2 concentration due to enhanced tropospheric stability and reduced convective mass overturning. However, current observational results are inconsistent and do not confirm a clear weakening signal. The detection of the signature of increasing CO2 is in part impeded by substantial internal variability and anthropogenic aerosol forcings. Here we explore the possibility of using a paleoclimatic analogue to understand the contemporary PWC sensitivity to CO2 changes. We focus on the interval from mid-Piacenzian (MP, 3.3 – 3.0 Ma) to early Pleistocene (~2.4 Ma). The MP had elevated CO2 concentrations (~400ppm) and geography, topology, and vegetation similar to today. Following the MP global CO2 and temperature decreased, leading to the intensification of the Northern hemisphere glaciation. We seek to identify potential proxy constraints on model simulated PWC sensitivity to CO2 forcing by focusing on changes in the hydroclimatology during this time interval. We developed several sets of isotope-tracking enabled CESM version 1.2 simulations, which utilize pre-Industrial and Pliocene boundary conditions, different CO2 levels, and water tagging of 11 oceanographic regions to track the life cycles of various water species (H216O, H218O and HD16O). Preliminary results show that Pliocene boundary conditions have little impact on the relationship between the CO2 forcing and the intensity of PWC. The precipitation δD contrast between the eastern and western tropical Pacific, scales well with the PWC strength, suggesting high potential for developing PWC strengths proxy with precipitation isotopic records from both sides of the tropical Pacific. Our ongoing work will further identify physical processes responsible for the simulated precipitation isotopic signals: i.e., whether they reflect changes in the moisture source, moisture transport, or moist convection at the destination. Additionally, prescribed-SST simulations will also be conducted to quantify the isotopic imprints of changing tropospheric instability from SST changes.

How to cite: Mayer, T., Feng, R., and Bhattacharya, T.: Water isotopic imprints of the Pliocene Pacific Walker Circulation, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-5439,, 2022.
