Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture


Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture
Convener: Clément Albergel | Co-conveners: Patricia de Rosnay, Jian Peng, Luca Brocca, Nemesio Rodriguez-Fernandez
| Thu, 26 May, 13:20–16:34 (CEST)
Room 2.31

Presentations: Thu, 26 May | Room 2.31

Chairpersons: Clément Albergel, Raffaele Albano
Virtual presentation
Mariette Vreugdenhil, Isabella Greimeister-Pfeil, Wolfgang Preimesberger, Luca Brocca, Stefania Camici, Samuel Massart, Markus Enenkel, and Wolfgang Wagner

Many parametric or index-based drought risk financing instruments are based on in situ or satellite-derived rainfall, temperature and/or vegetation health data. However, an underlying issue is that indices often do not perfectly correlate to the actual losses experienced by the policy holders. Remotely sensed soil moisture (SM) can help decrease basis risk in parametric drought insurance through complementary and/or improved parameters and variables in existing models, or as a stand-alone model. Here, we demonstrate the added value of satellite-based soil moisture for drought assessment and early-warning yield prediction for Senegal and Morocco.  

SM from both ESA CCI and EUMETSAT HSAF were used in combination with rainfall from CHIRPS and SM2Rain, and Copernicus Global Land Service NDVI to assess droughts through a convergence of evidence approach. Satellite-based soil moisture, and the retrieved rainfall through SM2Rain, provided early indicators of drought onset compared to NDVI. They also corresponded to major droughts and impacts as obtained from public reports of the African Risk Capacity (ARC) and existing models used for parametric drought insurance, such as the Water Requirement Satisfactory index (WRSI).   

Furthermore, rainfall, SM and NDVI were used to predict yield obtained from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). SM showed a high predictive skill early in the growing season, where negative early season soil moisture anomalies often lead to lower yields. NDVI showed more predictive power later in the growing season. Combining satellite-based SM with precipitation and NDVI in multiple linear regression improved yield prediction. Especially at the start of the season SM improved predictions, with the ability to explain 60% (groundnut), 63% (millet), 76% (sorghum) and 67% (maize) of yield variability. These findings are particularly relevant for parametric drought insurance, because an earlier detection of drought conditions enables earlier payouts, which then help to mitigate the development of shocks into serious crises with often long-lasting socioeconomic effects. 

Based on the analysis a yield deficiency indicator was developed. Strong spatial correspondence was found between the yield deficiency indicator and the WRSI as reported by the African Risk Capacity reports. For example, for millet in Senegal for the drought 2019 strong yield deficiencies in the provinces of Ziguinchor, Fattick, Kaolack and Kaffrine and moderate deficiencies in Thies, Louga and Tambacounda were found. Which corresponded to low WRSI as reported by the African Risk Capacity in its end of season report of 2019. This analysis demonstrates the high added-value of satellite-based soil moisture for anticipatory drought risk financing and early warning systems. 

How to cite: Vreugdenhil, M., Greimeister-Pfeil, I., Preimesberger, W., Brocca, L., Camici, S., Massart, S., Enenkel, M., and Wagner, W.: Satellite soil moisture for drought assessment and early-warning in water limited regions, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-9918, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-9918, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Robin van der Schalie, Mendy van der Vliet, Clement Albergel, Wouter Dorigo, Piotr Wolski, and Richard de Jeu

The Okavango river system in southern Africa is known for its strong interannual variability of hydrological conditions. Here we present how this is exposed in surface soil moisture, land surface temperature, and vegetation optical depth as derived from the Land Parameter Retrieval Model using an inter-calibrated, long term, multi-sensor passive microwave satellite data record (1998-2020). We also investigate how these interannual variations relate to state-of-the-art climate reanalysis data from ERA5-Land. We analyzed both the upstream river catchment and the Okavango Delta, supported by independent data records of discharge measurements, inundated area, precipitation and vegetation dynamics observed by optical satellites. 

The results from this study show that the seasonal vegetation optical depth anomalies have a strong correspondence with MODIS Leaf Area Index over both the Delta and the Catchment. Land surface temperature anomalies derived from passive microwave observations best match those of ERA5-Land, as compared to MODIS nighttime LST. Although surface soil moisture anomalies from passive microwave observations and ERA5-Land also correlate well, an in-depth evaluation over the Delta uncovered situations where passive microwave satellites record strong fluctuations, while ERA5-Land does not.

This difference is further analyzed using information on inundated area, river discharge and precipitation. The passive microwave soil moisture signal demonstrates a response to both the inundated area and precipitation. ERA5-Land however, which by default does not account for any lateral influx from rivers, only shows a response to the precipitation information that is used as forcing. This also causes the reanalysis model to miss record low land surface temperature values as it underestimates the latent heat flux in certain years, which can have a large impact on detecting and assessing extremes.

These findings demonstrate the complexity of this hydrological system and suggest that future land surface model generations should also include lateral land surface exchange. Our study highlights the importance of maintaining and improving climate data records of soil moisture, vegetation and land surface temperature from passive microwave observations and other observation systems.

How to cite: van der Schalie, R., van der Vliet, M., Albergel, C., Dorigo, W., Wolski, P., and de Jeu, R.: Characterizing natural variability in complex hydrological systems using Passive Microwave based Climate Data Records: a case study for the Okavango Delta, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-4023, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-4023, 2022.

On-site presentation
Daniel Blank, Annette Eicker, Laura Jensen, and Andreas Güntner

Information on water storage changes in the soil can be obtained on a global scale from different types of satellite observations. While active or passive microwave remote sensing is limited to investigating the upper few centimeters of the soil, satellite gravimetry can detect changes in the full column of terrestrial water storage (TWS), but cannot distinguish between storage variations occurring in different soil depths. Jointly analyzing both data types promises interesting insights into the underlying hydrological dynamics and may enable a better process understanding of water storage change in the subsurface.

In this study, we investigate the global relationship of (1) several satellite soil moisture (SM) products and (2) non-standard daily TWS data from the GRACE and GRACE-FO satellite gravimetry missions on different time scales. The six SM products analyzed in this study differ in their data source, processing level, and soil depth for which the SM information is provided. Original level-3 surface SM data sets of SMAP and SMOS are compared to post-processed level-4 data products (both surface and root zone SM) and a multi-satellite product provided by the ESA CCI. A tailored temporal and spatial masking has been applied to focus on time spans with favorable signal-to-noise ratio and to exclude periods with snow cover or frozen soil.

We sample all TWS and SM data sets to a common 1 degree spatial resolution, decompose each signal into seasonal to sub-monthly frequencies and carry out the comparison with respect to spatial patterns and temporal variability. We find increasingly large correlations between the TWS and SM for deeper integration depths (root zone vs. surface layer) and for post-processed level-4 data products. Even for highpass-filtered (sub-monthly) variations, significant correlations can be found of up to 0.6 in regions with large high-frequency variability. A time-shift analysis shows differences in the temporal dynamics of soil moisture versus TWS storage variations, indicating different water storage dynamics in the different depth layers. Precipitation data have been added to the analysis to enhance the interpretation of the comparison of soil moisture and total water storage variations.

How to cite: Blank, D., Eicker, A., Jensen, L., and Güntner, A.: A global analysis of water storage variations from remotely sensed soil moisture and daily satellite gravimetry, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-2479, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-2479, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Martin Hirschi, Bas Crezee, Wouter Dorigo, and Sonia I. Seneviratne

Drought events have multiple adverse impacts on environment, society, and economy. Monitoring and characterising such events is thus crucial. Here we test the ability of selected current reanalysis and merged remote-sensing products to represent major seasonal and multi-year drought events of the last two decades globally. We consider the ERA5, and the related ERA5-Land, as well as the MERRA-2 reanalysis products, and the ESA CCI, and the corresponding near-real time C3S remote-sensing soil moisture products (both encompassing an ACTIVE, a PASSIVE and a COMBINED product). The considered products offer opportunities for drought monitoring since they are available in near-real time.

We focus on soil moisture (or agricultural) drought and analyse events within pre-defined spatial and temporal bounds derived from scientific literature. Based on standardised daily anomalies of surface and root-zone soil moisture, the drought events are characterised by their magnitude, duration, spatial extent, and severity (i.e., the combination of duration and standardised anomalies below -1.5).

All investigated products are able to indicate the investigated drought events. Overall, responses of surface soil moisture are often strongest for the reanalysis products ERA5 and ERA5-Land and weakest for the remote-sensing products (in particular for the ACTIVE satellite products). The weaker drought severities in the remote-sensing products are related to shorter event durations as well as partially less pronounced negative standardised soil moisture anomalies. The magnitudes (i.e., the minimum of the standardised anomalies over time) are reduced in MERRA-2 and in the ACTIVE satellite products. Diverse global distributions of long-term trends in dry-season soil moisture may explain some differences in the drought responses of the products. Also, the lower penetration depth of microwave remote sensing compared to the top layer of the involved land surface models, as well as sensing issues of active microwave remote sensing under very dry conditions could explain the partly weaker drought responses of the remote-sensing products during the investigated events. In the root zone (based on the reanalysis products), the drought events often show prolonged durations, but weaker magnitudes and smaller spatial extents.

How to cite: Hirschi, M., Crezee, B., Dorigo, W., and Seneviratne, S. I.: Characterising recent drought events using current reanalysis and remote-sensing soil moisture products with a standardised anomalies-based framework, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-11252, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-11252, 2022.

On-site presentation
Noemi Vergopolan, Justin Sheffield, Nathaniel W. Chaney, Ming Pan, Hylke E. Beck, Craig R. Ferguson, Laura Torres-Rojas, Felix Eigenbrod, Wade Crow, and Eric F. Wood

Soil moisture (SM) varies widely in space and time. This variability influences agriculture, land-atmosphere interactions and triggers hazards, such as flooding, landslides, droughts, and wildfires. Yet, current observations are limited to a few regional in situ measurement networks or coarse-scale satellite retrievals (9–36-km resolution). As a result, besides site-specific studies, little is known on how SM varies locally (1–100-m resolution). Consequently, quantifying the impact of this variability remains a critical and long-standing challenge in hydrology. This presentation introduces SMAP-HydroBlocks – a novel 30-m resolution SM dataset (2015–2019) that combines hyper-resolution land surface modeling, satellite, and in-situ observations over the United States. Using this data, we reveal the striking variability of local-scale SM across the United States. By mapping the SM spatial variability and its persistence across spatial scales, we show the complex interplay between the landscape and hydroclimate and how this variability is highly scale-dependent. Results show that up to 80% of SM spatial variability information is lost at the 1-km scale, with further losses expected at the scale of current monitoring systems (5–25-km). This high degree of SM variability has a critical influence on freshwater and land ecosystem dynamics. By mapping its spatial variability locally, we provide a stepping-stone towards understanding SM-dependent hydrological, biogeochemical, and ecological processes at local (and so far unresolved) scales.

How to cite: Vergopolan, N., Sheffield, J., Chaney, N. W., Pan, M., Beck, H. E., Ferguson, C. R., Torres-Rojas, L., Eigenbrod, F., Crow, W., and Wood, E. F.: Mapping field-scale soil moisture and its spatial variability across the United States using SMAP-HydroBlocks, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-352, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-352, 2022.

Presentation form not yet defined
Luca Brocca, Luca Ciabatta, Christian Massari, Stefania Camici, Silvia Barbetta, Angelica Tarpanelli, Paolo Filippucci, Jacopo Dari, and Hamidreza Mosaffa

In recent years, the availability of high-resolution observations (<1km, sub-daily) from remote sensing, in situ monitoring networks and new sensors/techniques (drones, citizen science), in addition to the increased computational and storage capacity, have fostered the development of modelling systems at high resolution for hydrological applications. The European Commission (EC) is promoting these developments through the EU’s digital strategy, the Green Deal, and specifically the Destination Earth initiative. The development of digital twins of the Earth System is currently in the EC agenda as one of the most pressing activities to be accomplished to build a resilient society able to cope with adverse extreme events (flood, drought, heatwaves, landslides), exacerbated by global and climate changing.

Despite the high-resolution hydrology is an important opportunity for future research and operation applications, the challenges to be addresses are quite a lot and non-trivial. First, the increased computational capabilities are far from being sufficient to develop high resolution hydrological systems because observations (e.g., precipitation, evapotranspiration, soil moisture, river discharge) have to be available not only at high resolution, but also with sufficient accuracy. A second problem is related to the representation of physical processes that, at high resolution, are significantly different from processes at coarse resolution (20km), currently modelled at large scale. Last but not least, the human impact on the water cycle (e.g., irrigation, reservoir management, river water diversion) acting at very high resolution, challenges the current attempts of reproducing a digital replica of the Earth.

The launch of Sentinel-1 satellites has opened a number of opportunities for developing high resolution satellite soil moisture and precipitation products. These products are an important element for building a Digital Twin Earth (DTE) for Hydrology, i.e., for the reconstruction of the water cycle at high resolution. In this contribution we will present the recent advances over this topic carried out under European Space Agency projects DTE Hydrology and Irrigation+. Specifically, we will present the application of high-resolution products for hydrological applications: flood simulation, landslide risk prediction and irrigation water management. Finally, the main challenges to be addressed will be discussed.

How to cite: Brocca, L., Ciabatta, L., Massari, C., Camici, S., Barbetta, S., Tarpanelli, A., Filippucci, P., Dari, J., and Mosaffa, H.: High resolution (1 km) soil moisture and precipitation for developing a Digital Twin Earth for hydrology, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-1883, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-1883, 2022.

Presentation form not yet defined
Remi Madelon, Hassan Bazzi, Ghaith Amin, Clement Albergel, Nicolas Baghdadi, Wouter Dorigo, Nemesio Rodriguez-Fernandez, and Mehrez Zribi

Surface Soil Moisture (SM) plays a key role in the Earth water cycle and many hydrological processes (Koster 2004), it is essential for accurate weather forecasting (Rodriguez-Fernandez 2019) and agriculture management (Guerif 2000). SM was also identified as one of the 50 “Essential Climate Variables” (ECVs) by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS). Long time series of ECVs are crucial to monitor the Earth’s climate evolution, and developing them is the goal of initiatives such as the European Space Agency’s Climate Change Initiative (ESA CCI).

The ESA SM CCI product (Gruber 2019) provides global time series for the 1979-2021 period at 25-km resolution using scatterometers and passive microwave sensors. Based on extensive feedbacks from the user communities of SM products, a strong need for higher spatial resolutions SM data was identified (Dorigo 2018, Peng 2020). This also includes climate applications such as assessment of climate change impacts at regional level.

SM can be estimated at high spatial resolution using Synthetic Aperture Radars such as Sentinel-1 (S1). Several high resolution (HR) S1 SM data sets exist such as the products from the Copernicus Global Land Service and the one using the S²MP (Sentinel-1/2 Soil Moisture Product) algorithm (El Hajj 2017). Despite the actual short temporal coverage of such data, it is worth to evaluate them in the context of the ESA CCI as potential future HR SM long time series, and also as benchmarking references for HR SM data sets that could be obtained by the downscaling of coarser resolution sensors.

In this context, the S²MP algorithm, which was originally designed to retrieve SM at a plot level, was adapted to compute SM maps at 1-km resolution over six 100-km² regions in the Southwest and Southeast of France, Tunisia, North America, Spain and Australia. The S²MP algorithm is based on a neural network approach using backscattering coefficients and incidence angles from S1, and either NDVI from Sentinel-2 (S2) or that of Sentinel-3 (S3), as input data.

Both S1+S2 and S1+S3 1-km SM maps are compared to HR SM data from the SMAP+S1 product and the Copernicus SM and Soil Water Index (SWI) data sets. The S1+S2 and S1+S3 SM maps are in very good agreement in terms of correlation (R > 0.9), bias (< 0.05 m3.m-3) and standard deviation of the difference (STDD < 0.025 m3.m-3) over the 6 regions of study. They also are well correlated (R ~ 0.6-0.7) with the Copernicus products over homogeneous pixels containing croplands and herbaceous vegetation. However, the results are more mitigated over Tunisia and mixed land cover pixels as well as when the maps are compared to those of SMAP+S1.

The high resolution products are also evaluated against in-situ measurements along with coarse scale SM data sets (SMAP, SMOS, ESA CCI). In general, the coarse resolution SM products show better correlation than the HR ones. However, the HR products, in particular S²MP, show lower STDD and bias.

How to cite: Madelon, R., Bazzi, H., Amin, G., Albergel, C., Baghdadi, N., Dorigo, W., Rodriguez-Fernandez, N., and Zribi, M.: Evaluating high resolution soil moisture maps in the framework of the ESA CCI, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-2147, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-2147, 2022.

Presentation form not yet defined
Mehrez Zribi, Simon Nativel, Nemesio Rodriguez Fernandez, Nicolas Baghdadi, Remi Madelon, and Clement Albergel

Soil moisture is an essential parameter for a better understanding of water processes in the soil-vegetation-atmosphere interface. In this context, passive and active microwave remote sensing have enabled the development of various increasingly operational approaches, in particular for low spatial resolution products. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is particularly suitable for monitoring water content at fine spatial resolutions of the order of 1 km spatial resolution. Since the launch of Sentinel-1 in 2014, numerous methodologies have been proposed for estimating fine spatial resolutions soil moisture, especially in agricultural areas. Two approaches are often considered in the inversion of SAR signals: approaches based on machine learning methodologies, such as neural networks trained on scattering models, or approaches based on change detection, essentially validated on low spatial resolution products using scatterometers. In this study, we propose a hybrid approach combining both the neural networks and change detection approaches. The methodology was applied to Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 using numerous predictors; Vertical-Vertical (VV) polarization radar signal, incidence angle, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) optical index, VH/VV ratio, etc.

This hybrid approach is tested on the database of the international soil moisture network (ISMN) with moisture networks covering different climatic contexts. Results are very encouraging with 10% improvement in the accuracy of soil moisture estimates compared to the use one of each approach individually (Neural Network or change detection).

How to cite: Zribi, M., Nativel, S., Rodriguez Fernandez, N., Baghdadi, N., Madelon, R., and Albergel, C.: A hybrid methodology based on Neural Network and Change detection approaches and using Sentinel-1/Sentinel-2 for soil moisture estimation, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-3698, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-3698, 2022.

On-site presentation
William Maslanka, Keith Morrison, Kevin White, Anne Verhoef, and Joanna Clark

Soil moisture is a critical component in many hydrological, agricultural, and meteorological applications and processes, and understanding the spatiotemporal dynamics and changes is critical to further their understanding. They are also an important parameter for use within soil- and land-based Natural Flood Management (NFM) schemes, to determine a relationship between surface wetness and soil water storage. Satellite-based remote sensing offers the ability to capture this spatiotemporal information on soil moisture on the synoptic scale; compared to more site-based in-situ field measurements, made up of numerous national and international soil moisture networks. In this study, we use Sentinel-1 SAR imagery over the course of six water years (from 2016 to 2021), utilizing the TU-Wein change-detection algorithm to calculate the relative Surface Soil Moisture (rSSM) across the River Thames Catchment in Southern England, equating to approximately 11,000 km2. As part of this, two pairs of backscatter normalisation factors were considered, in order to negate the impact from varying local incidence angles: a simple direct-slope and a complex multiple regression slope, both calculated annually and monthly. Whilst the monthly normalisation factor does exhibit a seasonal cycle (attributed to the growth and harvest of arable crops within the study area) in both the simple and multiple regression methodology, the impact upon the rSSM, when compared to the traditional annual method is small. In order to assess the spatiotemporal patterns of soil moisture across the River Thames Catchment, the rSSM timeseries was calculated using multiple spatial scales (1km, 500m, 250m, and 100m), to effectively estimate the rSSM across the catchment, sub-catchment, inter-field, and intra-field spatial scales. Comparisons with the Cosmic-ray Soil Moisture Observing System, United Kingdom (COSMOS-UK), show that, although there is an overestimation in rSSM over the summer months during the growing season of Arable farmland, we were able to effectively capture the general temporal dynamics of the relative Surface Soil Moisture across the region, with an average uncertainty of 30%, across both pairs of backscatter normalisation factors, and across all four spatial scales. Having catchment-wide datasets of rSSM such as this would be advantageous for evaluating land- and soil-based NFM measures across catchment and sub-catchment scales and have the potential for further application to improve hydrological model outputs.

How to cite: Maslanka, W., Morrison, K., White, K., Verhoef, A., and Clark, J.: Monitoring Relative Surface Soil Moisture Using Sentinel-1 Across the River Thames Catchment, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-9798, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-9798, 2022.

On-site presentation
Samuel Massart, Mariette Vreugdenhil, Bernhard Bauer-Marschallinger, Claudio Navacchi, Felix David Reuẞ, Raphael Quast, and Wolfgang Wagner

Active microwave remote sensing satellites allow to retrieve surface soil moisture (SSM) consistently and independently from sun illumination or cloud cover. The current generation of Synthetic Aperture Radars (SAR) on-board of the Sentinel-1A and 1B satellites, launched in 2014 and 2016 respectively, provide backscatter observations in their interferometric wide swath mode at 20 x 22 m resolution. These data are being used by the Copernicus Global Land Service (CGLS) for generating SSM data at kilometre-scale resolution using a change detection approach. The data are operationally and freely available from https://land.copernicus.eu/global/. The goal of this study was to assess the quality of the CGLS SSM retrieval algorithm over different land cover types and crop species. For this purpose, we compared the satellite retrievals against in-situ SSM from the International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN). The stations analyzed are located in France and Austria (SMOSMANIA and HOAL) and cover a wide range of land cover types, from cropland and grassland to forested areas. For each station, backscatter at 20m resolution was averaged over fields containing the ISMN station using Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) data. The resampled field backscatter, which covers one specific land cover or crop type, was then used as input for the change detection model and compared to the in-situ SSM from ISMN. The study shows that the temporal correspondence of the resulting SSM with in-situ data is strongly varying between crop species and land cover type. The results suggest that crops with seasonal variations in vegetation structure (e.g. winter wheat stem elongation and heading), have a negative impact on the performance of the model. In comparison, the retrieved SSM is better correlated to in-situ data over land cover such as grasslands or maize fields with more homogeneous vegetation development. This study explores the potential and challenges posed by the high resolution of Sentinel-1 backscatter data for SSM retrieval. It demonstrates the effect changes in vegetation structure can have on S1 backscatter, which is important information to all retrieval algorithms for S1 SSM retrieval.  It also provides a first path forward to improve SSM using the TUWien change detection from Sentinel-1. 

How to cite: Massart, S., Vreugdenhil, M., Bauer-Marschallinger, B., Navacchi, C., Reuẞ, F. D., Quast, R., and Wagner, W.: Assessing the impact of land cover type on Sentinel-1 soil moisture retrievals, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-9883, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-9883, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Ruodan Zhuang, Salvatore Manfreda, Yijian Zeng, Brigitta Szabó, Silvano F. Dal Sasso, Nunzio Romano, Eyal Ben Dor, Paolo Nasta, Nicolas Francos, Antonino Maltese, Giuseppe Ciraolo, Fulvio Capodici, Antonio Paruta, János Mészáros, George P. Petropoulos, Lijie Zhang, Teresa Pizzolla, and Zhongbo Su

Soil moisture (SM) is an essential element in the hydrological cycle influencing land-atmosphere interactions and rainfall-runoff processes. Quantification of the spatial and temporal behaviour of SM at field scale is vital for understanding water availability in agriculture, ecosystems research, river basin hydrology and water resources management. Uncrewed Arial Systems (UAS) offer an extraordinary opportunity to bridge the existing gap between point-scale field observations and satellite remote sensing providing high spatial details at relatively low costs. Moreover, UAS data can help the construction of downscaling models which can link the land surface features and SM to identify the importance level of each predictor. To optimize the usage of data from UAS surveys for generating high-resolution SM at field scale, a comparative study of various SM retrieval or downscaling methods can be beneficial.

In this study, four methods, which include the apparent thermal inertia method, Kubelka–Munk method (KM), simplified temperature-vegetation triangle method, and random forest model (RF), were compared by theory background, data requirements, operation procedures and SM estimation results. The above-mentioned models have been tested using UAS data and point measurements collected on the Monteforte Cilento site (MFC2) in the Alento river basin (Campania, Italy) which is an 8 hectares cropland area (covered by walnuts, cherry, and olive trees). A number of long-term studies on the vadose zone have been conducted across a range of spatial scales. The thermal inertia model is built upon the dependence of the thermal diffusion on SM, which were inferred from diachronic thermal infrared data. The Kubelka–Munk Model is a spectral model to retrieve surface SM using optical data. The simplified temperature–vegetation triangle model, was used to map surface SM based on simultaneous information of the vegetation coverage and surface temperature. In addition, we also introduce an SM downscaling method using the RF model and SENTINEL-1 CSAR 1km SM product.

The study is concluded with the inter-comparison of methods. The results from KM have the highest resolution which is the same as the input multispectral data. The results of RF and KM provides information only for bare soil pixels according to the principle of the model. Results show good performances for all methods, but the simplified triangle and thermal inertia model provides better performances in terms of correlation coefficient and RMSE measured with respect to in-situ measurements. In addition, it is worthy to say that the RF downscaling method reveals the features controlling the spatial distributions of SM at a different scale.

This research is a part of EU COST-Action “HARMONIOUS” and waterJPI project “iAqueduct”.

How to cite: Zhuang, R., Manfreda, S., Zeng, Y., Szabó, B., Dal Sasso, S. F., Romano, N., Ben Dor, E., Nasta, P., Francos, N., Maltese, A., Ciraolo, G., Capodici, F., Paruta, A., Mészáros, J., Petropoulos, G. P., Zhang, L., Pizzolla, T., and Su, Z.: Soil Moisture Mapping Using Uncrewed Arial Systems (UAS), EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-10452, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-10452, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Abdolreza Ansari Amoli, Ali Mahmoodi, and Ernesto Lopez-Baeza

A multifractal technique has been used to downscale 1 km optical remote sensing MODIS derived soil moisture index (SMI) to the scale of interpolated soil moisture map produced by ground measurements at the Valencia Anchor Station (VAS) during the SMOS Validation Rehearsal Campaign (2008) with the spatial resolution of 32 meters. Scale invariance assessment shows a constant behavior of soil moisture variability at all scales of aggregation. This result proves the homogeneity of the VAS region from a mathematical point of view and exempts or allows us from using ancillary data such as topography, soil texture and vegetation characteristics in our downscaling model. Our predicted soil moisture values compared to the observed ground data show RMSE ranges from 0.026 to 0.039 for 2008/05/02, indicating accurate predictions for this date. However, there are high RMSE values in the range of 0.761 to 0.784 for 2008/04/24, due to rainfall events (30 mm accumulated) occurring in the region a few days prior to the measurements, which influenced the result of the downscaling model. At the same time, the strong correlation (77%) between the predicted and the observed data is promising and warrants further application of the model to other homogeneous areas with or without rainfall events.

How to cite: Ansari Amoli, A., Mahmoodi, A., and Lopez-Baeza, E.: A Statistical Downscaling Approach of Soil Moisture Estimations by Synergistically using Optical Remote Sensing and Ground Soil Moisture Measurements at the Valencia Anchor Station, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-10457, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-10457, 2022.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Clément Albergel, Raffaele Albano
Presentation form not yet defined
Filipe Aires, Peter Weston, Patricia De Rosnay, and David Fairbairn

Land surfaces are characterized by strong heterogeneities of soil texture, orography, land cover, soil moisture, snow and other variables. These are very challenging to represent accurately in radiative transfer models which have currently a still limited reliability over land. In this study, we compare two statistical modeling approaches: the traditional CDF-matching used routinely in NWP centers (used here as a normalization and as an inversion technique), and the Neural Network (NN) methods. NNs and CDF-matching are compared and combined. Two cases are considered: (1) the more traditional inversion scheme, and (2) the forward modelling that could be attractive for assimilation purposes. It is shown that in the context of ASCAT, the inversion approach seems better suited than the forward modelling but this could be different for another type of observations. It is also shown that it is possible to combine the global model obtained using the NN and the localized information of the LSM offered by the CDF-matching. A first assessment is performed over the USA using in situ soil measurements. Localization strategies for the NN models are introduced. Another necessity for the use of NN in an assimilation framework are estimations of NN uncertainties: this is unfortunately not available so far and we propose several schemes in order to obtain them. Finally, we will present future plans to develop a forward operator for low-frequency microwave channels (SMOS, AMSR-E, SMAP, CIMR) based on a statistical modeling of surface emissivities over continental, snow-ice and sea ice surfaces.

How to cite: Aires, F., Weston, P., De Rosnay, P., and Fairbairn, D.: Statistical approaches to assimilate soil moisture information: Methodology, first assessment and future plans, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-8349, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-8349, 2022.

On-site presentation
Khaled Mohammed, Robert Leconte, and Mélanie Trudel

Previous studies have shown that assimilating satellite soil moisture data in land surface models can improve the estimations of soil moisture. One of the limitations of these satellite soil moisture products is that there are often spatial gaps (in the horizontal direction) in data availability over certain areas due to issues such as dense vegetation or hilly terrain. These products are also limited in the vertical direction because, for the microwave-based products for example, the microwave radiation captured by the satellite sensors to estimate soil moisture is usually representative of a very thin top layer of soil (up to about 5 cm). Lastly, data over a specific watershed may not be available every day (i.e. temporal gaps) because of the orbital configuration of the satellite in question. From the existing literature, it is not clear what the benefits will be for soil moisture modeling, if these spatio-temporal gaps in satellite soil moisture datasets could somehow be minimized or eliminated. To answer this question, a synthetic assimilation study was carried out on the Noah-MP land surface model within the WRF-Hydro modeling system. The study was conducted with ERA5 forcing data on the Susquehanna River Basin and the Ensemble Kalman Filter was the chosen assimilation algorithm. Multiple scenarios were explored in which spatio-temporal gaps were introduced in the synthetic observations by mimicking the actual spatio-temporal gaps that are present in the SMAP soil moisture product. Results indicate that the model’s ability to accurately simulate soil moisture is much lower when assimilated observations have spatio-temporal gaps, compared to model simulations where there are no gaps in the assimilated observations. However, it was found that this lower model accuracy can be improved if the model grids with missing observations are updated based on the covariance between the soil moisture of those grids and their surrounding grids.

How to cite: Mohammed, K., Leconte, R., and Trudel, M.: Assessment of the impacts on data assimilation performance caused by spatio-temporal gaps in satellite soil moisture data, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-2084, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-2084, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Zdenko Heyvaert, Michel Bechtold, Alexander Gruber, Samuel Scherrer, Wouter Dorigo, Emanuel Büechi, and Gabriëlle De Lannoy

We present a comprehensive assessment of a land surface data assimilation system, in which microwave-based satellite retrievals of surface soil moisture from the combined active-passive ESA CCI Soil Moisture product are assimilated into the Noah-MP model, using a one-dimensional Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) within the NASA Land Information System (LIS). This data assimilation system produces consistent estimates of surface and root-zone soil moisture, as well as all other geophysical variables, over the European continent from January 2002 to December 2019.

The aim of this study is twofold. Firstly, we explore the impact of design choices and forcing inputs on the skill of the data assimilation system, specifically: (1) the magnitude of observation errors, (2) the bias correction method, i.e., climatological or seasonal CDF matching, and (3) the choice of the meteorological reanalysis dataset used to drive the land surface model. For the latter, we compare the results obtained by forcing the Noah-MP model with the NASA Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications version 2 (MERRA-2) with those obtained by forcing the model with the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Reanalysis version 5 (ERA5). Secondly, we explore how the data assimilation skill is related to the quality of the satellite retrievals and environmental factors such as land cover, soil texture, and climate.

For both objectives listed above, the skill of the data assimilation system is evaluated by comparing the surface and root-zone soil moisture estimates with in situ observations. Furthermore, we evaluate the behavior of internal diagnostics derived from the data assimilation innovations and increments.

The results display the inevitable trade-off in choosing the observation error magnitude: a smaller observation error will cause the data assimilation to perform worse than an open loop run at some sites, whereas a larger observation error will reduce the skill at well-performing sites. We also show that the bias correction method and the choice of meteorological forcing both have a clear effect on the data assimilation diagnostics, but a negligible impact on the skill of the system that is observed over in situ reference sites. Finally, we show that the skill improvement by the data assimilation framework is strongly related to the quality of the satellite soil moisture retrievals.        

Acknowledgments: this work is part of the ESA CCI+ Soil Moisture CCN1 Scientific Evolution project and the FWO-FWF CONSOLIDATION project.

How to cite: Heyvaert, Z., Bechtold, M., Gruber, A., Scherrer, S., Dorigo, W., Büechi, E., and De Lannoy, G.: Assessment of an ESA CCI Soil Moisture data assimilation framework, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-8370, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-8370, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Kanike Raghavendra Prasad Babu and Kantha Rao Bhimala

Root Zone Soil Moisture (RZSM) plays a critical role in land-atmospheric interactions, water & energy budget, terrestrial evaporation and vegetation health. Unfortunately, the in-situ observations of RZSM are very sparse all over the globe. The present study utilized the RZSM product (based on microwave satellite data) from the GLEAM (Global Land Evaporation Amsterdam Model) to study the trends and spatial variability over India during the period 1980-2020. The annual RZSM climatology map shows that the highest values (>0.35 m3/m3) are found over dense vegetation regions (Western-Ghats, North-East India, and foothills of Himalayas) and low values (<0.2 m3/m3) are found in arid and semi-arid regions of North-West India. The all India annual mean RZSM (area averaged) is 0.285 m3/m3 with the standard deviation of 0.0076 m3/m3 and showing a significant increasing trend (p<0.05) during the period 1980-2020. The analysis found a distinct seasonal variability in RZSM and found the highest RZSM during the southwest monsoon (June-September) season and low values in the pre-monsoon season (March-May) for most of the sub-divisions classified by the India Meteorological Department. The seasonal all India mean RZSM values are 0.23 m3/m3, 0.33 m3/m3, 0.31 m3/m3 during pre-monsoon, monsoon, and post-monsoon seasons respectively, and found a significant increasing trend in all seasons during the study period. The sub-division wise trend (Mann-Kendall test) analysis shows that the pre-monsoon RZSM showed a tremendous increasing trend in most (23 out of 34) of the sub-divisions (except north and northeast India) whereas in monsoon and post-monsoon season only 9 and 12 sub-divisions showed an increasing trend in India respectively. The present study improves our understanding of the regional scale hydrological cycle and the importance of realistic representation of irrigation and land use land cover changes in climate models for better prediction of monsoon and other natural disasters in India.

How to cite: Babu, K. R. P. and Bhimala, K. R.: Recent trends in root-zone soil moisture over India using the GLEAM data for the period 1980-2020, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-1663, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-1663, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Abhilash Singh, M Niranjan Naik, and Kumar Gaurav

We use Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 images to study drainage congestion due to road networks on a large alluvial fan of the Kosi River. We have estimated the soil moisture from Sentinel-1 images by applying an empirical modified Dubois model (MDM), and a data-driven machine learning model based on the fully connected feed-forward artificial neural network (FC-FF-ANN). We observed that the MDM underestimates the soil moisture (R = 0.43, RMSE = 0.08 m3/m3, and bias = -0.10). The FC-FF-ANN accurately predicts the soil moisture (R = 0.85, RMSE = 0.05 m3/m3, and bias = 0) in our study area. 

We now used the soil moisture obtained from the FC-FF-ANN model to study the spatial pattern of the surface soil moisture in the proximity of road networks that act as drainage barriers. For this, we generated a buffer of 1 km along the road network. Within this, we extract the soil moisture value at the locations where the road network traverses in the vertical, inclined, and horizontal directions. We observed a clear accumulation of soil moisture near the road network that decreases gradually as we move farther from the road. We found that the impact of drainage congestion ranges between 320 to 760 m on either side of the road. This study is a step towards assessing the effect of structural interventions on drainage congestion and flood inundation.

How to cite: Singh, A., Naik, M. N., and Gaurav, K.: Assessing the spatial variability of soil moisture in the proximity of road networks on a large alluvial fan in the Himalayan Foreland, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-96, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-96, 2022.

On-site presentation
Tunde Olarinoye, Stephan Dietrich, Matthias Zink, Fay Boehmer, Irene Himmelbauer, Lukas Schremmer, Ivana Petrakovic, Daniel Aberer, and Wouter Dorigo

For over a decade, the International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN) has been providing free in-situ soil moisture data for validating and improving global satellite soil moisture products, weather prediction, agricultural activities, research and training as well as for the development of hydrological models. The ISMN is a community-wide effort and aggregates soil moisture observations from several organizations, harmonizes them and provides a centralized platform where end users can access them. Presently, the ISMN consists of over 72 soil moisture networks and more than 2800 stations spread across the globe. For more than a decade, the ISMN has been funded by European Space Agency and established, developed and maintained by Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Austria.

For continuing development, outreach and maintenance of the ISMN, a sustainable and long-term support is required. In order to achieve such long-term support, the ISMN will be transferring to the German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG) and connected International Center for Water Resources and Global Change (ICWRGC) in Germany within 2022. While BfG and ICWRGC (operating under the auspice of UNESCO and WMO) will host and maintain the ISMN data facility, long-term financial support will be provided by the German Federal Institute of Hydrology through the Federal Ministry of Digital Infrastructure and Transport.

The ICWRGC has being coordinating the Global Terrestrial Network – Hydrology (GTN-H) as well as Global Environment Monitoring System for Freshwater (GEMS/Water Data Center) for several years. Hence, the center has an extensive experience, resources as well as scientific advisory support for a long-term sustainable operation and maintenance of the ISMN. As we look forward to a new future of ISMN, we also want to maintain, even improve on the great community support the project has received.

Therefore, our presentation aims to give an overview of the contribution of ISMN to research and training development, provides recent updates regarding the data service and ongoing technical developments. Furthermore, we want to introduce the new host as well as presenting the future outlook of the ISMN, which include setting up scientific advisory board with members from relevant UN organizations, key data providers and data users that would help promote and develop the ISMN further. Through the connection to UN organizations, member states could be encouraged to share their operational soil moisture data with the ISMN for continuing support of global climate and water resources observations. We also look forward to gaining new collaborations that will help in extending the ISMN database, initiate discussion between stakeholders to improve visibility and scientific advancement of the ISMN as well as promoting the importance of soil moisture within global earth observations data products.

How to cite: Olarinoye, T., Dietrich, S., Zink, M., Boehmer, F., Himmelbauer, I., Schremmer, L., Petrakovic, I., Aberer, D., and Dorigo, W.: The International Soil Moisture Network: supporting and advancing EO research through open source in-situ soil moisture observations, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-10123, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-10123, 2022.

On-site presentation
Ivana Petrakovic, Irene Himmelbauer, Daniel Aberer, Lukas Schremmer, Philippe Goryl, Raffaele Crapolicchio, Roberto Sabia, Klaus Scipal, Stephan Dietrich, Tunde Olarinoye, Fay Böhmer, and Wouter Dorigo

With its steadily growing provider and user community (4000 active users), the International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN, https://ismn.earth)  is a unique centralized global data hosting facility, making in-situ soil moisture data easily and freely accessible. 

The main goal of the ISMN in the past decade was to build up the harmonized and quality-controlled in-situ soil moisture source it is today.

The ISMN provides benchmark data for several operational services such as ESA CCI Soil Moisture, the Copernicus Climate Change (C3S) and Global Land Service (CGLS), and the online validation tool QA4SM (https://qa4sm.eu). ISMN data is widely used for support of algorithm development and validation of different satellites, evaluation of soil moisture products, as a training set for various data-driven approaches, model developments, drought monitoring and diverse meteorological applications (Dorigo et. al 2021).

In this presentation, we will provide an overview of the ISMN scientific achievements accomplished in the last decade, show recent scientific and service developments, and present foreseen future developments.

We provide a review of hundreds of papers making use of ISMN data to identify major scientific breakthroughs facilitated through the ISMN. We also identify current limitations in data availability, functionality and challenges in data usage (e.g., in-situ data inclusion in data sparse regions, in-situ data inclusion from official governmental observation networks, data and measurement traceability, etc.).

One of the major successes has been the achievement of long-term financial support for the ISMN through the German Ministry of Digital Infrastructure and Transport. Therefore, the ISMN operations is currently transferred from Vienna Austria (TU Wien) to the new host in Koblenz, Germany (International Center for Water Resources and Climate Change - ICWRGC, Federal Institute for Hydrology – BfG).

This evolution not only opens up a stable future for the ISMN but also gives TU Wien once more the opportunity to focus on the scientific development of the ISMN as currently proceeded within the ESA project “Fiducial Reference Measurement for Soil Moisture (FRM4SM)”.  Within this two-year project (May 2021 – May 2023) the goal is also to identify and create standards for independent, fully characterized, accurate and traceable in-situ soil moisture measurements (from the ISMN) with corresponding uncertainty estimations and independent validation methods (inserted in the QA4SM service: https://qa4sm.eu).


How to cite: Petrakovic, I., Himmelbauer, I., Aberer, D., Schremmer, L., Goryl, P., Crapolicchio, R., Sabia, R., Scipal, K., Dietrich, S., Olarinoye, T., Böhmer, F., and Dorigo, W.: Scientific evolution of the International Soil Moisture Network: Past, present, and future developments in support of soil moisture validation and applications, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-5383, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-5383, 2022.

On-site presentation
Yanchen Zheng, Gemma Coxon, Ross Woods, Daniel Power, and Rafael Rosolem

Soil moisture influences many physical processes in hydrology, meteorology, and agriculture, such as evapotranspiration, infiltration, runoff generation, drought development, crop growth, among others. Robust and accurate soil moisture estimates are needed for drought monitoring, climatology research and hydrological model initialization. Compared to in-situ soil moisture measurements and satellite products, reanalysis soil moisture products are becoming good alternatives for analysis at the global scale due to their long temporal coverage. However, there are a great variety of reanalysis products available and choosing a suitable product that is consistent with the observed soil moisture condition is of significant interest.

In this study, we evaluate the performance of seven reanalysis products including ERA5-Land, CFSRv2, MERRA2-Land, JRA-55, GLDAS-Noah v2.1, CRA40, and GLEAM against field measurements from 109 sites with Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensors (CRNS). CRNS provide estimates of root-zone soil moisture at the field scale (~250m radius from sensor). The sites used in this study are located in the United Kingdom (51 sites), United States (40 sites), and Australia (18 sites). Metrics describing the temporal correlation (Pearson correlation coefficient, R) for the daily time series, seasonal cycle and anomaly time series, bias (mean square error, MSE) as well as root mean square difference (unbiased root mean square error, ubRMSE) are employed to quantify agreement between reanalysis products and measurements.

As an example, for the UK sites, CFSRv2 and GLEAM soil moisture products have lower errors in terms of temporal correlation and bias, while MERRA2-Land and GLDAS datasets exhibit higher errors. Reanalysis soil moisture products tend to have poorer behaviour at wet sites, with low temporal correlation and high bias. Relatively low correlation coefficient values are also found at sites with organic soils and low bulk density. This study provides guidelines for researchers about choosing the reanalysis soil moisture products.

How to cite: Zheng, Y., Coxon, G., Woods, R., Power, D., and Rosolem, R.: Evaluation of reanalysis soil moisture products using Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensor observations across the globe, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-3206, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-3206, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Arianna Mazzariello, Raffaele Albano, Aurelia Sole, Teodosio Lacava, and Salvatore Manfreda

Soil moisture (SM) content is a crucial parameter for an extensive range of fields (e.g., hydrology cycle, smart agriculture, environmental risk management, climate system) as it regulates the water balance, land surface energy, and the carbon cycle. However, the non-homogeneous horizontal and vertical distribution of water content in the soil complicates SM evaluation. The integration of in-situ measurements with those remotely acquired or produced by models may help in overcoming such a problem.

Focusing on satellite data, it is worth noting that the growing availability of sensors (active or passive) working in the microwave spectral region has increased the capability to have SM information on a regional scale with a level of accuracy depending on the selected data, the characteristics of the study area as well as the metric considered for their evaluation.  

This study aims to compare the accuracy of several freely available microwave-based SM satellite products with in-situ measurements distributed, after quality control and harmonization, by the International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN) for several stations located in the European (EU) Ecoregions for rivers and lakes (WFD 2000/60/CE) in the time frame 2015-2020.

The satellite products investigated are based on the acquisition by: i) the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission, ii) the European Space Agency (ESA) Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission, iii) the Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) aboard of MetOp satellites and iv) the radar onboard ESA’s SENTINEL-1 platforms. In particular we have used processed the following SM products: the SMAPL4 V5 (3-hourly and 9 km of spatial resolution) is based on the assimilation of SMAP (operated in L-band ) observations into a customized version of the NASA Goddard Earth Observing System Version 5 (GEOS-5) land data assimilation system (LDAS); the SMOS-IC V2.0 is the second version of a physically-based algorithm applied to SMOS retrievals operating in L-Band; the H115 and H116 SM products from the ASCAT backscatter observations provided on a fixed Earth grid (12.5 km sampling) in time series format. Finally, the SSM1km -CGLS V retrieved by Sentinel-1 radar images have been also considered (available only for the European continent every 1.5-4 days at spatial resolution of 1km).

Satellite SM retrievals performances are evaluated against ground-based measurements in terms of Bias, Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), unbiased RMSE, and Pearson correlation (considering both original observations and anomalies). On average, SMAP and SMOS-IC highlight the best performance.

The proposed inter-comparison offers both guidelines for choosing among available satellite products and insights on SM retrieval products and versions. As the EU Ecoregions outline is based on a large scale, they enclose areas affected by several climate change impacts (such as drought, changes in relative sea level, salinity, etc.). Thus, the outcomes can be used to develop novel satellite-based integrated methods for modelling the hydrologic response to climate change.

How to cite: Mazzariello, A., Albano, R., Sole, A., Lacava, T., and Manfreda, S.: Inter-comparison of Soil Moisture Satellite products on  European Ecoregions, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-4169, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-4169, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Toni Schmidt, Martin Schrön, Zhan Li, and Jian Peng

Soil moisture (SM) is a critical part of the terrestrial water cycle, drives land–atmosphere interactions, and can represent hydro-climatic extremes such as floods and droughts. Numerous SM products from remote sensing and modeling were developed within the last decades to investigate SM dynamics on a large scale. However, a manifold of their retrieval algorithms, resolutions and coverages of horizontal, vertical, and temporal domains make a fair intercomparison challenging. The focus of this study is the intercomparison of the temporal SM dynamics of 15 selected SM products over 25 field sites in Germany using SM estimations from ground-based sensors of the Cosmic-Ray Soil Moisture Observation System (COSMOS) as a reference. A temporal coverage of 2015–2020 was selected, covering the European drought of 2018/19. SM estimations from COSMOS intrinsically average out the spatial heterogeneity of the surrounding environmental properties and cover the dynamics of both, surface SM (SSM) and root-zone SM (RZSM). This makes them a valuable ground reference for the validation of coarse-resolution SM products from remote sensing and modeling on the horizontal domain. On the vertical domain, the deeper vertical representation of COSMOS estimations is a challenge for the validation of SM estimations from remote sensing which capture SSM dynamics only. The newly released extensive COSMOS Europe data set contains hourly time series of in-situ SM at many locations. It allowed a comprehensive intercomparison and validation of the selected SM products over locations of different land cover types in Germany. We have selected SSM products from single remote sensors (AMSR2 L3, ASCAT L3 (H115/H116), Sentinel-1 L2, SMAP L3E, and SMOS L3), from dual sensors (Sentinel-1/ASCAT L3 and SMAP/Sentinel-1 L2), and from multiple sensors (ESA CCI and NOAA SMOPS). These SSM products have furthermore been vertically extrapolated using an exponential filter to additionally investigate their potential of resolving RZSM dynamics. In addition, we have selected products that already comprise both SSM and RZSM. These were obtained either through the assimilation of remote sensing SSM estimations into models (ASCAT L3 (H141/H142), SMAP L4, GLDAS-2 L4, and GLEAM), through exponential filtering of remote sensing SSM estimations (SMOS L4), or through reanalysis (ERA5-Land). We found that all selected products show a similar seasonal variability, but represent the sub-seasonal variability differently. For this we have analyzed bias and uncertainty estimations as static and dynamic measures, respectively. The match of SM dynamics of the selected SSM products with the SM dynamics obtained from COSMOS increases after applying an exponential filter. The same is true for the comparison of SM dynamics from COSMOS with those within lower layers of RZSM products. Nevertheless, the RZSM dynamics cannot be completely resolved by the selected products, neither by exponential filtering of given SSM data nor by published RZSM data. Our findings contribute to providing a systematic evaluation of state-of-the-art large-scale SM products and insights on how to improve SM estimation. Future work is needed to extend our study to a European scale to increase the complexity of environmental properties of the ground reference field sites.

How to cite: Schmidt, T., Schrön, M., Li, Z., and Peng, J.: Intercomparison of current soil moisture products from remote sensing and modeling over COSMOS field sites in Germany, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-10336, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-10336, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Sooraj Krishnan and Indu Jayaluxmi

Soil Moisture (SM) remains one of the inevitable geophysical land surface variables, influencing climatological and hydrological fluxes that can control the interaction between Earth's surface and atmosphere. It is also a crucial land surface parameter indicating drought conditions in agricultural areas, significantly impacting agricultural production. The temperature vegetation dryness index (TVDI), a simplified surface dryness index based on vegetation index (VI) - land surface temperature (LST) triangle/trapezoidal spectral space, can monitor SM conditions in vegetation-covered areas.

The present study estimated a high-resolution temperature vegetation dryness index (TVDI) for assessing SM over the largest river basin in India, Ganga Basin. Triangular feature space between LST and VI is generated to obtain the dry and wet edges to calculate TVDI over the Ganga basin for three years (2017, 2018, and 2019). Two different TVDI were developed using two vegetation indices, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and enhanced vegetation index (EVI). Estimated TVDI is evaluated using ESA CCI SM product. The relation of subsurface SM with TVDI is investigated using GLDAS Noah LSM SM available at four different layer depths (0–10, 10–40, 40–100, and 100–200 cm).

The result shows that TVDI generated using EVI correlates better with SM than NDVI generated TVDI. The relationship between TVDI and SM was found to be closer in Summer (-0.49–0.62) than in post monsoon season. The applicability of TVDI in investigating SM at soil layer depth at 10-40 cm (r close to -0.6) was found to be better than that at depth 0-10 cm, especially during the summer season. The results reveal relevance of generated TVDI with satellite-derived information only, in SM monitoring and assessment, especially in the summer season, over the area of sparse in-situ SM network.

How to cite: Krishnan, S. and Jayaluxmi, I.: Land Surface Temperature/ Vegetation Index Space for Soil Moisture Assessment over Ganga Basin, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-3332, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-3332, 2022.