Innovative technologies using remote sensing data for water management applications


Innovative technologies using remote sensing data for water management applications
Convener: Ann van Griensven | Co-convener: Lluís Pesquer
| Fri, 27 May, 13:20–15:48 (CEST)
Room 2.17

Presentations: Fri, 27 May | Room 2.17

Chairpersons: Ann van Griensven, Lluís Pesquer
On-site presentation
M. Haris Ali, Ioana Popescu, Andreja Jonoski, and Dimitri Solomatine

To assess the capability of globally available satellite or remote sensed data products (GASRSDP) for distributed hydrological modelling and expedite their widespread uptake require a comprehensive knowledge-base related to their efficiency, temporal and spatial specifications and extents. Moreover, it is important to assess their performance in setting up hydrological models, their use as forcing data of models or for calibration, validation or evaluation of the model itself, along with an assessment of their limitation.

Hydrological models are the key tools for sustainable water management decision-making process. In order to capture the spatio-temporal variation in hydrological fluxes, the input data and representation of physical parameters in hydrological models plays an important role in their credibility. Models require rich amounts of data, which is mostly not readily available in data scare regions. The remotely sensed or satellite derived globally available data products are a vast and rich source of data with continuous addition to daily inventory. This data is widely in use for setting up hydrological models, their calibration, validation, evaluation and improvement.

Each day new data products are being released by different agencies. The scientific community is continuously mentioning the use of these data products in scientific articles. Present article does a systematic literature review of the articles over the last 5 years (2016 to 2021) in order to analyse the use of remote sensed / satellite globally available data products for detailed distributed hydrological modelling so that the progress in this context can be ascertain and future directions can be established. The review process was started by sourcing 179 articles from Scopus and 206 articles from Web of Science. After excluding the common and out of scope articles, the full analysis has been performed on about 100 articles. We conclude that the use of GASRSDP for the hydrological modelling of macro-scaled catchments has extensively explored and their performance is being evaluated by many authors while their worth for setting up physically based distributed hydrological model for catchment at meso-scale still need exploration, evaluation and assessments.

How to cite: Ali, M. H., Popescu, I., Jonoski, A., and Solomatine, D.: Review of scientific literature on the use of globally available remote sensed data products for distributed hydrological modelling., EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-10200, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-10200, 2022.

On-site presentation
Desalew Meseret Moges, Alexander Kmoch, and Evelyn Uuemaa

The lack of adequate and reliable gauge observations has long been a major obstacle for hydrological modeling. This study focuses on a comprehensive evaluation of hydrological applicability of satellite and reanalysis-based precipitation products (IMERG, ERA5, PERSIANN-CDR, SM2RASC, and CMORPH-CRT) in Porijõgi catchment, Estonia. The evaluations were carried out in two parts: 1) evaluating the quality of satellite and reanalysis-based precipitation products relative to gauge observations, 2) comparing gauge-simulated streamflow with satellite and reanalysis-based simulations using the SWAT model.  Results show reasonable variation in the detection capability of satellite and reanalysis-based precipitation products with further influence on the streamflow simulations. IMERG, ERA5, and PERSIANN-CDR show better detection capability for the monthly precipitation and demonstrated reliable performance in simulating the monthly streamflow. However, SM2RASC and CMORPH-CRT products have a common tendency to underestimate the gauged precipitation and fail to show satisfactory performance in streamflow simulation. Overall, our findings suggest that satellite and reanalysis-based precipitation products can be a priori alternative sources of precipitation data for hydrological applications in poorly gauged areas. However, along with the efforts to improve satellite and reanalysis-based precipitation products, it is important to develop more effective bias adjustment techniques at a daily scale.    

How to cite: Moges, D. M., Kmoch, A., and Uuemaa, E.: Application of satellite and reanalysis precipitation for hydrological modeling in data-scarce Porijõgi catchment, Estonia, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-6990, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-6990, 2022.

Presentation form not yet defined
Wim Thiery, Celray James Chawanda, Jeffrey Arnold, and Ann van Griensven

Calibration of large-scale models comes with several challenges. Among these challenges are the availability of observation data and the computational cost of running the calibration. As such, some large-scale models are not calibrated. Yet calibration of impact models is crucial, as Krysanova et al. (2018) concluded. A calibration strategy focusing on hydrological mass balance can reduce calibration computational costs and improve the model application while global remote sensed products provide data for large-scale applications. This study presents the Hydrological Mass Balance Calibration (HMBC) methodology for SWAT+. We test the method using a remotely sensed ET product (WaPOR). We also use flow data from the Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC) and compare projections made by the HMBC model and those without. We then apply the HMBC to a SWAT+ model for Africa. Results show that HMBC leads to improved simulation of discharge and evapotranspiration with fewer iterations than a full parameter calibration. Substantial spatial differences are also observed in projections made by the HMBC model compared to the uncalibrated model. Thus, it makes a difference if we apply HMBC. In addition, HMBC used with remotely sensed data can remedy some barriers to the calibration of hydrological models applied at large scales, as demonstrated by application to the Africa SWAT+ model.

How to cite: Thiery, W., Chawanda, C. J., Arnold, J., and van Griensven, A.: Use of Remote Sensed Products for Large-scale SWAT+ Model Calibration, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-13462, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-13462, 2022.

On-site presentation
Johannes Mitterer and Markus Disse

As the built-up areas extend and become denser with time, high-resolution land use and especially imperviousness data is of increasing importance, e.g., for detailed studies on settlement and landscape water retention to provide for extremes such as (flash) floods, heatwaves, and droughts.

The open-source COPERNICUS imperviousness density dataset covers 2006 until 2018 with a three-year timestep with incremental raster resolution (2018: ten meters). On the other hand, there is an accurate object-oriented cadastre dataset of German authorities called ATKIS. It describes the geometries of buildings and all types of traffic routes from airports to dirt roads with an increasing amount of attributes like shape, area, width, or material. While both datasets are very detailed, they have specific (dis-)advantages due to their very different data and surveying type.

We used the information stored in the ATKIS database of 2020 to create an alternative object-based imperviousness map of the German state Bavaria with roughly 70,000 km² to contrast and compare it with the COPERNICUS imperviousness density dataset of 2018 in several different (urban and rural) areas. We found that COPERNICUS indicates much higher imperviousness for densely settled areas as city centres and commercial and industrial zones and can describe even complex types of significant extent (such as golf courses, transhipment stations, and allot settlements) better. Vice versa, ATKIS could resolve even linear traffic elements in rural areas and detached house settlements to an outstanding level of detail, which COPERNICUS cannot afford due to its limited resolution. Both products cannot distinguish clearly between sealed concrete and loose stony material (e.g., from construction or mining sites), nor give indications on sub-surface water retention or sewage infrastructure.

Overall, we can name both methods' (dis-)advantages, relate them to surprisingly distinct land use classes, and give guidance, where additional object-oriented information can significantly improve COPERNICUS imperviousness data. Finally, the resulting maps highlight the hotspots of extreme building-independent imperviousness. They can serve as a tool to prioritize areal and building-centred measures to prevent large amounts of fast runoff.

How to cite: Mitterer, J. and Disse, M.: Remote sensing versus surveyed object-based cadastre data: Comparing the advantages of COPERNICUS imperviousness density and ATKIS data in Bavaria/Germany using GIS analysis, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-7477, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-7477, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Teodosio Lacava and Emanuele Ciancia

Agricultural production has been exposed to increased pressure in the latest years due to the combination of different factors. On one hand, indeed, there is an increasing demand for food due to the growth of the world population, on the other, some effects of climate changes, such as temperature increase and land degradation represent an evident threat for freshwater resources. In this context, implementing adequate and sustainably irrigation systems is fundamental, especially for semi-arid areas. The IDEWA (Irrigation and Drainage monitoring by remote sensing for Ecosystems and Water resources management) project, funded by the EU PRIMA program, aims at evaluating the whole performance of the irrigation process by developing innovative irrigation management tools based on readily available multi-sensor remote sensing data. Used input water and drained ones will be monitored together with other parameters (e.g. soil moisture, evapotranspiration, …) to evaluate their impact on downstream ecosystems in two study areas, namely the Ebro (Spain) and Tensift (Morocco) basins.

Among the different parameters considered, water quality variability between input and drained waters has been evaluated by using high-resolution satellite data,  acquired by the Multispectral Instrument (MSI) onboard SENTINEL-2 satellites and by the Operational Land Imager (OLI aboard Landsat-8). Two main in-water constituents, such as the chlorophyll-a (chl-a) and suspended particulate matter (spm) have been investigated. Different algorithms have been tested and assessed also for comparison with in-situ measurements collected during specific measurement campaigns. In this work, we analyzed water quality variability at the outlet of the Algerri-Balaguer irrigation district (within Ebro basin), an intensively irrigated area characterized by a dense network of drainage channels. The achieved results show that the chl-a and spm seasonal variability could be affected by agricultural and hydrological forcing, such as the use of fertilizers and water level variations/fluctuations.

How to cite: Lacava, T. and Ciancia, E.: Analysing water quality variability at the Algerri-Balaguer irrigation district (Ebro River basin, Spain), EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-3878, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-3878, 2022.

On-site presentation
Kyriakos Kandris, Evangelos Romas, Apostolos Tzimas, Ilias Pechlivanidis, Philipp Bauer, Klaus Joehnk, Mariano Bresciani, Claudia Giardino, Janet Anstee, Blake A. Schaeffer, and Maria-Antonietta Dessena

Phytoplankton blooms threaten aquatic ecosystems worldwide, with implications going beyond their apparent ecological aspects. Management solutions are needed to control the appearance of phytoplankton blooms and alleviate their impacts. Such solutions are supported by scientific results, many of which derive from modeling approaches.

Data-driven models are now routinely deployed for the short-term (day to weeks) forecasting of phytoplankton dynamics. Nonetheless, such data-oriented efforts are often plagued by two issues, i.e., the lack of sufficient data and interpretability. On one hand, insufficient data result in overfitting, which produces poorly generalizable models that are unreliable under extrapolating conditions. On the other hand, the lack of interpretability hinders the contribution of such models in decision-making, since acting upon model predictions relies heavily on understanding of the model hypothesis.

These two challenges motivated the present work, which aspired to investigate the suitability of multi-spectral satellite imagery as a source of phytoplankton-related data for the development of credible and accountable data-driven models. To this end, first, satellite-derived chlorophyll-a times series were created using Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 imagery and a physics-based modular inversion and processing system. Then, two machine learning algorithms, i.e. a Random Forest (RF) and a Gaussian Process (GP) regression algorithm, were trained to map hydrometeorological drivers to the satellite-derived chlorophyll-a time series.

The two algorithms were benchmarked against each other and against a naïve alternative, i.e., the persistence method, in terms of accuracy, uncertainty, and interpretability in three cases: (a) the mesotrophic Mulargia reservoir in Italy, (b) the hypereutrophic Harsha Lake in the USA, and (c) Lake Hume in Australia, a reservoir facing an increasing number of algal bloom events over the last 10 years.

Results indicate that both machine learning models forecasted surface phytoplankton dynamics more accurately compared to their naïve alternative up to ten days ahead in the future. It should be noted though that forecasting accuracy deteriorated with increasing forecasting windows, mostly due to the uncertainty of meteorological forecasts.

When the machine learning methods were compared to each other, the RF-based models were marginally better compared to their GP counterparts; they produced slightly more accurate and more certain chlorophyll-a predictions. RF-based models are also preferable in terms of interpretability. Their predictions unveiled specific patterns in hydrometeorological data that could explain phytoplankton dynamics in each case. On the contrary, it remained obscure how chlorophyll-a predictions were made by the GP regression models.

More importantly this work offers evidence supporting that multi-spectral satellite data allow for the development of theory-guided, data-driven models for the forecasting of phytoplankton dynamics in lakes and reservoirs.

How to cite: Kandris, K., Romas, E., Tzimas, A., Pechlivanidis, I., Bauer, P., Joehnk, K., Bresciani, M., Giardino, C., Anstee, J., Schaeffer, B. A., and Dessena, M.-A.: Assessing the suitability of multi-spectral satellite data for the development of data-driven models of phytoplankton dynamics in lakes and reservoirs, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-2209, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-2209, 2022.

Presentation form not yet defined
Wendi Wang, Eugenio Straffelini, and Paolo Tarolli

One of the important issues faced by human in 21st century is to meet the need of food particularly in the background of increasing population. Steep-slope agricultural landscapes are making a relevant contribution for food protection. To protect and mitigate the impact of more frequent rainfall events as well as improve the food production in, more researches about how to increase water resource efficiency and management is necessary. In addition, understanding the interactions between water management infrastructure and runoff process is a great concern on the sustainable development of steep-slope agricultural landscapes. Several researches focused on water and soil conservation measures aims at soil erosion control, while less studies were conducted to study on runoff trapping under different rainfall intensities and water managements measures through the remote sensing data. In this study, we simulated surface water flow under different rainfall events before and after the application of designed water storages network to search the best solution for water runoff mitigation and water conservation in steep-slope agricultural areas. In detail, our works focus on (1) to design the sustainable and cost-effective water management infrastructures to the study area; (2) to quantify the amount of water resource maintained by appropriate management measures; (3) to simulated the overflow in steep slope agricultural areas under different rainfall conditions using hydrologic model based on high-resolution topography derived by remote sense data, with the aims to test the impacts of designed water storages in saving water and mitigating runoff. The research results not only have theoretical significance, but also provide a more accurate example of the how to design the reliable water resource managements in steep slope agricultural areas under the background of climate change.

How to cite: Wang, W., Straffelini, E., and Tarolli, P.: Influence of water resource management on runoff trapping under different rainfall events based on remote sense technology in steep-slope agricultural landscapes, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-5092, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-5092, 2022.

On-site presentation
Saher Ayyad, Poolad Karimi, Matthias Langensiepen, Lars Ribbe, Lisa-Maria Rebelo, and Mathias Becker

Producing more food for a growing population requires sustainable crop intensification and diversification, particularly in high-potential areas such as the seasonal floodplain wetlands of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). With emerging water shortages and concerns for conserving these multi-functional wetlands, a further expansion of the cropland area must be avoided as it would entail increased use of blue water (surface and groundwater) for irrigation and infringe on valuable protected areas. We thus advocate an efficient use of the prevailing green water (plant-available water stored in the soil) on the existing cropland areas in seasonal floodplain wetlands, where small-scale farmers grow a single crop of rainfed lowland rice during the wet season. However, soil moisture at the onset of the rains (pre-rice niche) and residual soil moisture after rice harvest (post-rice niche) may suffice to cultivate short-cycled crops. We developed a methodological approach to analyze the potential for green water cultivation in the pre- and post-rice niches in the Kilombero Floodplain in Tanzania, as a representative case for seasonal floodplain wetlands in SSA. The three-step approach used open-access remote sensing datasets to: (i) extract cropland areas following a cross-comparison of multiple land cover products; (ii) analyze soil moisture conditions using evaporative stress indices to identify the pre- and post-rice niches (using MOD16A2GF potential (PET) and actual (AET) evapotranspiration products), and (iii) quantify the green water availability in the identified niches (using an ensemble mean of SSEBop and WaPOR to calculate AET).

Results showed that the WaPOR land cover product reliably identified cropland areas in Kilombero, followed by CGLS-LC, while ESA-CCI largely miss-captured the cropland extent and MCD12Q1 did not capture almost any cropland areas. Estimates of the AET ensemble mean product of 2.6 mm/day were comparable with previously reported values in Kilombero cropland (2.05–2.74 mm/day) and were correlated with NDVI (MOD13Q1) on the monthly basis (R2 = 0.58; p <0.05), demonstrating the good performance of the AET ensemble mean product. We further identified distinct patterns of green water being available both before and after the rice-growing period. Based on the analyses of evaporative stress indices, the pre-rice niche tended to be longer (~70 days with AET of 20–40 mm/10-day) but also more variable (inter-annual variability >30%) than the post-rice niche (~65 days with AET of 10–30 mm/10-day, inter-annual variability <15%). These findings confirm the large potential for cultivating short-cycled crops beyond the rice-growing period on at least 53% of the total cropland area. A wider application of the developed approach in this study can help identifying opportunities and guiding interventions towards establishing cropping intensification and diversification practices in floodplain wetlands in SSA. The uncertainties, limitations, and implications of the proposed approach are discussed.

How to cite: Ayyad, S., Karimi, P., Langensiepen, M., Ribbe, L., Rebelo, L.-M., and Becker, M.: Increasing cropping options in seasonal floodplain wetlands of sub-Saharan Africa: A remote-sensing approach for assessing available green water for cultivation, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-3982, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-3982, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Identifying and characterising cold water patches using UAS-based TIR and RGB imagery: methodological approaches
Roser Casas-Mulet, Johannes Kuhn, Joachim Pander, and Juergen Geist
Presentation form not yet defined
Isabel P. de Lima and Romeu Gerardo

The worldwide spread of invasive aquatic plants in freshwater environments often leads to serious environmental (including ecological and socio-economic) problems, which requires a deeper knowledge of the extent of infestations (in time and space), and the abundance and propagation rates of aquatic weeds in invaded water systems. In particular, water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) has become a threat to many aquatic environments: by presenting a rapid reproductive capacity; water hyacinth outcompetes other aquatic plant species, forming dense free-floating mats, which in many instances completely cover fresh-water surfaces. The infestation leads to several impacts that are hazardous to aquatic systems, disables human uses of surface waters, and affects hydraulic infrastructures (e.g., waterways, pumping stations). In general, the water hyacinth’s fast growth rate is explained, to a large extent, by eutrophication in water bodies.

This study explores the use of remote sensing tools to characterize the presence of water hyacinth in a river environment, aiming at new insights into the detection, observation, and mapping of this invasive plant using multispectral based vegetation indices and water indices, such as NDVI and NDWI. The study focuses on a small watercourse located in the downstream part of the Mondego River Valley, in Portugal. Multi-temporal data were acquired by multispectral satellite Sentinel-2; the data spatial resolution is 10 m. Results from this study show that the new generation sensors’ data have the potential to better detect the spatial distribution of invasive plant species and temporal dynamic changes in their incursion level, compared to data collected during (traditional) time costly ground-based surveys. The remote sensing approach provides a baseline to inform planners and decision-makers and a framework for developing water hyacinth management and important eradication strategies.

How to cite: P. de Lima, I. and Gerardo, R.: Analysis of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) infestation in a river branch using Sentinel-2 satellite data, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-6664, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-6664, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Brian Carthy, Jeroen Degerickx, Ben Somers, Guido Wyseure, and Eleazar Rufasto

Irrigation is the largest consumer of freshwater and irrigated lands contribute a significant proportion of total food production. These statements are often accompanied by figures illustrating inefficient water use in agriculture. Policy decisions concerning water in agriculture tend to reference efficiency as the principal metric assessing performance. We see this reflected in documents such as the United Nations Social Development Goal 6 target 4 which aims to “substantially increase water-use efficiency across all sectors”. Optimising the output from a limited resource is necessary, however, the true measure of irrigation efficiency has been widely debated, creating different approaches and interpretations. The typical avenue is techno-centric and can lead to an offhand dismissal of so-called ‘old’ lower-technology irrigation systems as wasteful and inefficient. Irrigation efficiency has become a powerful tool both in political discourse as well as marketing campaigns for irrigation equipment.

A majority of farms are family-run enterprises and do not have at their disposal the capital and expertise of large agro-industrial companies. Challenges they face at field level may not be overcome by upgrading traditional irrigation methods with higher technology systems. The complexity of large irrigation schemes as hydrosocial systems cannot be overstated and compound the challenges individual farmers may be experiencing, such as problems related to their position in a scheme or along the supply network. The head-end/tail-end effect is one situation where farmers further from the head-end of water supply find a disadvantage compared to their head-end neighbours.

This work aims to follow recent research in irrigation efficiency which encourages employing a wider ranging and more comprehensive framework of indicators of irrigation performance, looking beyond the purely technical irrigation efficiency perspective and across scales. Working toward this, field level crop performance knowledge gaps were addressed. Using a set of phenology, crop stress and biomass productivity indicators derived from high-resolution optical and thermal satellite imagery, we were able to reveal important spatial patterns among farmers’ fields which may be linked to the performance of the irrigation scheme.

The study looks at the arid Northern Peruvian coast where the 110,000 ha Chancay-Lambayeque Irrigation System is supplied by water from the Andes. A substantial reservoir buffers discharge in the Chancay river on which an offtake supplies a 65 km main canal with an initial construction over 1000 years ago. The scheme is owned and operated by several Water Users’ Associations and small farmers share the supply with agro-industrial enterprises upstream. In this climate of almost negligible precipitation, crop stress and seasonal biomass production may be good performance indicators for irrigation. The resolutions are 30 m for crop stress using Landsat-8 surface temperature data and 20 m for biomass productivity using Sentinel-2 derived fAPAR. A spatial pattern analysis alongside the irrigation canal network was based on these indicators aiming to elucidate how a farmer may be affected by their location relative to the supply network, the crop type grown on their own or a (upstream/downstream) neighbour’s field and the condition of supply (abundance/scarcity).  

How to cite: Carthy, B., Degerickx, J., Somers, B., Wyseure, G., and Rufasto, E.: Field level crop performance, farmer pressures and challenges in a large irrigation scheme, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-10297, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-10297, 2022.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Ann van Griensven, Lluís Pesquer
Presentation form not yet defined
Jude Lubega Musuuza, Louise Crochemore, and Ilias G. Pechlivanidis

Earth Observations (EO) have become popular in hydrology because they provide valuable information in locations where direct measurements are either unavailable or prohibitively expensive to make. Recent scientific advances have enabled the assimilation of EO’s into hydrological models to improve the estimation of initial states and fluxes which further leads to improved forecasting of different hydrometeorological variables. When assimilated, the data exert additional controls on the quality of the forecasts; it is hence important to apportion the effects according to model forcing and the assimilated data. Here, we investigate the impact of assimilating different EO and in itu data-sets individually and as combinations on the discharge and reservoir inflow estimations in the snow dominated Umeälven catchment in northern Sweden. We further assess the impact of the assimilations on seasonal predictions over the catchment. Six datasets are assimilated comprising of four EO products (fractional snow cover, snow water equivalent, and the actual and potential evapotranspiration) and two in situ datasets (discharge and reservoir inflow). For the latter investigation,  we drive the E-HYPE hydrological model with two meteorological forcings: (i) a down-scaled GCM product based on the bias-adjusted ECMWF SEAS5 seasonal forecasts, and (ii) historical meteorological data based on the Ensemble Streamflow Prediction (ESP) method. We finally assess the impacts of the meteorological forcing and the assimilated data on the streamflow and reservoir inflow seasonal forecasting skill for the period 2001-2015. We assessed the value of assimilating different data-sets and identified the datasets that can be meaningfully combined. We further show that all assimilations generally improve the forecasting skill but the improvement varies depending on the season and assimilated variable. The lead times until when the data assimilations influence the forecast quality are also different for different datasets and seasons; as an example, the impact from assimilating snow water equivalent persists for more than 20 weeks during the winter. We finally show that the assimilated datasets exert more control on the forecasting skill than the meteorological forcing, highlighting the importance of initial hydrological conditions for this snow-dominated river system.

How to cite: Musuuza, J. L., Crochemore, L., and Pechlivanidis, I. G.: The impact of assimilating Earth Observation and in situ data on seasonal hydrological predictions in a snow-dominated river system, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-1010, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-1010, 2022.

Presentation form not yet defined
Using Satellite Observations to Support Water Management in South India
Victoria Vanthof and Richard Kelly
Presentation form not yet defined
Lluís Pesquer, Cristina Domingo-Marimon, Annelies Broekman, Lucia De Stefano, and Miquel Ninyerola

Water availability is a limiting factor for many human activities and for the maintenance of ecosystems. Monitoring of water resources, as well as the impacts of water scarcity on human activities and natural ecosystems, is key for building adequate water management strategies. With this aim, different European and Worldwide organisations provide several datasets and services. However, do these services fit to the user needs and requirements?

This work focusses on the refinement of existing drought indexes for fitting users’ needs. We review the specifications and characteristics of drought related databases obtained from Copernicus, such as the European Drought Observatory (EDO) and the Global Drought Observatory (GDO) at Copernicus Emergency Management Service, tools produced by the United Nations - UNCCD Drought Toolbox- and other datasets provided by research centres such as CSIC or the Global SPEI database.

Climate services are obtained by tailoring the datasets to the needs and recommendations expressed by selected stakeholders representing different relevant sectors: agriculture, livestock, forestry, biodiversity, etc. and different professional profiles: decisions makers on water management strategies, managers of protected areas, farmers, etc. Thanks to innovative settings, such as living lab frameworks, stakeholders are enabled to co-design the new drought services proposed, as well as helping to improve the indexes through sharing the evaluation of their usability and impact when implemented in real-life decision taking processes.

The new drought related information products and services obtained through co-production, contribute to improve

  • the spatial resolution requirements of the involved climate variables (mainly temperature and precipitation) by remote sensing products (i.e. land surface temperature, vegetation indexes, etc.)  through downscaling techniques of the existing drought databases
  • the coherence between these derived remote sensing products and the existing in-situ observations
  • the usability of climate services for decision making

The living lab framework underpinning this study is located in the Guadalquivir River Basin, in the northern part of the region of Andalusia, Spain, particularly vulnerable to drought impacts. Results will help improving mitigation and adaptation measures to reduce the vulnerability to different drought scenarios forecasted for the upper and middle parts of the Basin.

How to cite: Pesquer, L., Domingo-Marimon, C., Broekman, A., De Stefano, L., and Ninyerola, M.: Co-designing climate services for drought management in the Guadalquivir River Basin, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-13425, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-13425, 2022.

Presentation form not yet defined
Silvan Ragettli, Lorenzo De Simone, William Ouellette, and Tobias Siegfried

The unprecedented availability of free and open Earth Observations (EO) data and accessibility to free and low-cost cloud computing provide the ideal conditions for implementing scalable solutions for improved agriculture monitoring and agricultural water management that can be used in operational contexts. However, the uptake of EO data in National Statistics Offices is still limited, especially in developing countries. The main reason for this is the common lack in countries of sufficient and high quality of in-situ data which is required to provide ground truth information for the training of the classification algorithms and for validation of crop maps.

In this context, FAO in partnership with hydrosolutions ltd have developed a user-friendly platform (named EOSTAT CropMapper) for high resolution mapping of crop types at country-scale using earth observations. All processing steps are implemented in Google Earth Engine. The system provides smooth access to crop maps, crop statistics and irrigation water requirements and works in three different contexts of in-situ data availability:

  • Scenario 1: a large and accurate in-situ data is available. The system relies on a traditional Random Forest (RF) classifier.
  • Scenario 2: a limited amount of in-situ data is available. The system relies on the use of a Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm to classify pixels into crop types based on only a few reference samples per crop type that represent the characteristic phenologies.
  • Scenario 3: no in-situ data is available. The system relies on K-means clustering to map clusters of crop pixels. Subsequently the user is requested to associate each cluster to a crop label based on his expert knowledge.

In this contribution we present an overview of the methodology, of the functionalities of the tool and the architecture, and we provide results of the mapping workflow and the accuracy measures. The system has been first deployed in Afghanistan, but can be easily transferred to any place where samples of geotagged crop type information are available. Here we present an implementation of the EOSTAT CropMapper for Kashkadarya Region in Uzbekistan and an accuracy assessment of the crop type classification based on a dataset of ground-truth data (Remelgado et al., 2020). The reference ground-truth dataset consists of 2’172 crop type samples collected in the year 2018.

We demonstrate that the crop classification with DTW based on few carefully checked training samples can outperform conventional RF classification with at least two times more samples. With five times more training samples, RF outperforms DTW in terms of overall accuracy. The main condition for obtaining good results with DTW is a comprehensive quality assurance and quality control of the training data points. While the full ground-truth dataset consists of 2’172 samples, we used only 40-80 samples to train the DTW algorithm. It is understood that the quality assurance and control of such small samples sizes requires less time and is a more cost effective solution. RF is less sensitive to noise in the training data, and a large training data set can compensate the mistakes in the labeling of the ground-truth data.

How to cite: Ragettli, S., De Simone, L., Ouellette, W., and Siegfried, T.: A user friendly web-based solution for crop mapping for different contexts of in-situ data availability, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-7990, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-7990, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Tagne Dzukam Brice, Thomas Hermans, Gouet Daniel Hervé, Ndougsa Mbarga Theophile, and Njueya kopa Adoua

Crystalline basement formations are originally without any hydrogeological potential  due to the poor primary porosity of rocks that they content. Therefore, finding productive zones of groundwater in those area becomes possible by a better knowledge of fracturing. The mapping of linear features on remotely sensed data is one of the keys to understand groundwater occurrence, in those area. For that purpose, The extraction of lineaments is a preliminary step in the selection of favorable sites for exploration of basement aquifers. The purpose of this work is to study the hydraulic role of the major lineaments of the Mayo-Banyo department (Adamawa Region, Cameroon) in the productivity of the boreholes through the analysis of the correlation between the productivity parameters of the high flow boreholes and the proximity to the major lineaments associated with other productivity index parameters such as topography, drilling depth, proximity to the nearest fracture node, lineament density and alteration thickness, and to suggest favorable areas for future hydraulic surveys. The application of the Canny filter and the shaded relief respectively on the Landsat 8 and SRTM image of the study area shows after statistical analysis a good correlation between the two methods in view of the obtained directional rosettes for lineaments. The main directions of the extracted lineaments are N-S, NNE-SSW and NNW-SSE. The NNE-SSW direction as indicated by several structural studies carried out in the region corresponds to the orientation of the D1 phase of tangential tectonics that the region underwent. The correlation analysis between the productivity of high flow boreholes (Q> 5 m3/h) and the proximity to major lineaments (L> 5km) of the NNE-SSW directional class shows a positive and relatively significant correlation (0.41). This result shows that the productivity of the boreholes in the department is influenced by the proximity to the main fracture directions. In addition, the analyses also show a combined effect of lineament density, topography (slope), borehole depth and alteration thickness on the productivity of high flow boreholes. The northeast and west of the study area have a greater density of lineaments. These areas would have been affected by greater structural deformation and therefore may have a higher potential for groundwater infiltration due to a greater density of lineaments that serve as weaving. Therefore, more local analysis with geophysical data in those areas should help to better locate future wells. 
Keywords: lineaments, basement aquifers, Mayo-Banyo.

How to cite: Brice, T. D., Hermans, T., Daniel Hervé, G., Theophile, N. M., and Adoua, N. K.: Estimating the productivity of boreholes in fractured crystalline basement using lineaments extracted from remote sensing data, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-12908, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-12908, 2022.