Modern challenges and approaches to modeling subsurface flow and transport across multiple scales


Modern challenges and approaches to modeling subsurface flow and transport across multiple scales
Convener: Monica Riva | Co-conveners: Daniel Fernandez-Garcia, Alberto Guadagnini, Chiara Recalcati, Xavier Sanchez-Vila
| Tue, 24 May, 13:20–15:55 (CEST)
Room 2.31

Presentations: Tue, 24 May | Room 2.31

Chairpersons: Chiara Recalcati, Xavier Sanchez-Vila, Alberto Guadagnini
On-site presentation
Chiara Recalcati, Martina Siena, Monica Riva, and Alberto Guadagnini

Mineral dissolution/precipitation reactions are critical in several contexts (e.g., geologic sequestration of CO2 or reservoir hydraulic fracturing). High-resolution imaging techniques such as Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) allow direct observation of the (nanometer-scale) evolution of the crystal topography during the reaction, thus enhancing our knowledge on the various dissolution mechanisms occurring at the liquid-solid interface. These mechanisms are imprinted onto the highly heterogeneous patterns observed and are originated from the presence of inhomogeneities and defects in the mineral lattice, resulting in a broad range of local reaction rate values. We rely on a multimodal Gaussian model to capture the spatial heterogeneity of dissolution rates from AFM (in-situ and in real time) topography measurements collected on calcite samples subject to dissolution at far from equilibrium conditions. We resort to an imaging segmentation technique to cluster reaction rate data into regions associated with diverse dissolution mechanisms and relate each region to a component of the Gaussian mixture. We analyze the temporal trend of model parameters to provide quantitative insights on the dynamic evolution of the spatial heterogeneity of dissolution rate.

How to cite: Recalcati, C., Siena, M., Riva, M., and Guadagnini, A.: Stochastic modeling of the multimodal behavior of spatially heterogeneous calcite dissolution rate at the nanoscale, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-1129, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-1129, 2022.

On-site presentation
Laura Ceresa, Alberto Guadagnini, Giovanni Porta, Monica Riva, Xavier Sánchez-Vila, and Paula Rodriguez-Escales

Drinking water resources and the associated delicate aquatic ecosystem are threatened by several contaminants. Diclofenac poses major concerns due to its persistent nature and frequent detection in groundwater. Despite some evidences of its biodegradability under reducing conditions, Diclofenac attenuation is often interpreted through geochemical models which are too simplified, thus potentially biasing the extent of its degradation. In this context, we suggest a modeling framework based on the conceptualization of the molecular mechanisms of Diclofenac biodegradation which we then embed in a stochastic context. The latter enables one to quantify predictive uncertainty. Biotic and denitrifying reference conditions are taken from a set of available batch experiments that evidence the occurrence of a reversible degradation pathway. Our model is subject to stochastic calibration through Acceptance-Rejection Sampling. The associated results fully embed uncertainty quantification and support the recalcitrance of Diclofenac in groundwater. Our results show that data scarcity and/or redundant model parametrization seem to deteriorate the quality of some parameter estimates, a feature that appears to be associated with the degree of information contained in the available dataset, which is addressed towards specific model processes. We then address the issue by reducing the complexity of the model and embed the resulting formulations within a multi-model context. The resulting models are calibrated through a Maximum Likelihood approach assisted by modern sensitivity analyses techniques, the performance of each candidate model being then assessed (in a relative sense) through classic model identification criteria. Our results suggest that an optimal trade-off in terms of model complexity (i.e., level of parametrization) given data availability can be assessed to satisfactorily interpret the system dynamics.

How to cite: Ceresa, L., Guadagnini, A., Porta, G., Riva, M., Sánchez-Vila, X., and Rodriguez-Escales, P.: Quantification of Predictive Uncertainty for Reversible Degradation of Diclofenac under Biotic, Denitrifying Redox Conditions, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-2140, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-2140, 2022.

Presentation form not yet defined
Johannes Ehrendorfer, Miguel Anchel Marazuela, Klaus Erlmeier, Giovanni Formentin, Georg Seidl, and Thilo Hofmann

Fluvio-glacial aquifers in subalpine quaternary basins are global sources of drinking water.
Water works need to consider the geological framework of such aquifers to optimize 
groundwater management. This can be achieved by developing 3D geological models, which 
act as powerful tools for aquifer visualization and estimation of hydraulic properties. In recent 
years 3D geological modeling has emerged as an asset to sustainable groundwater management. 
However, the implementation of such models is no trivial task and requires expert geological 
knowledge. In this study a 3D geological model is developed for a subalpine quaternary basin,
that provides drinking water to a major city. The relationship between aquifer geometry and 
heterogeneity, preferential flow paths, and observed hydraulic and hydrochemical trends is
investigated. A database consisting of around 300 bore logs as well as geophysical, hydraulic
and hydrochemical data provides the foundation for the 3D geological model. The software 
package Leapfrog Works is employed to create the model. The resulting model depicts the 
complexity of the fluvio-glacial stratigraphy and the hydrogeological units of the study area 
and demonstrates the retarding effect that glacial terraces can have on flood wave propagation 
in aquifers. It allows the assessment of total groundwater volume and areas of low hydraulic 
conductivity. Our understanding of aquifer interconnectivity and constraints imposed on 
groundwater flow in fluvio-glacial quaternary sediment basins is improved. As such, 
recommendations for future groundwater explorations in subalpine basins are provided.

How to cite: Ehrendorfer, J., Marazuela, M. A., Erlmeier, K., Formentin, G., Seidl, G., and Hofmann, T.: 3D geological modelling of fluvio-glacial aquifers to improve water work operations, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-2288, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-2288, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Sidian Chen, Jiamin Jiang, and Bo Guo

Multiphase fluid flow and multicomponent transport in porous media are often controlled by thermodynamic phase change dynamics. In a nanometer-scale pore space, the phase behavior of a multicomponent fluid deviates from that in a larger pore space (i.e., micrometer or greater)—the pressure and temperature at which the fluid begins to evaporate or condensate in nanopores can significantly differ from those in large pores. This pore size-dependent phase change behavior is further complicated in natural nanoporous media (e.g., clay soil or shale rock) that often contain a significant fraction of interconnected pores spanning from nanometers to micrometers. While the nanoconfined phase behavior in a single nanopore has been extensively studied by molecular-level theories, the new molecular-level understanding has not yet been incorporated in Darcy-scale continuum models.

We address this challenge of scale translation by developing a new pore-network-scale modeling framework for flow, transport, and thermodynamics in nanoporous media. The new modeling framework is comprised of 1) a phase-equilibrium model that accounts for the pore-size and -geometry dependent nanoconfinement effects and 2) a fully implicit dynamic pore-network model framework coupling the individual-pore nanoconfined phase-equilibrium model with the two-phase compositional flow. This framework for the first time allows us to investigate the interactions between compositional flow dynamics and nanoconfined phase behaviors at an REV-scale, which we will illustrate by a series of numerical experiments on complex networks with pores varying in size, geometry, and wettability.

How to cite: Chen, S., Jiang, J., and Guo, B.: Compositional two-phase flow and phase behavior in nanoporous media: pore-level physics, pore-network modeling, and upscaling, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-7058, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-7058, 2022.

On-site presentation
The effect of soil structure variability on mixing-limited reactions in the rhizosphere
Efstathios Diamantopoulos and Christopher Vincent Henri
On-site presentation
Radhakrishna Bangalore Lakshmiprasad, Thomas Graf, Fan Zhang, Xiong Xiao, and Ethan T Coon

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP), also known as the “Water tower of Asia”, is threatened by climate warming. Climate warming leads to permafrost degradation, which in turn affects the natural and man-made environment. Permafrost is defined as ground where temperatures remain at or below 0°C for a minimum period of two consecutive years. Near-surface atmospheric processes give rise to seasonal thawing and freezing of permafrost. The thawing promotes groundwater movement because of the increase in liquid water content and hydraulic conductivity. The pore water phase change from ice to liquid also causes variation in the thermal parameters of the soil leading to non-linear coupled processes. Therefore, complex interactions exist between hydraulic and thermal surface and subsurface processes.

Numerical models are useful tools to study coupled processes. Model complexity arises as several physical processes need to be considered, especially due to the presence of permafrost. The amount of input data, parameters, boundary conditions and hence the difficulty increases as the number of physical processes increases. The main aim of this research work is to therefore conduct a comparison study of three modelling scenarios: (i) Coupled subsurface flow and energy transport with ice content, (ii) including coupled surface flow and surface energy balance to scenario (i), (iii) including snow component to scenario (ii). The Advanced Terrestrial Simulator (ATS) and Parameter ESTimation (PEST) codes were applied for simulation and calibration, respectively. The near-surface temperature and moisture measurements from a meteorological station at QTP were used for calibration. Results show that all three models have good agreement with the measurement dataset, however scenario (i) exhibited the best performance in terms of both matching the measured data and representative literature parameter values. Future work will focus on predicting permafrost behavior under various climate change scenarios.

How to cite: Bangalore Lakshmiprasad, R., Graf, T., Zhang, F., Xiao, X., and Coon, E. T.: A comparison study of process complexity in permafrost dominated regions, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-7266, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-7266, 2022.

On-site presentation
Klaus Erlmeier, Miguel Angel Marazuela, Giovanni Formentin, Robert Bruenjes, and Thilo Hofmann

Bank filtration is widely used for drinking water production around the world. Due to the general composition of river water and the possibility of direct anthropogenic inputs, it is of great importance to understand the interaction between river and groundwater as well as the subsurface flow conditions. These can alter with increased runoff during flood events. Higher gradients between the surface water and groundwater, enlarged infiltration zones or the removal of colmation layers can lead to elevated infiltration rates and thus to changes in the river aquifer system. Due to often high hydraulic permeabilities and the potential spatial proximity between the river and the extraction system, short dwell times may therefore occur. Additionally, associated with stormwater runoff of wastewater treatment plants, higher contamination risks can therefore be expected in the extraction system during flood events.

In our investigations, we use a regional three-dimensional numerical groundwater model to help prevent changes in the quality of the extracted water through optimized operational management. However, the need to predict the flow paths between the river and the water work with maximum precision makes it necessary to complement the regional model with high resolution local models. To better capture vertical heterogeneities constraining local flow paths, a two-dimensional vertical model following the direction of maximum contribution of bank filtration to the water work was additionally created using FEFLOW 7.5 (DHI). Along this transect, the X-ray contrast agent gadolinium was sampled for use as a conservative anthropogenic tracer at different depths.

The sampling of gadolinium every 12 hours during a minor flood event showed a weekly, wastewater-influenced signal in the surface water, which could also be followed in the transect. This signal, together with 222Rn tracer ages, complements the time-resolved observations of groundwater levels to calibrate the vertical distribution of hydraulic parameters of the two-dimensional mass transport model. These are supposed to improve the conceptual regional model to ultimately optimize the operation of the waterworks and allow the extraction of the groundwater with the best possible quality.

How to cite: Erlmeier, K., Marazuela, M. A., Formentin, G., Bruenjes, R., and Hofmann, T.: Determination of the vertical distribution of hydraulic parameters using gadolinium as an anthropogenic tracer and inverse modelling, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-7279, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-7279, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Shan Wang, Leonardo C. Ruspini, Pål-Eric Øren, Stefanie Van Offenwert, and Tom Bultreys

Image-based pore-scale modeling is an important method to study multiphase flow in permeable rocks. However, many rocks have pore size distribution that are so wide that they cannot be resolved in a single pore-space image. The accurate identification and characterization of this sub-resolution porosity have received extensive attention, due to its crucial impact on porosity and permeability estimation. To date, several modeling methods incorporate this information to improve the simulation of multiphase flow in complex rocks. The challenge is that the microporosity’s flow properties are difficult to characterize in images, and to include in models, of representative volumes. In this study, a novel sub-rock typing method was proposed to better characterize and classify microporous regions in rock samples, and to reduce the uncertainty of image-based pore-scale modeling of such samples. To this end, we performed capillary drainage experiments with brine and decane on two water-wet rock samples (Estaillades limestone and Luxembourg sandstone). Laboratory-based Micro-CT was used to image intricate pore structures and fluid occupancy changes at controlled capillary pressure steps during drainage. We proposed a novel workflow to generate 3D, micrometer-scale capillary pressure maps, which we combined with porosity maps to classify zones of microporosity types (sub-rock types). This was used to extract multi-scale pore network models and perform multiphase flow simulations. We found that the new approach yielded a good match with macroscopic experimental measurements, and significantly improved the prediction accuracy of the fluid distributions on a pore-by-pore basis. The results illustrate the importance of characterizing microporosity for simulations in heterogeneous rocks. The workflow can be applied to other complex geological porous rocks to improve modeling and simulation of subsurface multiphase flow.

How to cite: Wang, S., Ruspini, L. C., Øren, P.-E., Van Offenwert, S., and Bultreys, T.: Sub-rock typing and its influence on pore-scale, image-based simulations of multiphase flow in complex geological rocks, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-8053, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-8053, 2022.

On-site presentation
Evgeny Shavelzon and Yaniv Edery

Dissolution and precipitation processes in reactive transport in porous rocks play an important role in many contexts, such as geological CO2 storage, reactive contaminant transport, and acid injection in petroleum reservoirs. They are responsible for wormholing and alteration of the rock and transport characteristics due to feedback between the geochemical and the transport processes. A critical aspect of studying reactive transport is the influence of Peclet number on a coupled reactive process, which aims to understand the contributions of advection and diffusion as the two main transport mechanisms.

Our study investigates the influence of Peclet number on dissolution and precipitation processes in a porous calcite matrix due to reaction with the incoming low-pH flow using a particle tracking (Lagrangian) approach. The coupled reactive process is simulated in a series of computational analyses that capture the subtleties of the multiple scale heterogeneity phenomena, such as anomalous (non-Fickian) transport.

Our results show that reaction is manifested most significantly for small Peclet numbers, thus signifying the importance of diffusion in mixing processes that facilitate the reaction and increase the heterogeneity of the porous media. The evolution of the field heterogeneity due to reaction follows a similar trait, which is indirectly supported by fractal dimension estimation. Related to the field heterogeneity is the Shannon entropy, which is considered as a measure of the self-organization of the flow.

How to cite: Shavelzon, E. and Edery, Y.: Modeling of Reactive Transport in Porous Rock: Influence of Peclet Number, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-8059, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-8059, 2022.

On-site presentation
Yingzhi Qian, Yan Zhu, and Alberto Guadagnini

A variety of algorithms have been proposed to cope with issues associated with local refinements of numerical grids typically employed to cope with subsurface flow driven by sources acting on diverse scales (e.g., pumping wells, channels or ditches or abrupt changes in hydraulic conductivity distributions). In this context, here we focus on grid refinement associated with nonmatching grids, which still pose significant challenges in terms of accuracy. We propose a numerical modeling scheme based on a new algorithm that has an improved accuracy when compared against approaches that are typically used in conjunction with nonmatching grids. Our approach is based on the vertex-centred finite-volume method (VCFVM), the key feature of the algorithm resting on setting all unknowns on vertices of the mesh elements while the flux crossing a lateral surface of the control volume centred around a mesh vertex is expressed as a function of the hydraulic heads at the vertices of the element containing the lateral surface. A given row of the stiffness matrix of the system includes the entries associated with mass conservation formulated for the control volume associated with a corresponding grid node. Since the algorithm sets all unknowns on element vertices and a control volume can be defined for each vertex, our scheme readily embeds treatment of nonmatching grids in the presence of local grid refinement. Hydraulic heads evaluated through our algorithm are benchmarked against (a) results obtained from the widely used and tested MODFLOW and MODFLOW6 groundwater modeling suites in the presence of a variety of boundary conditions and considering high resolution matching (for MODFLOW) and nonmatching (for MODFLOW6) grids, and (b) a test analytical solution. Our results show that the average value of relative root mean square error (RRMSE) resulting from comparing our approach against the analytical solution and the MODFLOW simulations performed on the highly resolved grid (which we consider as reference) was always lower than 0.50%, thus imbuing us with confidence with respect to the accuracy of our proposed scheme. Additionally, while the requirement of CPU time associated with our algorithm is of the same order (on average) as the one associated with MODFLOW6 (benefits being noted mainly for settings involving flow in confined groundwater scenarios), our scheme is highly flexible in terms of spatial discretization and is characterized by higher accuracy for a given discretization.

How to cite: Qian, Y., Zhu, Y., and Guadagnini, A.: An improved Local Grid-Refined Numerical Groundwater Model Based on the Vertex-centred Finite-Volume Method, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-8082, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-8082, 2022.

On-site presentation
Philipp Selzer, Jonas Allgeier, René Therrien, and Olaf A. Cirpka

Particle tracking is the most direct and a computationally efficient method to determine travel times and trajectories in subsurface flow modeling. Accurate and consistent particle tracking requires element-wise mass conservation and conforming velocity fields, which ensure continuity of the normal-flow component on element boundaries. These conditions are not met by standard finite-element-type methods. Despite this shortcoming, finite-element-type methods are often used in subsurface flow modeling because they continuously approximate the potential-head field and can easily handle unstructured grids and full material tensors. Acknowledging these advantages and the wide-spread use of finite-element-type models in subsurface flow simulations, we present a novel postprocessing technique that reconstructs a cell-centered finite-volume approximation from a finite-element-type primal solution of the variably-saturated subsurface flow equation to obtain conforming, mass-conservative fluxes. Using the resulting velocity fields, we derive a semi-analytical, parallelized particle tracking scheme applicable to triangular prisms, which leads to consistent and mass-conservative trajectories and associated travel times. Compared to other postprocessing schemes, our flux reconstruction is stable, robust, and fast as it only solves a linear elliptic problem on the order of the number of elements, whereas the original flow problem was transient and non-linear. The methods are implemented as postprocessing codes and linked to the finite-element-type code HydroGeoSphere, but could also be linked to any other software yielding a solution of variably saturated flow in porous media on triangular prisms. The postprocessing codes can handle catchment-scale models including heterogeneous materials, geometries, and boundary conditions, and facilitate to track a million particles through a catchment in just a few minutes on a Standard-PC in Matlab. The approach is described by Selzer et al. (2021).

How to cite: Selzer, P., Allgeier, J., Therrien, R., and Cirpka, O. A.: Finite-Volume Flux Reconstruction and Semi-Analytical Particle Tracking for Finite-Element-Type Models of Variably Saturated Flow in Porous Media, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-8636, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-8636, 2022.

Presentation form not yet defined
The effect of chemistry on the transport of silica encapsulated DNA magnetite microparticles in saturated porous media
Ahmed Mahmoud, Jan Willem Foppen, and Thom Bogaard
Coffee break
Chairpersons: Chiara Recalcati, Xavier Sanchez-Vila, Alberto Guadagnini
On-site presentation
Boris Lora, Luis Silva, Eduardo Castro, and Leonardo Donado

The characterization of the inherent heterogeneity of aquifer systems on a regional scale represents one of the main challenges in the study of groundwater, especially when there are uncertainties associated with the scarcity of hydrogeological information (Maliva, 2016).

Based on the implementation of a numerical hydrogeological model in a regional scale, the objective of this study was to characterize the most recent geological formations which have the greatest hydrogeological potential in the Middle Magdalena Valley (VMM) in Colombia. The VMM is bounded by the Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes and the Bucaramanga-Santa Marta fault to the east and the San Lucas Mountain range and the Central Cordillera to the west. This is considered one of the main hydrogeological basins in the country, in which a high potential of hydrocarbon production from the exploitation of unconventional deposits has also been identified (Sarmiento et al., 2015; Londoño, 2019).  For these reasons, the groundwater management, based on the characterization of this hydro system, has a national interest.

In this study the characterization of the heterogeneity was approached from the estimation of hydraulic parameters by solving the inverse problem by means of a hydrogeological model on a regional scale (Carrera et al., 2005; Zhou et al., 2014). For this, 153 pumping tests were carried out and interpreted, allowing to parameterize the model in seven iso-conductivity zones. Also 12,383 discrete static level data were measured and collected in 19 years -time window and they were used in the calibration process. Furthermore, three field campaigns for measuring in-situ parameters (electrical conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, and temperature) were performed they served to enhance the conceptual model.

Based on this, variations in hydraulic conductivities were identified on a regional scale for each iso-conductivity zone, fluctuating by four (4) orders of magnitude. The main flow direction was in the south-north, parallel to the Andes cordillera and therefore to the Magdalena River, and with some minor local flows perpendicular to them, producing important outflows from the system in permanent lentic water bodies in the north. The results of the research are encouraging, but at a regional scale they still do not allow to have a high resolution of the heterogeneity of the hydro system models for decision making, so it is suggested to implement stochastic models at a regional scale and to construct multi-purpose groundwater monitoring networks in this basin.

The researcher thanks the MEGIA Research Project, Contingent Recovery Contract FP44842-157-2018 funded by Minciencias and the National Hydrocarbons Agency.

How to cite: Lora, B., Silva, L., Castro, E., and Donado, L.: Characterization of spatial heterogeneity in sedimentary aquifer systems at regional scale by using hydrogeological modeling: A case study of the Middle Magdalena Valley basin - Colombia., EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-10680, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-10680, 2022.

On-site presentation
Ping Wang, Yong Huang, Alberto Guadagnini, and Xiang Zhao

Immiscible displacement of fluids across fractures with spatially variable aperture is key in several subsurface processes, including enhanced oil recovery and geological CO2 sequestration. We illustrate the results of an experimental investigation campaign focused on qualitative and quantitative assessment of main features associated with single and multiphase flow in a single fracture, including, e.g., an appraisal of the geometrical parameters of the fracture and the distribution and dynamic characteristics of fluids.
Experiments are performed on fracture replicas reproduced from natural rock blocks, that are artificially split by steer wedges under normal load. Two fracture replicas are then considered, corresponding to (a) a sample molded with synthetic material after the rock sample and (b) the actual rock sample, respectively. This enables one to provide a first appraisal of the impact of the material constituting the wall of the fracture on the multiphase flow system behavior. A transparent upper wall is set in place to enable visualization.
Surface profiles of the fracture are collected, comprising a set of more than 400,000 data of aperture distribution to create a digital twin of the system. These data are first subject to detailed statistical characterization, including standard geostatistical and fractal-based approaches. Experimental data of flow are quantitatively correlated to the key statistical features characterizing fracture geometry under various flow rates and normal loading conditions. Temporal monitoring of fluid saturation distribution enable us to provide a preliminary assessment of the impact of the material constituting the fracture wall (e.g., in terms of its wettability) on fluid saturation distribution.

How to cite: Wang, P., Huang, Y., Guadagnini, A., and Zhao, X.: Visualization and quantification of single and multiphase flow in a rough fracture, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-11193, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-11193, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Yaniv Edery and Avioz Dagan

Darcy scale transport in porous media ranges between Fickian and non-Fickian according to the medium conductivity layout, which ranges between homogenous and heterogeneous. Yet, evidence shows that preferential flows that funnel and bypass even areas with high conductivity occur in heterogeneous and homogenous cases. We model the Darcy scale transport using a 2D conductivity field ranging from homogenous to heterogeneous and find that these preferential flow bifurcate, leaving voids where particles do not invade while forming a tortuous path. The fraction of bifurcations decreases downflow and reaches an asymptotical value, which scales as a power-law with the heterogeneity level. We show that the same power-law scaling holds for the void fraction, tortuosity, and fractal dimension analysis. We conclude that the scaling with the heterogeneity is the dominant feature in the preferential flow geometry, which will lead to variations in weighting times for the transport and eventually to anomalous transport.

How to cite: Edery, Y. and Dagan, A.: Bifurcating-Paths: the relation between preferential flow bifurcations, void, and tortuosity on the Darcy scale., EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-11340, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-11340, 2022.

On-site presentation
Malik Dawi and Xavier Sanchez-Vila

Biologically mediated degradation of organic compounds is heavily non-linear. When an organic compound is degraded part of the carbon is present in the form of metabolite while a fraction of it is used to increase the biomass, capable then to enhance the degradation process. The rate of biomass growth is usually modeled with the experimentally derived Monod equation, so that it is proportional to the actual existing biomass multiplied by a non-linear factor in terms of available organic matter. The non-linearity in the degradation equation implies a strong difficulty in directly implementing a numerical solution within a Lagrangian framework. Thus, numerical solutions have traditionally been sought in an Eulerian framework.

Here we pursue a fully Lagrangian solution to the problem. First, the Monod empirical equation is derived from a two-step reaction ( B+C → k1 BC → k2 B +  ΔB + P); while the approach is less general to other derivations existing in the literature, it allows two things: (1) providing some physical meaning to the actual parameters in Monod equation, and more interestingly (2) formulate a methodology for the solution of the degradation equation incorporating Monod kinetics by means of a particle tracking formulation. For the latter purpose, reactants and biomass are represented by particles, and their location at any given time is represented by a kernel that includes the uncertainty in the actual physical location. By solving the reaction equation in a kernel framework, we can reproduce the Monod kinetics and, as a particular result in the case of no biomass growth is allowed, the Michaelis–Menten kinetics. We show how the method is successfully applied to reproduce two studies of microbially induced degradation. First, the observed kinetics of Pseudomonas putida F1 in batch reactors while growing on benzene, toluene and phenol, and second, the column study of carbon tetrachloride biodegradation by the denitrifying bacterium Pseudomonas Stutzeri KC.


How to cite: Dawi, M. and Sanchez-Vila, X.: Modeling biodegradation and growth of microorganisms via particle tracking, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-11821, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-11821, 2022.

Presentation form not yet defined
Alexandre Puyguiraud, Tanguy Le Borgne, and Joris Heyman

Recent studies have shown that chaotic advection is spontaneously produced by laminar flows through granular media such as bead packs, strongly impacting solute mixing rates. This has strong implications for many reactive and biological processes in the subsurface. Chaotic dynamics could also be key in a wide range of environmental and industrial applications driven by mixing. Beside granular media, there is still no evidence that chaos broadly arises in the large variety of porous architectures that exist. In particular, it is unknown how the pore structure and topology can control chaotic dynamics.
In this study, we numerically investigate the mixing behavior of solute for a wide range of natural and engineered porous material that goes from carbonates and sandstones to beadpacks. We quantify chaotic advection by measuring Lagrangian stretching statistics (Lyapunov exponent) and its impact on mixing by estimating the decay of solute concentration variance. We find that stretching and mixing rates vary significantly between the different classes of porous architectures. A simple topological model is proposed to explain this behavior.

How to cite: Puyguiraud, A., Le Borgne, T., and Heyman, J.: Chaotic mixing in laminar flows through rocks, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-13055, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-13055, 2022.
